Eight Glories , Eight Disgraces for VOGlory in the hard work; taking the long-vacation taking as a disgrace. Glory in quickly issuing File Number; taking application rejecting as a disgrace.Glory in a quick Medical Exam issue; taking a deliberate delay as a disgrace.Glory in trusting applicants; taking applicants suspecting and background investigation as a disgrace. Glory in anwering any questions from applicants; taking no reply as a disgrace.Glory in giving satisfactory answers; taking irresponsibilities as a disgrace.Glory in a quick decision-making after ME; taking any delays and procrastinations as a disgrace. Glory in immediately issuing PL after DM ; taking case never-closing as a disgrace.对绿绿的对子花时间聆听。许多矛盾因我们聆听技能的荒废而产生而这十分简单:你只需要什么都不说。 赏 2006-05-25#2
8,603 $0.00 移民得分是10分.A类可以递,但在移民中有效期也是1年,您今年7月前必须递进去,否则要重新去考YS.A类不能评高分数.评论
Eight Glories , Eight Disgraces for VOGlory in the hard work; taking the long-vacation taking as a disgrace. Glory in quickly issuing File Number; taking application rejecting as a disgrace.Glory in a quick Medical Exam issue; taking a deliberate delay as a disgrace.Glory in trusting applicants; taking applicants suspecting and background investigation as a disgrace. Glory in anwering any questions from applicants; taking no reply as a disgrace.Glory in giving satisfactory answers; taking irresponsibilities as a disgrace.Glory in a quick decision-making after ME; taking any delays and procrastinations as a disgrace. Glory in immediately issuing PL after DM ; taking case never-closing as a disgrace.对绿绿的对子花时间聆听。许多矛盾因我们聆听技能的荒废而产生而这十分简单:你只需要什么都不说。 赏 2006-05-25#4 532 $0.00 还是谢谢牛牛的快速回复!
Eight Glories , Eight Disgraces for VOGlory in the hard work; taking the long-vacation taking as a disgrace. Glory in quickly issuing File Number; taking application rejecting as a disgrace.Glory in a quick Medical Exam issue; taking a deliberate delay as a disgrace.Glory in trusting applicants; taking applicants suspecting and background investigation as a disgrace. Glory in anwering any questions from applicants; taking no reply as a disgrace.Glory in giving satisfactory answers; taking irresponsibilities as a disgrace.Glory in a quick decision-making after ME; taking any delays and procrastinations as a disgrace. Glory in immediately issuing PL after DM ; taking case never-closing as a disgrace.对绿绿的对子花时间聆听。许多矛盾因我们聆听技能的荒废而产生而这十分简单:你只需要什么都不说。 赏 2006-05-25#5 1,383 $0.00 没听说A类比G类评分高的,移民YS有效期是一年,抓紧时间吧
I am who I amSmall Fish, Big OceanCGA 赏 2006-05-25#6 游
A类为什么要比G类高评分?同样的考试不同类别. G类也许考的还低呢.评论
vivian1030 说:没听说A类比G类评分高的,移民YS有效期是一年,抓紧时间吧点击展开...一年是知道的多谢
Eight Glories , Eight Disgraces for VOGlory in the hard work; taking the long-vacation taking as a disgrace. Glory in quickly issuing File Number; taking application rejecting as a disgrace.Glory in a quick Medical Exam issue; taking a deliberate delay as a disgrace.Glory in trusting applicants; taking applicants suspecting and background investigation as a disgrace. Glory in anwering any questions from applicants; taking no reply as a disgrace.Glory in giving satisfactory answers; taking irresponsibilities as a disgrace.Glory in a quick decision-making after ME; taking any delays and procrastinations as a disgrace. Glory in immediately issuing PL after DM ; taking case never-closing as a disgrace.对绿绿的对子花时间聆听。许多矛盾因我们聆听技能的荒废而产生而这十分简单:你只需要什么都不说。A类为什么要比G类高评分?同样的考试不同类别. G类也许考的还低呢. 点击展开...考试难度不同,G类是会简单些的,A类是留学类,相对难一些学术上的多些算了,因为准备递了,要不然再考一次G类也行不知道会有什么必要吗?再补料?还是多谢大家答复!
Eight Glories , Eight Disgraces for VOGlory in the hard work; taking the long-vacation taking as a disgrace. Glory in quickly issuing File Number; taking application rejecting as a disgrace.Glory in a quick Medical Exam issue; taking a deliberate delay as a disgrace.Glory in trusting applicants; taking applicants suspecting and background investigation as a disgrace. Glory in anwering any questions from applicants; taking no reply as a disgrace.Glory in giving satisfactory answers; taking irresponsibilities as a disgrace.Glory in a quick decision-making after ME; taking any delays and procrastinations as a disgrace. Glory in immediately issuing PL after DM ; taking case never-closing as a disgrace.对绿绿的对子花时间聆听。许多矛盾因我们聆听技能的荒废而产生而这十分简单:你只需要什么都不说。移民得分是10分.A类可以递,但在移民中有效期也是1年,您今年7月前必须递进去,否则要重新去考YS.A类不能评高分数.点击展开...
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]第一天--光;第二天--天空;第三天--陆地、植物;第四天--日月星辰;第五天--鱼、鸟;第六天--动物、人类;第七天--安息日。然后-----考试难度不同,G类是会简单些的,A类是留学类,相对难一些学术上的多些算了,因为准备递了,要不然再考一次G类也行不知道会有什么必要吗?再补料? 还是多谢大家答复!点击展开...lamjin表达的意思应该是“干什么吆喝什么”,移民要求的是G,vo就认G类(没有办法,谁叫他们教条呐)。现在政策还比较活泛,递A也接受材料,不过不会减分更不会加分。支持蒙蒙牛说的,先递材料了。
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