加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教:什么是直接公证,什么是间接公证


新来乍到,很多不明白的 请问:什么是直接公证,什么是间接公证?


退役请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请不要给我发短信提问....不要逼我麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279 2006-06-08#3 palmer
6,853 $0.00 关闭窗口 字体: 小 中 大 特大 这是我收集的关于办理公证的资料,奉献!! by tiffany (tiffany) at 2003.6.24 03:07 <本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum >办理公证-----------------------------------------------------------------------无犯罪公证1. 什么是无刑事犯罪证明? 所有申请移民加拿大的成年人必须提交一份无犯罪证明,以证明你没有犯罪记录,该证明由申请人自岁以来居住6个月或6个月以上的国家出具。如有个别国家拒绝出具证明,那么由他们出具的书面文件声明他们拒绝出具证明同样有利于申请。 2. 我必须在什么时候提交无犯罪证明? 实施一步到位申请程序的签证处(如北京及香港签证处)要求这份证明必须与申请表、申请费和相关文件同时提交。其他签证处允许在申请受理过程中提交。为确保准确无误,您应当向专家或提交申请的签证处咨询您在哪里提交证明。 3. 我可以不提供一个或多个国家出具的无犯罪证明吗? 如果不能从个别国家获得无犯罪证明,那么就要出具该国警察机构官员的拒绝出具无犯罪证明的书面说明。如果能证实出具该证明有阻力,移民官可能会免于您提供该项证明。但申请人应理解为必须持有无犯罪证明。 4. 什么是背景清白证明? 背景清白证明是为审查那些参与或曾参与间谍、颠覆或恐怖活动的申请人。它是除无犯罪证明外单独出具的。审查过程由加拿大政府操作,申请人不参与调查。 5. 要求是居住超过半年(6个月, 累计), 因为如果超过半年, 是需要出示那里的无犯罪记录6. you do need a letter from the local police where you resided while in the Middle East stating that you were not convicted during which period7. Police Clearance CertificatesThe following list contains directions on obtaining police clearance certificates from numerous countries around the world. Note that in certain cases of countries, both included and not included in this list, police clearance certificates are not available at all or any levels of law enforcement. In such cases, special conditions ordinarily apply, and it is in the applicant's best interest to find out the requirements of the specific Consulate which will process his/her application. The Buffalo IAPC provides a list of countries from which clearances may be exempt in some cases. Use the search feature on your browser to locate the country you are looking for.CANADA:Applicants residing in Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, or Halifax/Dartmouth should contact the following International Fingerprint Service Canada at the following locations, where applications/waivers are available:Montreal: Complexe Guy-Favreau, 200 boul Rene-Levesque ouest Montreal, Quebec Tel:(514)285-2246 No appointment necessary between 0900-1600 hrs Monday-Friday Toronto: 4002 Sheppard Ave East, Suite 215-D (corner Sheppard Ave. & Kennedy Rd.) Scarborough, Ontario Tel:(416)293-2030 Ottawa: 100 Argyle Avenue Ottawa, Ontario (613)237-9061 No appointment necessary between 1000-1500 hrs Monday-Friday Halifax/Dartmouth: 5657 Spring Garden Road, Suite 600A Halifax, Nova Scotia Tel:(902)499-2095 Appointment necessary Applicants not residing in these areas should: 1. Obtain a set of fingerprints from a local police agency 2. Complete an application/waiver form 3. forward original fingerprints, the application/waiver, and a certified cheque or money order, payable to: International Fingerprinting Services Canada Ltd., for CAD$5.00 to: International Fingerprinting Services Canada Ltd. 100 Argyle Avenue Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1B6 CHINA (P.R.C.):Applicants residing in