加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民[原创] 递北京和香港,申请材料的区别
[FONT=宋体]本人仔细研究北京和香港的[/FONT]kit pdf[FONT=宋体]文档。发现递北京和香港,材料有如下的区别:[/FONT]1、[FONT=宋体]清华认证[/FONT][FONT=宋体]北京:拿到[/FONT]FN[FONT=宋体]后,再进行清华认证。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]香港:递申请的同时,交清华认证报告。[/FONT] 2、[FONT=宋体]简历[/FONT][FONT=宋体]北京:要求提供简历。[/FONT]([FONT=宋体]原文:[/FONT]R[FONT=宋体]é[/FONT]sum[FONT=宋体]é[/FONT] or detailed description of your work history[FONT=宋体] ([/FONT]Even if you provide a letter of reference from your employer it is very useful to us in assessing your application to see a list of your accomplishments, projects and various job duties) )[FONT=宋体]香港:没有要求。[/FONT][FONT=宋体] [/FONT]3、 [FONT=宋体]如果提供不了推荐信:[/FONT][FONT=宋体]北京:[/FONT]Other acceptable evidence of employment, if you are unable to provide a letter from your current employer, are your employment contracts, letters of appointment, pay stubs, work ID, business cards or other documents you believe will confirm you employment.[FONT=宋体][/FONT][FONT=宋体]香港:[/FONT]IF YOU CANNOT PROVIDE LETTER OF REFERENCE OR EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTFROM YOUR CURRENT EMPLOYER, YOU MUST SUBMIT AN EXPLANATORY LETTER ALONG WITH OTHER OFFICIAL PROOF OF YOUR EMPLOYMENT. 4、 passport[FONT=宋体]北京:没提到。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]香港:[/FONT]Please provide legible copies of pages containing the biographical data and the expiry date of the passport. If applicants have visited Canada, please include photocopies of the passport pages showing the Canadian visas and immigration stamps. 5、请高手继续补充ing。。。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――帮别人就是帮自己!一个萝卜一个坑,到别的坑,你还是萝卜吗?也许是土豆,也许是花生。所以,出了国,期望别太高!车库可以住,盘子可以洗,这才是真正的移民。
06.1.23 FN, HK, VO---TCW06.7月某天出现地址栏。。。等me我的贴:关于地址栏变化的报告!!!! 赏 2006-07-27#3 476 $0.00 支持一下!
关于护照延期问题 赏 2006-07-28#4 随 52 $0.00 请教楼主一下:递香港和递北京的条件有甚么区别?在哪里看到详细的资料?给你送花了!
自己补充:6、清华认证北京:收到FN后才清华认证,然后认证中心寄一份。香港:递申请和清华认证,同时让认证中心再直接寄一份副本给使领馆。北京的原文:Once you have submitted your application and have been assigned a file number, you will be required to apply for degree/diploma verification with the China Academic Degree and Graduate Education Development Centre. An application request will be sent with our letter acknowledging receipt of your application.香港的原文:We require two original credentials reports. You must submit to us the original report you receive from CADGEDC together with your application, and arrange for CADGEDC to send a second report directly to our office in Hong Kong.H K怎会折腾人,认证中心寄一份不就得了!!!抗议!!!
驻北京大使馆:http://www.beijing.gc.ca/驻香港领事馆:http://www.beijing.gc.ca/ 的首页上有链接。
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