2006.3.29 催Visa信Dear Sir, I am an applicant of Skilled Worker immigration to Canada. Up to now I have passed the Language Test and submitted all of the materials according to your requirement. And my case status is 12, that is, "File is under review". At present I wish you can speed up for my case because of my special situation as the follows: 1. I am absolutely eligible to become an immigrant to Canada. In year 1997 I got Master degree. And this July I will obtain my PhD degree. Before I started my doctoral study in 2003, I had been working as a ×××(NOC职业), including over 4 years in a Joint Venture. So both my academic background and working career can make sure that our family can join in the society very soon. 2. It is very vital for me to get the final result of my immigration application very quickly according to my urgent condition presently. As mentioned above, this July I will graduate from ×××(现在就读的单位) and be employed then. As you know, in China, now it is the hottest season for any graduate to find a job. For me, I can not agree with any employer although it is not difficult to find a fairly satisfactory job in China. Because I do not want to be a cheater. Actually, I am longing for working in Canada immediately after I get the doctorate degree. But, if I can not get the visa before July, I must work in China firstly. And the job what I can find must be a short-term one. This is a bad decision for my employment career since I have a dream to become one of the greatest ×××(NOC职业). Besides, as an honest person, I think it is not the responsible behavior for any employer. So I think the best solution to this problem is that I can get the visa as soon as possible. Anyway, I am confident that I am excellent enough to create the value if you give this chance in time. 3. It will take some time to arrange many things for my family's landing. Firstly, my wife and I will contact the employers and give them the certain date when we can start to work. Secondly, and more importantly, we must determine in advance the primary school that my daughter will enroll in. Now she is a student of Grade One, and we do not want there is any discontinuity for her study. 4. It is 56 months since I submitted my application in July, 2001. I know you have so many cases to deal with. And I think I am as patient as possible. But I found it strange that many cases which are much latter than mine have been finalized. Maybe they are excellent than I. Now would you please find my excellence also and give a positive answer?Thank you very much for your consideration and generosity. I look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.Best wishes,×××Attachment of my application information:××××好事多磨,2006.3.30 上午11点收到一封病毒邮件,正文没有一个字,只有一个附件'winmail.dat(2.84K)',当时不知道,两个小时都打不开,于是一气之下中午一点多又发封邮件Dear Sir, Thanks a lot for your timely reply for my enquiry. But, unfortunately, I can not open this "winmail.dat" file you attached. Could you please send it to me again in other formats such as Word? Your assistance is highly appreciated. Very truly yours,下午4点多他们就回信了:(原文copy,注意,没有题头,他们还多输了一个乱码,你找出来没有?)Our office has no record of sending you an e-mail, this might have been generated by an unauthorized outside source, our office does not send attachments via email, if you receive such an email from our office we advised that you delete it as it may be a virus.] Regards, Visa and Immigration Section Canadian Embassy, Beijing 19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District Beijing, PRC 100600 Fax: (86-10) 6532-1684 Web site: www.beijing.gc.ca E-mail : [email protected] (G-071)我马上又把上封信copy了一回,附带加了两句题头:Dear Sir, This letter was sent to you yesterday. But according to your explanation this afternoon, I know that I received a virus reply with the same address as yours. I am not sure whether or not you have reviewed the content of last letter, so I rewrite it and hope you can get it.。。。。。。。2006年4月3日上午9点半收到VISA信:Dear ××××××, Please be advised that your application has been finalised and that you will receive the visa(s), passport(s) and other documents by EMS in the coming week to the mailing address on your file. Please be patient and wait for the mail to arrive. For information on arrival in Canada please visit the following site: ......不要走,还没完。2006.4.3 上午11:30又发信一封:Dear sir, Thank you very much for both your rapid reply for my letter and your high efficiency of case processing. As you know, my mailing address is in ×××,and my resident address is in Beijing. So I want to know whether or not I can pick up the materials directly from your office because it is much more convenient for us. If yes, what will I take while I come to your office? Thanks again for your great assistance. Best Regards,×××Mobile: 13××××××(等他们打电话呢,呵呵) 非常快,2006.4.3 14:01 他们回信了Dear ××××××,Please be advised that your application has been finalised and that you may come to the Embassy to pick up your Visa as of 4th April 2006.Only one of the applicants need pick up the Visas, they should bring picture identification and the file number.Pick up times are Monday to Thursday from 13:30 to 15:30, please ......又臭又长,罗嗦完了,如果对你有用,那将是本人莫大的荣幸!(另外,我从头到尾都没有给他们雇主信。)
不爱分分,只爱看多伦多版块,更爱潜水! 赏

13,420 $0.00 辛苦,加SW~~~评论
Tree New Bee 赏 2006-04-03#3

13,437 $0.00 谢谢分享!!!评论
2010.6.17 TORONTOhttp://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=434791 赏 2006-04-03#4

不爱分分,只爱看多伦多版块,更爱潜水!楼上的批评得正确。以后不敢了......另外,如果你写信,该怎么表达呢?点击展开...写Thank you for your attention to this matter就可以了.效率是够低的,他们.
Life is uncertain, eat desert first 赏 2006-04-03#7

忙工作忙学习忙儿女忙家务忙院子忙投资, 住得越久越喜欢加拿大! 赏 2006-04-03#8

2011年6月18日登陆渥太华一年多啦,也算老移民了吧? 赏 2006-04-03#9

200104-05 递表北京大使馆,收到FN200603-04 5->12->8->12->13->17200609-10 香港-首尔-多伦多-首尔-多伦多-香港200702 收到枫叶卡和退费$485201101-02香港-多伦多-香港 赏 2006-04-03#11

FroMars.com -- 蒙城流行饰品销售网,韩国直供首饰,不锈钢首饰,多款精美首饰5-7元起 赏 2006-04-03#13

mont 说:我想楼主的VO可能不是LSL吧.点击展开...bj的case,所以不知道VO是谁。 谢谢各位指正!
不爱分分,只爱看多伦多版块,更爱潜水!言之有理!但是说实在的,现在中国的学术环境的确??,就像现在博士毕业不发表论文就不能答辩一样。本来有好些文章可以发表更高水平的期刊,但没办法,只好先完成任务,急功近利。大家也不要抬举我,我认为大家都彼此彼此,一样优秀,所以才会有共同的目标。不是谦虚,论坛里高手如云,我的email之所以拿出来献丑,初衷和AIM,蒙蒙牛等大师们一样(我也受他们恩惠无数),希望能给家园筒子们消遣一下,同时为各位等待的筒子起抛砖引玉作用,绝对不敢说写得如何。当然了,要是大家嫌太现眼的话,本人随时愿意撤销!点击展开...千万不要撤销啊,对后来的筒子们绝对有很大的帮助,其实催签成功条件好当然很重要,但我感觉楼主表现出的自信对大家启发更大。我感觉是楼主信内容的自信与坦诚加快了案子的速度。 其实申请移民除了费用,重要的信息是我们自己的基本情况、学历情况、身体状况。如果确定这几个方面符合要求,就应该表现的像楼主一样,主动交流! 套用一句都说烂的话: 态度决定一切!
温柔的爱... 赏 2006-04-08#19

家在温哥华 赏 2006-04-08#20

·生活百科 Sigenergy -Modes
·生活百科 那里有什么Goodwe技术吗?