Hong Kong, but who has resided in the P.R.C.can obtain P.R.C. police certificates through the main branches of severalChinese-owned banks in the territory. Applicants who currently reside inthe P.R.C. should contact their local public security office.HONG KONG: B.C.C. - apply by letter to:Commissioner of Police (Attn.: SSO Crime IB) Park Commercial Center, Ground Floor 6 Shelter Street Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Each request must be accompanied by: a) Bank draft in the amount of HK $ 220.00 for each person, payable to "HONG KONG GOVERNMENT" (drafts in foreign currency must include a bank service charge, the current bank service charge is HK $ 100.00 for each draft). b) Documentary proof that visa application has been made (i.e. copy of our letter requesting that they obtain certificate). c) Full set of fingerprints, taken and certified by a recognized and official police or law enforcement agency where the applicant presently resides. Certification of the fingerprints taken must clearly state: 1) The name and rank of the person taking the fingerprints. 2) The full name of the police or law enforcement agency. 3) The date and place taken. [ 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 rolia.net/forum ]- Fingerprints submitted that do not clearly show certification are not acceptable. - Fingerprints taken by an applicant, a legal representative and private or commercial agency are not acceptable. d) Photocopy of Hong Kong ID card or travel document showing Chinese commercial code numbers for Chinese characters used for your name. JAPAN: Obtain from Prefectural Police in Japan or Japanese Diplomatic Mission abroad (Should be submitted as soon as possible.).TAIWAN: Police certificates are issued from the National Police Administration. There are three issuance sites: - Kaohsiung - Taipei County - Taipei City All Taiwanese immigration applicants should present their applications for police clearance certificates to the relevant issuing offices, along with pre-stamped large envelope with the name and address of the visa mission and the applicant’s file number clearly marked. USA:To obtain an FBI clearance, you must do the following:Go to a local police station, FBI field office, or Immigration Service Center and obtain a fingerprint form, complete it and get fingerprinted. It may be necessary to state that you require thefingerprint for Freedom of Information requirements. Do not state that it is for Immigration. The US Immigration and Nautrulization Service has requested that fingerprints not be done for certain US cases. This does not affect Canadian immigration.You must then forward the card, with a certified cheque or money order for US$18 (one separate for each request) made payable to the "U.S. Treasury" to the following address: FBICJIS DivisionAttn: Special Correspondence - Mode - D21000 Custer Hollow RoadClarksburg, West Virginia26306 USAInclude a letter stating the request and reason for the FBI Clearance certificate.Please note that certain immigration processing posts require State Police Clearance Certificates8. 