加拿大山西人的网络家园:http://jinren.groups.live.com/ IBM 大机区: Z/OS,JCL,DB2,COBOL,PL/I,IMS etc.http://mainframer.groups.live.com 赏 2006-05-30#2

When is CAIPS Useful?Preparing for an InterviewLearning the Status of your ApplicationFinding out What Will Happen Next, and WhenDetecting and Resolving Processing ErrorsWhen is CAIPS NOT Useful?Preparing for InterviewFor most interviews there is a specific concern, issue or ambiguity in the application documents that caused the visa officer to feel that an interview was required. These concerns will be detailed in the visa officers notes in the CAIPS file.We strongly recommend that all applicants who are called for interview obtain their CAIPS file as part of their preparation for the interview. CAIPS files often contain invaluable information as to the precise reasons for interview.BACK to topApplication Status - Checking Your Application Is On TrackIf you feel that there has been an unusually long time since you last heard from the visa office, you might want to get your CAIPS file to understand what the current status of your application is.Sometimes delays are caused by heavy backlog at the visa office and, although frustrating, checking the CAIPS file at least provides reassurance that the application is on track, however slow the processing.However, sometimes obtaining a CAIPS file following an unusual delay reveals a problem such as a letter or document, or request from CIC for some additional information, that has gone missing or been sent to an outdated address.BACK to topWhat Will Happen Next and When?One of the most interesting pieces of information in a CAIPS file is the next official 'bring forward' date. This simple information line indicates where the paper file is currently located, what is the next stage of processing, and on what date (the bring forward date) it is expected to occur (see our sample CAIPS file).Please note that the bring forward date is only a management device, and is not guaranteed. It's reliability varies from visa office to visa office. In well run visa offices, with stable backlogs, the bring forward date often provides a reliable guide to the likely timeframe for an interview, or selection decision.BACK to topDetecting and Resolving Processing ErrorsWith CIC officers processing many hundreds of thousands of visa applications every year, the occasional error does slip in to a CAIPS file. Obtaining your CAIPS file allows you to check your application for such errors or omissions and to resolve them early, rather than them causing delays later on in the process when your visas are ready for issue.BACK to topWhen is CAIPS NOT Useful?At most stages of processing, there will be some information in the CAIPS file that is of use to the applicant. However, if you have just applied, it is possible that your CAIPS file is largely blank and will remain so until initial processing (also known as paper screening) takes place.BACK to top
大家请到:www.caips.net 申请自己的进程.获得自己的CAIPS FILE 很有帮助的!
赏 2006-05-30#7

在加拿大幸福的生活 赏 2006-05-30#8

13,420 $0.00 以前听说过,好像是收费的吧,如果想查的话!!!评论
Tree New Bee 赏 2006-05-30#9

2004/02 BJ FN ;2007/02/14 ->12;02/28ME到;03/07 本人体检;04/18 老公体检;05/25 儿子体检;05/26 -> 8;06/18 -> 12; 08/28 ->13;09/04 DM; 09/07 ->17;09/08 收到LP和VISA啦;9/28短登Montreal 赏 2006-06-02#14

08年9月初登陆加拿大! 赏 2006-06-05#16 细 122 $0.00 我刚查过,鉴于我已经一年多FN都没动静了。很方便,其实是政府免费的服务。一个月左右有消息。
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