加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民My Checklist to HK General Consulate of Canada


今天终于把资料寄去香港了.在这学到不少好东西,现将我的Checklist贴出来,供大家参考和指导吧! Checklist Part 1 Forms 1.1 Application for Permanent Residence in Canada (IMM0008) - 8 Address Labels- 6 Photos of me and each of my spouse & son in an envelope- ID Card copies of my spouse & me with their English translation1.2 Schedule 1: Background Declaration - Appendix I: My Personal Resume - Appendix II: General Information on my spouse’s work and education 1.3 Supplement to Schedule 1: Background Declaration 1.4 Schedule 3: Economic Class-Federal Skilled Workers 1.5 Additional Family Information (IMM5406) Part 2 Identity and Civil Documents 2.1 Notarized certificates of Family Household Registers (me, spouse & son) 2.2 Notarized certificates of Family Birth (me, spouse & son)2.3 Notarized Marriage Certificate Part 3 Education/Training/Qualifications 3.1 My CADGEDC credentials reports - Bachelor Degree - Undergraduate Certificate - Transcript- Notarial Certificate of Bachelor Degree- Notarial Certificate of Undergraduate Certificate3.2 My Original sealed Transcripts3.3 My spouse’s CADGEDC credentials reports - Bachelor Degree - Undergraduate Certificate - Transcript- Notarial Certificate of Bachelor Degree- Notarial Certificate of Undergraduate Certificate3.4 My spouse’s Original sealed Transcripts3.5 An Explanation Letter Part 4 Work Experience 4.1 A Notarized certificate of my whole work experience from 1998 to 20064.2 Employment Reference - A Reference Letter related to my work experience in XXXX from 2005 to 2006, a personal Business Card of my Immediate Supervisor and each copy of Appointment Offer and Up-to-date Salary Indication- A Notarized copy of Employment Reference in XXXX in 2005 & An original Pay Slip distributed in Mar, 2005- A Reference Letter in XXXX from 2000 to 2005 & A personal Business Card of my Immediate Supervisor and a copy of Employment Contract 4.3 An Explanation Letter Part 5 Proof of Language Proficiency - An original IELTS report form Part 6 Settlement Funds 6.1 An original Certificate of Deposit from my account in XXXX Bank6.2 Savings Balance from my account in XXXX Bank6.3 Time Deposit Statements from my account in XXXX Bank with its English translationPart 7 Police Certificates and Clearances - Notarized Non-criminality Certificate of my spouse & mePart 8 Fee Payment - Payment Authorization with my signature Part 9 Travel Documents and Passport - Passport Copies of me and each of my spouse & son Part 10 Other Attachments 10.1 Self-assessment Form 10.2 Checklist - The End -


北京DIY,递HK,LG主申请 2006.5.13:IELTS 2006.6.15:递档 2006.10.10:FN2010.6.3:ME 2011.2.15:MER2011.2.16:PL 2011.3.15:DM2011.3.29:北京―温哥华 2006-06-05#3 SIMON0504
480 $0.00 谢谢楼主!!!如果自己做了checklist ,那移民局网站上的checklist还需不需要提供呢?

2006/06/08 签收2006/06/19 汇票解付2006/09/04 FN签发 VO:ISK 二期减肥成功 欢迎筒子们加群---期待2007群号码:1468383敲门暗号:移友 2006-06-05#4 dreamer 137 $0.00 but the check list from Hongkong visa office does not ask for self-assessment, right? or if i am wrong, can you pls tell me in which part the self-assessment is asked...

这么多,THANX 楼主。

LZ可不可以将 Explanation Letter 提供一下作为参考?你是不是少了spouse's work experience?

2006-06-05#7 大漠行者
351 $0.00 Thank you so much!

身未动,心已远www.sunorth.org 2006-06-05#8 水是醒着的冰 1,561 $0.00 送朵花以示谢意

目的地卡尔加里 清华认证 8/7 2006 雅思12/8 2006 香港签收 15/1 2007划款 31/1 2007 我的fn 7/7 2007 VO LI我的淘宝泳装店欢迎大家移友优惠http://shop60644791.taobao.com/ 2006-06-06#9 R 138 $0.00 To Simon0504Yes, Self-assessment will be considered as added-value. At least, it let VO have a quick look on your case and may contribute to a good impression.

I have prepared my hubby's resume focus on his education and experience and didn't get it notarized actually.

just one simple question, in the Hongkong visa office specific, there is one requirement which reads like this " submit original fingerprints directly to the authorities conducting the police checks" does this mean that the notarized police certificate must be enclosed with original fingerprints? looking forward to your reply.

No need. The point you mentioned doesn't apply to the applicant in China mainland. As a matter of fact, you are just required to submit the notarized certificate of your non-criminal record.

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