问:我申请移民加拿大,加拿大使馆要求提供在日期间无罪公证,请问如何办理相关手续。答:请你向日本警视厅申请在日期间无犯罪证明,并将此材料由日本外务省办理认证,然后向加拿大驻日本使馆办理有关手续。 问:请问如何办理在日期间的《外国人无犯罪纪录证明》?答:1、请你持警视厅出具的证明去日本外务省办理认证;2、来使馆办理认证。请带上护照,经外务省认证的无犯罪证明及复印件1份;3、请本人亲自来申请。问:我是一个公派留学生,毕业后留在日本就业,现持因私护照,我如何申请在中国国内无犯罪公证?答:办理在中国国内无犯罪公证,请你委托国内的亲友向国内公证处申请。---------------------------------------------------------------------------------户口公证户口翻译Type of HuKou: Non-Agricultural group HuKou ;Head of HuKou: ;HuKou Number: ;Address: ;Provincial Level Police Station HuKou Stamp: Sealed by stamp of ????? City Police Station for HuKou use only HuKou Registry HuKou Stamp: sealed by stamp of ???? City Police Station ???? Branch for HuKou use only Registered by: HuKou Registration Officer HaoTing Date of Registration: 以上是户主那一页 Normal Resident Registration Card ;Name: ;Relationship to head of HuKou: Non Relative Previous Name(s): ;Sex: Female ;Place of Birth: ???? City ;Nationality: Han ;Place of Origin: ???? City ;Date of Birth: ;Other Address: ;Religion: ;I D Number: Height: ;Blood Group: ;Education: ;Marital Status: ;Military Service: Employer: ;Profession: ;When and From Where Moved to This City: < r o l i a. n e t >When and from Where Moved To Current Address: Registered by: HuKou Registration Officer HaoTing Date of Registration: Sealed by: Stamp of ???? City Police Station ???? Branch for>HuKou use only户口翻译样本 Name ;Other name ;Birth place ;Place of origin ;Other address ;I.D. Number ;Education Employer ;When and from where move to this city ;When and from where move to current residence Registration agent: Xiyilu Police Station Relationship to household head Sex ;Nationality ;Date of birth ;Religion Height ;Marriage status ;Profession Registration date:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------学历公证Mr/Ms. born on diligently studied for master degree specializing in the__________________ in the school of from to has completed the curriculum required for Master Degree with satisfactory grades and has been granted to graduate.President of Wuhan UniversityCertificate No: Date: 毕业证翻译的样本Diploma and Degree Certificate(English copy )This is to certify that X X X , born in Henan Province on Nov..18. 1970 has studied for 4 years from Sep.1987 to July. 1991 in the department of Polymer Marerial majoring in Polymer Science & Engineering. has completed all the courses prescribed in the Teaching Programme, and has passed all the exams necessary for graduation from Beijing University of Technology. Having fulfilled the requirements stipulated by the Academic Degree Regulations of the People's Republic of China, he/she is awarded the degree of Bachelor of Engineering. President:BeijingUniversityofTechnologyDate:July.1991Registered Certificate No:00000001----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------办理公证之前,先搞清几个名词:间接公证:主要应用于证书公证,即对证书的复印件进行公证,证明证书的复印件和原件相符合,证件上的印鉴属实。直接公证:即公证处直接给予证明。公证的地域管辖权:按照国内的规定,没有刑事犯罪的公证要求在申请人的户口所在地公证处办理。公证的规定根据地区不同,也不完全相同,最好在办理公证前,先到当地的公证处咨询一下具体的规定。一般来讲,公证的办理要求如下:(仅供参考)学历、学位公证:要求提交申请人学历、学位的证书原件和复印件。此公证使馆要求必须是间接公证。婚姻公证:要求提交申请人结婚证的证书原件和复印件,间接公证。