赏 2006-05-09#2
2006/06/08 签收2006/06/19 汇票解付2006/09/04 FN签发 VO:ISK 二期减肥成功 欢迎筒子们加群---期待2007群号码:1468383敲门暗号:移友 赏 2006-05-09#4
家在温哥华 赏 2006-05-09#7 S 503 $0.00 给个网址
而且主申、副申也不需要出生公证了。http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/asia/hongkong/pdf/sw-hk-kit.pdf今天的Special Instructions的确有些变化
06年7月12日,DHL寄出,205元;06年7月13日下午2:45分,HK签收;06年7月25日下午2:04分,招行信用卡划款,1005美元 ;06年9月27日FN;接下来,等待吧……而且主申、副申也不需要出生公证了。http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/asia/hongkong/pdf/sw-hk-kit.pdf今天的Special Instructions的确有些变化点击展开...不过Checklist第12项还是要Police Certificate的
06年7月12日,DHL寄出,205元;06年7月13日下午2:45分,HK签收;06年7月25日下午2:04分,招行信用卡划款,1005美元 ;06年9月27日FN;接下来,等待吧…… 赏
480 $0.00 2. PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINAPlease contact your local county’s Public Security Bureau. The certificate you obtain should then be notarizedby the PRC Notary Public office before presentation to this office.未刑还是需要notarized的,主付的出生公证好像是不需要了。TNND,白花了320大洋。KAO!评论
2006/06/08 签收2006/06/19 汇票解付2006/09/04 FN签发 VO:ISK 二期减肥成功 欢迎筒子们加群---期待2007群号码:1468383敲门暗号:移友 赏 2006-05-09#11 L 44 $0.00 是吗?
网址是:http;//www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/asia/hongkong 大人的出生证和未刑记录都不要公证。今天我看了,确实是!
赏 2006-05-09#13
480 $0.00 2. PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINAPlease contact your local county’s Public Security Bureau. The certificate you obtain should then be notarizedby the PRC Notary Public office before presentation to this office.这里明明写着需要未刑公证啊。怎么会不要了呢?评论
2006/06/08 签收2006/06/19 汇票解付2006/09/04 FN签发 VO:ISK 二期减肥成功 欢迎筒子们加群---期待2007群号码:1468383敲门暗号:移友 赏 2006-05-09#14 F 192 $0.00 好消息啊又省银子了
今天的是不要了,我前二天看还是要的。你再到网上看一看,是香港的哪个网!http;//www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/asia/hongkong ...
赏 好消息啊又省银子了点击展开...是呀!开心!
赏 2. PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINAPlease contact your local county’s Public Security Bureau. The certificate you obtain should then be notarizedby the PRC Notary Public office before presentation to this office.这里明明写着需要未刑公证啊。怎么会不要了呢?点击展开...今天确实不要了,你再上网看一看。应该是刚刚改的!
赏 2. PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINAPlease contact your local county’s Public Security Bureau. The certificate you obtain should then be notarizedby the PRC Notary Public office before presentation to this office.未刑还是需要notarized的,主付的出生公证好像是不需要了。TNND,白花了320大洋。KAO!点击展开...以前是有很多要公证的,我看过网上是不要大人的公证了,但很多人都劝说还是做吧!我就不想做,其实大人的公证真的没用,我们都出生这么久了,是谁生的应该与移民没啥影响,而子女的就是要证明是申请人的子女。
赏 2006-05-09#19
480 $0.00 11. POLICE CERTIFICATES AND CLEARANCES• original police certificates of good conduct or clearances from each country / state / territoryin which you and each person in your family, aged 18 years or over, have lived for six monthsor longer since reaching the age of 18• submit original fingerprints directly to the authorities conducting the police checks• if you have applied for police certificates from countries where the authorities will forwardresults directly to us, attach a brief explanatory note to your application• please refer to the instructions for obtaining police certificates and clearances in Appendix B Appendix BObtaining Police Certificates and ClearancesPlease obtain and submit with your application police clearance certificates from every country in which you and/oryour family members aged 18 or over have resided for six months or longer (one year for P.R.C.).You may require a letter or special form from our office to obtain clearance certificates from some police force,such as Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, New Zealand and Malaysia. We will send you the appropriate letter orform after you have submitted your application and we have completed a preliminary assessment of it.Please note that you are responsible for payment of any fees that may be charged by issuing authorities for theacquisition of these clearances. We are unable to make enquiries to issuing authorities on your behalf.The following information may assist you in obtaining police clearance certificates for Hong Kong, theP.R.C., Macao and Canada.1. HONG KONGAfter you have submitted your immigration application, our office will send you an instruction letter to presentto the issuing authority.2. PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINAPlease contact your local county’s Public Security Bureau. The certificate you obtain should then be notarizedby the PRC Notary Public office before presentation to this office.For PRC citizens residing outside the country, notarized PRC police clearance certificates can be obtainedthrough the local offices of the main Chinese-owned banks.3. MACAOContact Address & Numbers: Servicios de Identifacacao de MacaoCaixa Postal 1089 MacaoTel: (853) 335462Fax: (853) 561610这是我刚刚从香港网站上下的instruction中的叙述。出生公证是无需了。但未刑还是需要notarized啊。评论
2006/06/08 签收2006/06/19 汇票解付2006/09/04 FN签发 VO:ISK 二期减肥成功 欢迎筒子们加群---期待2007群号码:1468383敲门暗号:移友 赏
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