加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民今天要递料了,这是俺的checklist大家看看可以吗
1、 FORMS - Application for Permanent Residence in Canada (IMM0008) - Schedule 1: Background Declaration - Schedule 3: Economic Class-Federal Skilled Workers - Additional Family Information (IMM5406) 2[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT] IDENTITY AND CIVIL DOCUMENTS - A notarized certificate copy for my family Household Registers (HUKOU) - A notarized certificate copy of my birth - A notarized certificate copy of my never married status- A notarized certificate copy of my personal ID3[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT] EDUCATION/TRAINING/QUALIFICATIONS - A CADGEDC credentials report of my bachelor’s degree - My university transcript in a university-sealed envelope- A notarized certificate copy of my bachelor’s degree - A notarized certificate copy of my university diploma 4[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT] WORK EXPERIENCE - A notarized certificate copy of my work contract 2003 to present- A Letter of reference introducing my work experience from 2003 to present - A business card of the person who signed the above reference letter- My business card 5[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT] PROOF OF LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY - An original IELTS report form 6[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT] SETTLEMENT FUNDS - An original Certificate of Deposit 7[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT] POLICE CETIFICATES AND CLEARANCES - A notarized certificate of my non-criminality 8[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT] FEE PAYMENT- Method of Payment form with my signature (Application payment by my Visa credit card)9[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT] OTHER DOCUMENTS- Self-assessment form - Checklist-6 Photos of me-8 Address labels
2005-12申请加拿大技术移民;2007-12香港取签证;2008-08-08登陆加拿大;2014-9至今Richmond Hill; 赏 2006-08-08#3 S 4,320 $0.00 谢谢 !!!
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