未婚公证:未婚申请人要求提供该公证。要单位或户口所在地办事处开具未婚证明,直接公证。工作经历公证:要求申请人单位出具证明,直接公证。教育经历公证:要求申请人单位出具证明,毕业证等直接公证。未刑公证:要求申请人户口所在地派出所开具的未刑证明,直接公证。 { 枫下论坛 rolia.net/forum }出生公证:要求申请人单位出具的证明或户口所在地办事处开具的出生证明。培训证书公证:凡是非英文、法文的培训证书,要求提交申请人证书原件和复印件,间接公证。公证书数量:至少两份,一份交使馆,一份自己留底。如需要做CCPE,学历、学位证书要做三份。公证照片:2寸彩照。直接公证要在公证书上贴照片,根据办理直接公证的数量计算。办理公证时,公证处一般要求申请人提供户口本和身份证原件和复印件。出国公证解答(1) 1.出国通常要办理哪些公证?出国需要的公证书是根据所去国家及有关部门的要求办理,因此,它与当事人出国的目的及其在国外停留的时间有关。一般来讲,出国留学需提供与学历有关的公证,如毕业证、学位证、成绩单公证;出国探亲,需提供亲属关系公证;出国定居,需提供出生、未受刑事制裁、婚姻状况等全套公证书;办技术移民还需办理与本人工作技能有关的公证书;办投资移民则需加办与本人财产有关的公证书等等。总的来讲,打算在国外居住的时间越长,所应办理的公证书种类应越齐全。2.为什么同样的公证书要办理若干份?出国人员办理的公证书是提交其前往国家有关部门使用的,只有证书原件才为所在国法律认可。由于证书可能会为多个有关部门,如:学校、移民局、税务部门等等所要求提供,因此出国人员在办理公证书时应根据自己的出国目的以及出国时间的长短,准备备份。而且,由于在公证处一次办理同样公证书时,第二份之后都是按副本收费,因此,一次办理份数齐全,既方便使用,又避免了多次重复办理的时间和经济上的额外支出。3.户籍已注销,该如何办理出生公证?公民因离境而注销户口后,申请办理出生公证的,可以先到公证处领取出生调查表然后请户籍注销地派出所根据户籍档案的记载开出证明。4.结婚证丢失了,如何办理结婚公证?申办结婚公证而不能提供结婚证的,一般应由当事人双方到原登记机关申领《夫妻关系证明书》,然后到公证机关申办夫妻关系证明书的公证。如不能领取《夫妻关系证明书》的,应由原婚姻登记机关(或档案馆)根据档案记载,开出有关结婚的证明,提交给公证机关。5.要证明本人与本人档案没有记载的亲属的关系,如何向公证处提交材料?可以由有关亲属的单位分别开出证明,证明他们各自的亲属,直至能够说明本人与该证明的亲属间的关系。6.办理未曾受过刑事处分公证,必须由派出所出具证明信吗?可以由人事档案管理部门根据人事档案记载出具是否受过刑事处分的证明。档案所在派出所或户籍所在地派出所根据了解掌握的情况出具的证明信,公证处同样可以接受。7.被公证证明的文件上的名字与户籍、身份证或档案记载的名字属同音不同字怎么办?如果两个名字一个是正确的,另一个是错误的,应当到原有关机构或部门更改正确的名字,但由于有的巳时隔多年,更改确有不便,可提供能够证明两个不同的名字确系一人的文件,由公证处另外出具两个名字关系的公证书。8.毕业时成绩单由学校直接交给录用单位存人个人档案,本人手中没有成绩单,如何办理公证?可由档案管理部门将存入档案的成绩单复印出两份,在其中的一份上说明与存档原件相符,并加盖公章,由申请人交给公证处存卷。另一份交公证处做公证。9.毕业证书(学位书证等) 已经带到国外或丢失了,如何申办学历公证?应将该证书带回国内,交公证机关审核后方能为其办理学历公证书。毕业证书丢失的,可到原发证书学校补发毕业证书或出具学历证明,公证处证明补发的毕业证书或学历证明。10.申办工作经历公证,需要曾经工作过的每个单位开证明吗?申办工作经历证明,一般由现档案管理部门证明申请人于某个阶段在某个单位工作即可,但所要证明的经历过于详细具体,现档案管理部门又了解掌握不清楚的,应由原工作单位出具证明信。11.工作经历证明书中如何确认技术职称(职务)的起任时间?工作经历证明需要证明专业技术职称(职务)的,应向公证机关提交科干局核发的职称(或职务)证书,其起任时间以该证书标明的为准,其职称的专业以该证书标明的为准。出国公证解答(2)办理公证须提供的材料及证明信格式办理证书类的(如毕业证、学位证、成绩单、结婚证等)公证提供身份证及证书原件即可,其他类的须提供身份证、户口本、证明信。(办理出生、经历公证的还须提供照片)。证明信参考格式如下:我单位××申请赴× 国探亲(或定居、自费学习、公派……。),现介绍到你处办理如下公证:1.出生证明书:×××(性别)于×年×月×日在××省××市(或县) 出生。××的生父是××,××生母是×××。2.未婚证明书:××(性别,出生年月日,现住北京市××区)至×年×月×日未曾登记结婚。已经离境者:×××(性别,出生年月日,现住××国××市)至×年×月×日在中国居住期间未曾登记结婚。3.离婚后未再婚证明书××(性别,出生年月日)与××(性别,出生年月日)于×年×月×日在×省×市(或县)登记结婚。×年×月×日在×省×市(或县)经××部门登记(或调解、判决)离婚。××离婚后至×年×月×日止未再登记结婚。4.经历证明书:××(性别,出生年月日)于×年×月×日至×年×月×日在××单位(应写明全称)任××(职称或职务),××年×月至×年×月在××单位任××(或从事何种工作)。5.域外亲属关系证明书:××(性别,出生年月日,现住×市×区)是居住在×国×市××(性别,出生年月日)的××(相互关系)。6.国内亲属关系证明书:××(性别,出生年月日)的配偶是××(出生年月日),子(或女)是××(出生年月日),父亲是××(出生年月日),母亲是××(出生年月日),哥哥(或弟弟)是××(出生年月日),姐姐(或妹妹)是××(出生年月日)。7.末受刑事制裁证明书:×××(性别,出生年月日,现住×××)在中国居住期间没有受过刑事制裁。已经离境者:××(性别,出生年月日,现住××国××市)至×年×月×日在中国居住期间没有受过刑事制裁。书写人:××年×月×日注:(1)证明信由申请人所在单位的档案管理部门,如人事、组织、劳资部门或街道办事处根据掌握的真实情况负责书写,并写明出处,由书写人签名,加盖专用章。 < 相约加拿大 ROLIA.NET >(2) 公证收费严格按照北京市物价局、北京市司法局[1999]第039号文件规定的标准执行,去英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新加坡、德国、法国、比利时、荷兰、新西兰等国家的出生、未婚、亲属关系、无罪、工作经历公证每种收费104元,毕业证书、学位证书、结婚证书等证书公证每种128元;去美国、韩国和奥地利三国的出生、未婚、亲属关系、无犯罪、工作经历每种公证208元、毕业证书、学位证书、结婚证书等证书公证每种收费232元。(小语种按中央编译局标准收翻译费)<本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum >

