加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民有谁遇见过网上查询的这类情况。。。
2001.05 beijing case2001.05 fn.........->10.....->12中间几年淡忘了。。。。最近心血来潮,上网查。。。结果总出现:There has been an error in processing your inquiry.Please check to make sure: You have correctly entered the "File Number" and "Principal Applicant's Date of Birth". (Spouse's or dependants' dates of birth are not accepted.) Your "File Number" has 10 characters (1 letter and 9 numbers). Your application was not finalized more than two months ago. Frequent Errors: "Date of application" was used instead of the "Principal Applicant's Date of Birth". The "File Number" does not have 1 alphabetic character and 9 numbers, as it should.. (For example: X123456789) If you do not know your "File Number", or if the information you have does not work, please contact us. 可我输入的信息都是正确的.那位筒子遇到过
2010.6.17 TORONTOhttp://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=434791 赏 2006-07-12#4 W 37 $0.00 是呀,都对,03年以前还能查到,有几年没有去查了
wlh0821 说:是呀,都对,03年以前还能查到,有几年没有去查了点击展开...啊!赶紧写信问问。
2010.6.17 TORONTOhttp://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=434791 赏 2006-07-12#7 W 37 $0.00 谢谢大家,01年申请时还真是热情高涨,当时申请就我和我爱人,现在女儿都2岁多了。其间移民政策的不稳定以及加拿大官员办事的低效让人难以接受,因此有打算放弃移民的念头了,所以就没有管,前天无意上网一查,发现是这样,就不知道原因了。。偏偏筒子说的结案是什么意思,拒签吗?如果是,他们是否退申请费用。。。好像是每人500加币吧
wlh0821 说:谢谢大家,01年申请时还真是热情高涨,当时申请就我和我爱人,现在女儿都2岁多了。其间移民政策的不稳定以及加拿大官员办事的低效让人难以接受,因此有打算放弃移民的念头了,所以就没有管,前天无意上网一查,发现是这样,就不知道原因了。。偏偏筒子说的结案是什么意思,拒签吗?如果是,他们是否退申请费用。。。好像是每人500加币吧点击展开...申请费用是不退的,要是交了登陆费,那个可以退,不管怎么样,写封email问问吧。
2010.6.17 TORONTOhttp://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=434791 赏 2006-07-12#10 W 37 $0.00 请教筒子们,这是自动回信吗:Please be advised that we are presently experiencing technical difficulties with the On-line Case Status Request page of our web site. We hope to have the site working normally very soon.We welcome you to check the site again in a few days. Please remain patient and wait until the Case Status Request page is working normally in order to check the current status of your application.Thank you for your cooperation.Regards, Visa and Immigration Section Canadian Embassy, Beijing 19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District Beijing, PRC 100600 Fax: (86-10) 6532-1684 Web site: www.beijing.gc.ca E-mail : [email protected](G-053) -----Original Message-----Dear Sir or Madam: I received nothing from you since May 2001 when I got file number.recently I enqueried from your website,at all time have an error as following,but my inputed message is right: CASE STATUS REQUEST SEARCH ERROR There has been an error in processing your inquiry.Please check to make sure: 1.You have correctly entered the "File Number" and "Principal Applicant's Date of Birth". (Spouse's or dependants' dates of birth are not accepted.) 2.Your "File Number" has 10 characters (1 letter and 9 numbers). 3.Your application was not finalized more than two months ago. Frequent Errors: 1."Date of application" was used instead of the "Principal Applicant's Date of Birth". 2.The "File Number" does not have 1 alphabetic character and 9 numbers, as it should.. (For example: X123456789) If you do not know your "File Number", or if the information you have does not work, please contact us. <http://beijing.gc.ca/beijing/en/navmain/visa/contact/index.htm> There are three questions hope to get answerfirst:what about my application's case processing status?second:I submited immigration application in 2001,then and there only two persons in application:my wife and me.now my lovely daughter is already two years old.How to do for me?third:some days before,I faxed "request to change/verify your mailing address" form to you,Did you receive?and are there any questions? When I decide to immigrate to Canada,the flame in my heart,I like Canada including freedom、fair and square、system and policy in there.but five years is a long time to individual than to a country.I hope to get any news that bad news or good news about my application status in a short time.look forward to your reply.thanks Your Truly
那是说他们的On-line Case Status Request page现在有技术故障,叫你过几天再查。
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