按照使馆网页上要求, 我的理解是这样的, 不知道是否完全正确, 希望大家指点了! 谢谢!! 1. 一共需要提供四张35 mm x 45 mm (1 3/8” x 1 3/4”) finished size的照片? 2. 在其中一张照片背后写上名字和出生日期, 还有照相的时间? 3. 把四张照片一起装到一个单独信封中, 在信封上面写上申请人姓名, 出生日期? 用回形针把信封封好?
06年7月12日,DHL寄出,205元;06年7月13日下午2:45分,HK签收;06年7月25日下午2:04分,招行信用卡划款,1005美元 ;06年9月27日FN;接下来,等待吧…… 赏 2006-06-10#3
赏 2006-06-10#4 Z 349 $0.00 我是看的IMM EG7000上的How to complete the forms上面第20页的说法:PhotosAsk a photographer to provide you with a set of photos of yourself and each of your family membersincluded in your application, whether they will be accompanying you or not. The required number ofphotos for each individual is indicated in Appendix A, under Photos.Photos must comply with specifications given in Appendix C, Photo Specifications. Make sure yougive a copy of these specifications to the photographer.• On the back of one photo (and only one) in each set, write the name and date of birth of theperson appearing in the photo as well as the date the photo was taken.• Enclose each set of photos in separate envelopes. Write the family member’s name, date ofbirth and relationship to you on the corresponding envelope and close the envelope with apaper clip.• Photos must not be stapled, scratched, bent or bear any ink marks.然后表E37048上Appendix A中15. PHOTO REQUIREMENTSSupply four (4) photos for each member of your family and yourself. Follow the instructions provided in section How to Complete the Forms of the application guide and in Appendix C: Photo Specifications.怎么会和大家的都不一样呢? 着急阿!!求助!!
中介让我提供的照片标准如下: 照片必须满足以下要求:是包括被照者的全部头部和全部肩膀的正面照,且面部在照片的正中心照片的底色必须是纯白色所有照片必须是未经任何修正的同一底片冲洗出来的或通过一次曝光呈现多个影像或多个镜头的相机拍摄的的完全一样的照片(黑白照或者彩照)照片尺寸: 从下巴到头顶的长度为25毫米至35毫米(1寸至1 3/8寸)整张照片的尺寸为35毫米X45毫米(13/8寸X1 3/4寸)我和老公各交了11张,我儿子交了8张
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