退役请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请不要给我发短信提问....不要逼我麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279间接公证:主要应用于证书公证,即对证书的复印件进行公证,证明证书的复印件和原件相符合,证件上的印鉴属实。直接公证:即公证处直接给予证明点击展开...多谢

palmer 说:关闭窗口 字体: 小 中 大 特大 这是我收集的关于办理公证的资料,奉献!! by tiffany (tiffany) at 2003.6.24 03:07 <本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum >办理公证-----------------------------------------------------------------------无犯罪公证1. 什么是无刑事犯罪证明? 所有申请移民加拿大的成年人必须提交一份无犯罪证明,以证明你没有犯罪记录,该证明由申请人自岁以来居住6个月或6个月以上的国家出具。如有个别国家拒绝出具证明,那么由他们出具的书面文件声明他们拒绝出具证明同样有利于申请。 2. 我必须在什么时候提交无犯罪证明? 实施一步到位申请程序的签证处(如北京及香港签证处)要求这份证明必须与申请表、申请费和相关文件同时提交。其他签证处允许在申请受理过程中提交。为确保准确无误,您应当向专家或提交申请的签证处咨询您在哪里提交证明。 3. 我可以不提供一个或多个国家出具的无犯罪证明吗? 如果不能从个别国家获得无犯罪证明,那么就要出具该国警察机构官员的拒绝出具无犯罪证明的书面说明。如果能证实出具该证明有阻力,移民官可能会免于您提供该项证明。但申请人应理解为必须持有无犯罪证明。 4. 什么是背景清白证明? 背景清白证明是为审查那些参与或曾参与间谍、颠覆或恐怖活动的申请人。它是除无犯罪证明外单独出具的。审查过程由加拿大政府操作,申请人不参与调查。 5. 要求是居住超过半年(6个月, 累计), 因为如果超过半年, 是需要出示那里的无犯罪记录6. you do need a letter from the local police where you resided while in the Middle East stating that you were not convicted during which period7. Police Clearance CertificatesThe following list contains directions on obtaining police clearance certificates from numerous countries around the world. Note that in certain cases of countries, both included and not included in this list, police clearance certificates are not available at all or any levels of law enforcement. In such cases, special conditions ordinarily apply, and it is in the applicant's best interest to find out the requirements of the specific Consulate which will process his/her application. The Buffalo IAPC provides a list of countries from which clearances may be exempt in some cases. Use the search feature on your browser to locate the country you are looking for.CANADA:Applicants residing in Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, or Halifax/Dartmouth should contact the following International Fingerprint Service Canada at the following locations, where applications/waivers are available:Montreal: Complexe Guy-Favreau, 200 boul Rene-Levesque ouest Montreal, Quebec Tel:(514)285-2246 No appointment necessary between 0900-1600 hrs Monday-Friday Toronto: 4002 Sheppard Ave East, Suite 215-D (corner Sheppard Ave. & Kennedy Rd.) Scarborough, Ontario Tel:(416)293-2030 Ottawa: 100 Argyle Avenue Ottawa, Ontario (613)237-9061 No appointment necessary between 1000-1500 hrs Monday-Friday Halifax/Dartmouth: 5657 Spring Garden Road, Suite 600A Halifax, Nova Scotia Tel:(902)499-2095 Appointment necessary Applicants not residing in these areas should: 1. Obtain a set of fingerprints from a local police agency 2. Complete an application/waiver form 3. forward original fingerprints, the application/waiver, and a certified cheque or money order, payable to: International Fingerprinting Services Canada Ltd., for CAD$5.00 to: International Fingerprinting Services Canada Ltd. 100 Argyle Avenue Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1B6 CHINA (P.R.C.):Applicants residing in Hong Kong, but who has resided in the P.R.C.can obtain P.R.C. police certificates through the main branches of severalChinese-owned banks in the