Mar 01, 2005LETTER OF RECOMMENDATIONDear Sir or Madam,This letter of recommendation for Ms. XXX, who was the Sales Representative for Beijing Trust Electronic Technology Co. Ltd. from April 2002 to now.Since I hired her and have worked closely with her for about 3 years, I am in a good position to evaluate her skills and abilities. Her main duties include: assess and contact with clients and looking for their potential needs on goods and service; Design and develop proposal for clients on benefit of our products; prepare quotation and contracts; clients training and after-sales support, and so on. Ms. XXX was getting involved in numerous projects with a number of our company's clients. Being her manager, I think highly of her hardworking and ability. Not only could Ms. XXX work independently and efficiently in her work, she was also a quick learner and took every chance to improve herself. She always pays attention to the emerging new development about our field. She also has very strong interpersonal skills and communication ability. If you need further information, please feel free to contact me.Yours very truly, namephonecompany nameaddress
天凉好个秋 赏 2005-04-25#2 B 292 $0.00 加上年收入
2005年2月 中介HK CASE 2005年3月7日 签发FN2005年3月20日 收到FN 未要求补料2005年9月13日 签发ME--10月14日 ME2006年5月8日 CIC显示DM2006年6月8日 Pickup letter2006年6月12日 HK collect Visa2006年8月11日 空降Toronto如果可能请给我加声望!单击左边我的头像下面左起第二个图案《香港48小时取签攻略》http://www.canadameet.com/forums/showthread.php?t=62084 赏 2005-04-25#3 R 103 $0.00 - 在main duty 下面, 最好另起一行, 用bullet 格式。- “I think highly of her hardworking and ability“。这一句有语病,用简单句。- 还有,这是reference letter, 不叫recommandation.- 建议写的言简意赅,感情因素越少越好。请加声望,如果满意。
温哥华,找工作+练习英语中如果觉得我的信息对您有益,请给我加声望,谢谢!!! 赏 2005-04-25#5 S 189 $0.00 1. This is to confirm that Ms.+++ is a Sales Representative of Beijing Trust Electronic Technology Co. Ltd. with the average salary of about 10000 Yuan.
Her monthly pay is RMB 10000 yuan as a Sales Representative of Beijing Trust Electronic Technology Co. Ltd.
温哥华,找工作+练习英语中如果觉得我的信息对您有益,请给我加声望,谢谢!!! 赏
海内存知己,天涯若比邻 赏
2001.10 -> BJ FN2005.1.16 -> ME2005.5.17 -> Visa2005.7.28 -> Calgary 赏
超级爱家园, 赏
个人感觉,问题还是比较多的。。。列出以下几段权作参考:1。不是 Dear Sir/Madam, 而是 To whom it may concern:2. 写法问题:- This letter of recommendation for Ms. XXX, who was the Sales Representative for Beijing Trust Electronic Technology Co. Ltd. from April 2002 to now. 改成 This is to certify that Ms. XXX is employeed as a Sales Representative at Beijing xxx Co., Ltd from April 2002 to present. - assess and contact with clients and 改成 assessing and contacting ...用动名词,后面的designing and devleoping也是3.具体问题 Ms. XXX was getting involved in numerous projects with a number of our company's clients. 最好列出几个具体的,并且说明在其中起到的作用。比如:As a sales representative, Ms. xxx always keeps good relationship with one of our large client xxx Company. In 2002, she worked with XXX company on the XXX project and her well preparation of product presentation and marketing analysis impressed our client indeed. As a result, the client put a good amount of order for our products and Ms. xxx created xxx revenue for the company throught this transaction.另外,列出一些具体的skill, 比如,会做Powerpoint, 会做产品演示,有哪方面的专业背景知识等等。。4. 没用的Being her manager, I think highly of her 。。。这段可以去了。主观评价不需要这么多。5。 结尾写 Title改成 Should you need any further information, please feel free to contact me.Yours sincerely,<name>General Manager - 这里写签字人的title <company name>phone<email>address
2005.10 和LP商量决定自己DIY2006.01.21 IELTS 考试2006.02 IELTS 成绩 7/7/6/7,基本达到预定目标2006.05.07 所有材料最后审核完毕,打包2006.05.08 DHL香港2006.05.09 DHL香港递送,当天居然不收,晕~~~2006.05.11 下午2点58分,香港签收2006.05.18 下午3点50分,招行划款USD1008.022006.08.08 FN签发,VO = ISK,无补料2006.08.24 FN收到 万里长征开始了。。。 我的帖子:- 最完整的公证材料清单 赏

2008年7月30号登陆多伦多Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened. 赏

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