1. 2005年中国的全年New Permanent Residents人数为:China, People's Republic of Quarter1 Quarter2 Quarter3 YTD(Year-to-Date年初至今) 10,843 11,684 11,161 33,688YTD 2005 /YTD 2004 16% 2. 下面是官方报告的link: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/monitor/issue12/02-immigrants.html CIC全文粘贴如下: In the third quarter of 2005, 75,951 new permanent residents landed in Canada, a 16% increase over the third quarter of 2004. With more new permanent residents landing in each of the first three quarters of 2005, the year-to-date total of 206,859 was 10% higher than the 2004 level after the first three quarters.For the first time in 2005, the number of new family class immigrants (16,488) exceeded the corresponding quarterly amount for 2004. However, the modest increase of nearly 8% for the quarter was overshadowed by lower levels in the first two quarters. As a result, the year-to-date total for the family class remained 12% lower than the comparable figure for 2004. The economic class continued to show strong numbers in the third quarter. At the end of this quarter, the number of economic principal applicants was 18% higher than it was in 2004 and the number of economic spouses and dependants was 29% higher. Both economic categories showed increases in the number of skilled workers, business immigrants and provincial/territorial nominees. Refugee landings for the third quarter were 9,331, up 26% from the third quarter of 2004. The third quarter increase compensated for the declines in the first two quarters and brought the year-to-date total in line with that of 2004.There was no change in the ranking of the top five countries of last permanent residence. China remained the top source country (11,161), with a 19% increase for the quarter. China was followed by India (9,142), the Philippines (5,353), Pakistan (4,188) and the United States (2,514). There was also no change in the top three destinations of new permanent residents. Ontario remained the top destination, welcoming 40,533 new permanent residents, an increase of nearly 17% for the quarter. Quebec and British Columbia followed with 13,057 and 12,452 new permanent residents, respectively. 3. 附件为我单独copy出来的,为方便大家阅读的关于中国的统计数字。
我吃故我在 赏
2006.8.31HK签收2006.9.21申请费划款2006.10.11签发FN (VO:ISK)自评分:68 赏 2006-08-20#7
27,238 $0.00 所有的吗???技术移民+亲属团聚+投资移民???评论
中国-多伦多-卡尔加里-逃离苦寒之地迈向不可知的未来... 赏
2006.05.30 FN 自评 67所有的吗???技术移民+亲属团聚+投资移民???点击展开...你可以看到CIC上的表一和表二是咱们主要关注的数字,表一是按申请类别,即技术、亲属团聚和投资划分的,表二是按国家总数分的,所以我认为应该是全中国的总数,包括你所说的这三类。 如果我理解得不正确,欢迎大家指正,谢谢!!
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