territory. Applicants who currently reside inthe P.R.C. should contact their local public security office.HONG KONG: B.C.C. - apply by letter to:Commissioner of Police (Attn.: SSO Crime IB) Park Commercial Center, Ground Floor 6 Shelter Street Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Each request must be accompanied by: a) Bank draft in the amount of HK $ 220.00 for each person, payable to "HONG KONG GOVERNMENT" (drafts in foreign currency must include a bank service charge, the current bank service charge is HK $ 100.00 for each draft). b) Documentary proof that visa application has been made (i.e. copy of our letter requesting that they obtain certificate). c) Full set of fingerprints, taken and certified by a recognized and official police or law enforcement agency where the applicant presently resides. Certification of the fingerprints taken must clearly state: 1) The name and rank of the person taking the fingerprints. 2) The full name of the police or law enforcement agency. 3) The date and place taken. [ 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 rolia.net/forum ]- Fingerprints submitted that do not clearly show certification are not acceptable. - Fingerprints taken by an applicant, a legal representative and private or commercial agency are not acceptable. d) Photocopy of Hong Kong ID card or travel document showing Chinese commercial code numbers for Chinese characters used for your name. JAPAN: Obtain from Prefectural Police in Japan or Japanese Diplomatic Mission abroad (Should be submitted as soon as possible.).TAIWAN: Police certificates are issued from the National Police Administration. There are three issuance sites: - Kaohsiung - Taipei County - Taipei City All Taiwanese immigration applicants should present their applications for police clearance certificates to the relevant issuing offices, along with pre-stamped large envelope with the name and address of the visa mission and the applicant’s file number clearly marked. USA:To obtain an FBI clearance, you must do the following:Go to a local police station, FBI field office, or Immigration Service Center and obtain a fingerprint form, complete it and get fingerprinted. It may be necessary to state that you require thefingerprint for Freedom of Information requirements. Do not state that it is for Immigration. The US Immigration and Nautrulization Service has requested that fingerprints not be done for certain US cases. This does not affect Canadian immigration.You must then forward the card, with a certified cheque or money order for US$18 (one separate for each request) made payable to the "U.S. Treasury" to the following address: FBICJIS DivisionAttn: Special Correspondence - Mode - D21000 Custer Hollow RoadClarksburg, West Virginia26306 USAInclude a letter stating the request and reason for the FBI Clearance certificate.Please note that certain immigration processing posts require State Police Clearance Certificates8. 问:我申请移民加拿大,加拿大使馆要求提供在日期间无罪公证,请问如何办理相关手续。答:请你向日本警视厅申请在日期间无犯罪证明,并将此材料由日本外务省办理认证,然后向加拿大驻日本使馆办理有关手续。 问:请问如何办理在日期间的《外国人无犯罪纪录证明》?答:1、请你持警视厅出具的证明去日本外务省办理认证;2、来使馆办理认证。请带上护照,经外务省认证的无犯罪证明及复印件1份;3、请本人亲自来申请。问:我是一个公派留学生,毕业后留在日本就业,现持因私护照,我如何申请在中国国内无犯罪公证?答:办理在中国国内无犯罪公证,请你委托国内的亲友向国内公证处申请。---------------------------------------------------------------------------------户口公证户口翻译Type of HuKou: Non-Agricultural group HuKou ;Head of HuKou: ;HuKou Number: ;Address: ;Provincial Level Police Station HuKou Stamp: Sealed by stamp of ????? City Police Station for HuKou use only HuKou Registry HuKou Stamp: sealed by stamp of ???? City Police Station ???? Branch for HuKou use only Registered by: HuKou Registration Officer HaoTing Date of Registration: 以上是户主那一页 Normal Resident Registration Card ;Name: ;Relationship to head of HuKou: Non Relative Previous Name(s): ;Sex: Female ;Place of Birth: ???? City ;Nationality: Han ;Place of Origin: ???? City ;Date of Birth: ;Other Address: ;Religion: ;I D Number: Height: ;Blood Group: ;Education: ;Marital Status: ;Military Service: Employer: ;Profession: ;When and From Where Moved to This City: < r o l i a. n e t >When and from Where Moved To Current Address: Registered by: HuKou Registration Officer HaoTing Date of Registration: Sealed by: Stamp of ???? City Police Station ???? Branch for>HuKou use only户口翻译样本 Name ;Other name ;Birth place ;Place of origin ;Other address ;I.D. Number ;Education Employer ;When and from where move to this city ;When and from where move to current residence Registration agent: Xiyilu Police Station Relationship to household head Sex ;Nationality ;Date of birth ;Religion Height ;Marriage status ;Profession Registration date:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------学历公证Mr/Ms. born on diligently studied for master degree specializing in the__________________ in the school of from to has completed the curriculum required for Master Degree with satisfactory grades and has been granted to graduate.President of Wuhan UniversityCertificate No: Date: 毕业证翻译的样本Diploma and Degree Certificate(English copy )This is to certify that X X X , born in Henan Province on Nov..18. 1970 has studied for 4 years from Sep.1987 to July. 1991 in the department of Polymer Marerial majoring in Polymer Science & Engineering. has completed all the courses prescribed in the Teaching Programme, and has passed all the exams necessary for graduation from Beijing University of Technology. Having fulfilled the requirements stipulated by the Academic Degree Regulations of the People's Republic of China, he/she is awarded the degree of Bachelor of Engineering. President:BeijingUniversityofTechnologyDate:July.1991Registered Certificate No:00000001----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------办理公证之前,先搞清几个名词:间接公证:主要应用于证书公证,即对证书的复印件进行公证,证明证书的复印件和原件相符合,证件上的印鉴属实。直接公证:即公证处直接给予证明。公证的地域管辖权:按照国内的规定,没有刑事犯罪的公证要求在申请人的户口所在地公证处办理。公证的规定根据地区不同,也不完全相同,最好在办理公证前,先到当地的公证处咨询一下具体的规定。一般来讲,公证的办理要求如下:(仅供参考)学历、学位公证:要求提交申请人学历、学位的证书原件和复印件。此公证使馆要求必须是间接公证。婚姻公证:要求提交申请人结婚证的证书原件和复印件,间接公证。未婚公证:未婚申请人要求提供该公证。要单位或户口所在地办事处开具未婚证明,直接公证。工作经历公证:要求申请人单位出具证明,直接公证。教育经历公证:要求申请人单位出具证明,毕业证等直接公证。未刑公证:要求申请人户口所在地派出所开具的未刑证明,直接公证。 { 枫下论坛 rolia.net/forum }出生公证:要求申请人单位出具的证明或户口所在地办事处开具的出生证明。培训证书公证:凡是非英文、法文的培训证书,要求提交申请人证书原件和复印件,间接公证。公证书数量:至少两份,一份交使馆,一份自己留底。如需要做CCPE,学历、学位证书要做三份。公证照片:2寸彩照。直接公证要在公证书上贴照片,根据办理直接公证的数量计算。办理公证时,公证处一般要求申请人提供户口本和身份证原件和复印件。出国公证解答(1) 1.出国通常要办理哪些公证?出国需要的公证书是根据所去国家及有关部门的要求办理,因此,它与当事人出国的目的及其在国外停留的时间有关。一般来讲,出国留学需提供与学历有关的公证,如毕业证、学位证、成绩单公证;出国探亲,需提供亲属关系公证;出国定居,需提供出生、未受刑事制裁、婚姻状况等全套公证书;办技术移民还需办理与本人工作技能有关的公证书;办投资移民则需加办与本人财产有关的公证书等等。总的来讲,打算在国外居住的时间越长,所应办理的公证书种类应越齐全。2.为什么同样的公证书要办理若干份?出国人员办理的公证书是提交其前往国家有关部门使用的,只有证书原件才为所在国法律认可。由于证书可能会为多个有关部门,如:学校、移民局、税务部门等等所要求提供,因此出国人员在办理公证书时应根据自己的出国目的以及出国时间的长短,准备备份。而且,由于在公证处一次办理同样公证书时,第二份之后都是按副本收费,因此,一次办理份数齐全,既方便使用,又避免了多次重复办理的时间和经济上的额外支出。3.户籍已注销,该如何办理出生公证?公民因离境而注销户口后,申请办理出生公证的,可以先到公证处领取出生调查表然后请户籍注销地派出所根据户籍档案的记载开出证明。4.结婚证丢失了,如何办理结婚公证?申办结婚公证而不能提供结婚证的,一般应由当事人双方到原登记机关申领《夫妻关系证明书》,然后到公证机关申办夫妻关系证明书的公证。如不能领取《夫妻关系证明书》的,应由原婚姻登记机关(或档案馆)根据档案记载,开出有关结婚的证明,提交给公证机关。5.要证明本人与本人档案没有记载的亲属的关系,如何向公证处提交材料?可以由有关亲属的单位分别开出证明,证明他们各自的亲属,直至能够说明本人与该证明的亲属间的关系。6.办理未曾受过刑事处分公证,必须由派出所出具证明信吗?可以由人事档案管理部门根据人事档案记载出具是否受过刑事处分的证明。档案所在派出所或户籍所在地派出所根据了解掌握的情况出具的证明信,公证处同样可以接受。7.被公证证明的文件上的名字与户籍、身份证或档案记载的名字属同音不同字怎么办?如果两个名字一个是正确的,另一个是错误的,应当到原有关机构或部门更改正确的名字,但由于有的巳时隔多年,更改确有不便,可提供能够证明两个不同的名字确系一人的文件,由公证处另外出具两个名字关系的公证书。8.毕业时成绩单由学校直接交给录用单位存人个人档案,本人手中没有成绩单,如何办理公证?可由档案管理部门将存入档案的成绩单复印出两份,在其中的一份上说明与存档原件相符,并加盖公章,由申请人交给公证处存卷。另一份交公证处做公证。9.毕业证书(学位书证等) 已经带到国外或丢失了,如何申办学历公证?应将该证书带回国内,交公证机关审核后方能为其办理学历公证书。毕业证书丢失的,可到原发证书学校补发毕业证书或出具学历证明,公证处证明补发的毕业证书或学历证明。10.申办工作经历公证,需要曾经工作过的每个单位开证明吗?申办工作经历证明,一般由现档案管理部门证明申请人于某个阶段在某个单位工作即可,但所要证明的经历过于详细具体,现档案管理部门又了解掌握不清楚的,应由原工作单位出具证明信。11.工作经历证明书中如何确认技术职称(职务)的起任时间?工作经历证明需要证明专业技术职称(职务)的,应向公证机关提交科干局核发的职称(或职务)证书,其起任时间以该证书标明的为准,其职称的专业以该证书标明的为准。出国公证解答(2)办理公证须提供的材料及证明信格式办理证书类的(如毕业证、学位证、成绩单、结婚证等)公证提供身份证及证书原件即可,其他类的须提供身份证、户口本、证明信。(办理出生、经历公证的还须提供照片)。证明信参考格式如下:我单位××申请赴× 国探亲(或定居、自费学习、公派……。),现介绍到你处办理如下公证:1.出生证明书:×××(性别)于×年×月×日在××省××市(或县) 出生。××的生父是××,××生母是×××。2.未婚证明书:××(性别,出生年月日,现住北京市××区)至×年×月×日未曾登记结婚。已经离境者:×××(性别,出生年月日,现住××国××市)至×年×月×日在中国居住期间未曾登记结婚。3.离婚后未再婚证明书××(性别,出生年月日)与××(性别,出生年月日)于×年×月×日在×省×市(或县)登记结婚。×年×月×日在×省×市(或县)经××部门登记(或调解、判决)离婚。××离婚后至×年×月×日止未再登记结婚。4.经历证明书:××(性别,出生年月日)于×年×月×日至×年×月×日在××单位(应写明全称)任××(职称或职务),××年×月至×年×月在××单位任××(或从事何种工作)。5.域外亲属关系证明书:××(性别,出生年月日,现住×市×区)是居住在×国×市××(性别,出生年月日)的××(相互关系)。6.国内亲属关系证明书:××(性别,出生年月日)的配偶是××(出生年月日),子(或女)是××(出生年月日),父亲是××(出生年月日),母亲是××(出生年月日),哥哥(或弟弟)是××(出生年月日),姐姐(或妹妹)是××(出生年月日)。7.末受刑事制裁证明书:×××(性别,出生年月日,现住×××)在中国居住期间没有受过刑事制裁。已经离境者:××(性别,出生年月日,现住××国××市)至×年×月×日在中国居住期间没有受过刑事制裁。书写人:××年×月×日注:(1)证明信由申请人所在单位的档案管理部门,如人事、组织、劳资部门或街道办事处根据掌握的真实情况负责书写,并写明出处,由书写人签名,加盖专用章。 < 相约加拿大 ROLIA.NET >(2) 公证收费严格按照北京市物价局、北京市司法局[1999]第039号文件规定的标准执行,去英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新加坡、德国、法国、比利时、荷兰、新西兰等国家的出生、未婚、亲属关系、无罪、工作经历公证每种收费104元,毕业证书、学位证书、结婚证书等证书公证每种128元;去美国、韩国和奥地利三国的出生、未婚、亲属关系、无犯罪、工作经历每种公证208元、毕业证书、学位证书、结婚证书等证书公证每种收费232元。(小语种按中央编译局标准收翻译费)<本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum >点击展开...感谢得不知道如何是好了


退役请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请不要给我发短信提问....不要逼我麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279 2006-06-08#7 桑 538 $0.00 太有用了,多谢!

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