-06/10/11 FN -10/06/09 ME -11/02/22mer -11/03/06 PL -11/4/02 VISA-11/05/30 登陆 赏 2006-07-26#3 A 136 $0.00 可是香港的instructions里没有说到呀,只讲了未成年孩子需要出生公证
05.1 FN,自评68,DIY。 07.1.23 收到大信封。07.7.19 开始在卡尔加里的生活09.4.27 毕业于SAIT09年5月 找到会计工作 赏 2006-07-26#5 A 136 $0.00 ??可是我看到的就是这些呀?高人们指点一下吧1. IDENTITY AND CIVIL DOCUMENTSThe following documents are required for you, your spouse or common-law partner, and dependent children if applicable. For PRC applicants, kinship certificate is not acceptable as proof of relationship.PRC applicants must submit notarized certificates of the documents below. The notarized certificates must include photocopies of original documents issued by the PRC Offices administered by the Civil Administration (e.g. marriage certificate is issued by the PRC People’s Government Office in your town, city, county or province of residence).• marriage certificate• relationship proof with your common-law partner including notarized / certified declaration of your common-law relationship, evidence of your history of cohabitation, mutual commitment, continuous financial support, etc.• divorce certificate / absolute divorce (Hong Kong residents), divorce court order with arrangements for the custody of children, annulled marriage certificate, separation certificate or court order• death certificate of your former spouse or other family member• never married certificate for you and/or your adult child/ren• for citizens of the PRC and Taiwan, the notarized / certified copies of family or employment (‘Danwei’) Household Registers (‘HUKOU’); proof of temporary residence if your permanent Hukou is not in the place where you are presently working and/or residing
-06/10/11 FN -10/06/09 ME -11/02/22mer -11/03/06 PL -11/4/02 VISA-11/05/30 登陆 赏 2006-07-26#8

有一种鸟是关不住的,因为它的每一片羽毛都闪着自由的光辉。 赏 2006-07-26#9

中国-多伦多-卡尔加里-逃离苦寒之地迈向不可知的未来... 赏 2006-07-26#10 A 136 $0.00 我决定对于有争议的几项公证:1、做户口公证,不作出生公证(成人);2、做劳动合同公证不做工作经历公证。结果怎样等我递料后反馈大家。
air_1 说:1. IDENTITY AND CIVIL DOCUMENTSThe following documents are required for you, your spouse or common-law partner, and dependent children if applicable. For PRC applicants, kinship certificate is not acceptable as proof of relationship.PRC applicants must submit notarized certificates of the documents below. The notarized certificates must include photocopies of original documents issued by the PRC Offices administered by the Civil Administration (e.g. marriage certificate is issued by the PRC People’s Government Office in your town, city, county or province of residence).• marriage certificate• relationship proof with your common-law partner including notarized / certified declaration of your common-law relationship, evidence of your history of cohabitation, mutual commitment, continuous financial support, etc.• divorce certificate / absolute divorce (Hong Kong residents), divorce court order with arrangements for the custody of children, annulled marriage certificate, separation certificate or court order• death certificate of your former spouse or other family member• never married certificate for you and/or your adult child/ren• for citizens of the PRC and Taiwan, the notarized / certified copies of family or employment (‘Danwei’) Household Registers (‘HUKOU’); proof of temporary residence if your permanent Hukou is not in the place where you are presently working and/or residing点击展开...偶仔细研究了香港的pdf,成人确实没有出生公证,需要的材料是:• marriage certificate• relationship proof with your common-law partner• divorce certificate • death certificate of your former spouse or other family member• never married certificate for you and/or your adult child/ren• Household Registers (‘HUKOU’);proof of temporary residence For dependent children:• birth certificate (notarized hospital birth records)• adoption certificate• custody order• written consent 唯一提到出生证明的地方,在前面有一句:“For dependent children:”
air_1 说:我决定对于有争议的几项公证:1、做户口公证,不作出生公证(成人);2、做劳动合同公证不做工作经历公证。结果怎样等我递料后反馈大家。点击展开... 虽然如此,建议成人做出生公证,万一有啥,可以节省时间。 如果不提供劳动合同公证,可以做公证经历公证的,但是要附上解释信。见香港的kit pdf原文:IF YOU CANNOT PROVIDE LETTER OF REFERENCE OR EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT FROM YOUR CURRENT EMPLOYER, YOU MUST SUBMIT AN EXPLANATORY LETTER ALONG WITH OTHER OFFICIAL PROOF OF YOUREMPLOYMENT.
我是6月份递交资料的, 大人没有做出生公证.香港在5月份以前, 是要求大人的出生公证的, 后来取消了, 只有小孩需要出生公证. 可以比较一下5月11日前后的官方要求就知道。我看很多人说拿不准就多做,完全没有必要,按照官方要求准备就行了,可以不花的钱,一分钱也不要多花,就像很多人作了成绩单的清华认证一样,很多人还把毕业证作了清华认证,个人认为,这是钱多得没处花,把这钱留下来,还可以给老婆买一件衣服呢:):)
一辈子,一个人,一件事,足矣!QQ: 715262565 赏 2006-07-31#15

06/09/08 再递HK06/09/11 14:33新程序简表签收06/10/20 中信汇票解付07/02/09 签发FN VO LSL 赏 2006-07-31#16

HK要的啊,下载的E37019里check list里的第2点有很清晰说明
命运在VO的手里,无限期的等待~~~我是6月份递交资料的, 大人没有做出生公证.香港在5月份以前, 是要求大人的出生公证的, 后来取消了, 只有小孩需要出生公证. 可以比较一下5月11日前后的官方要求就知道。 我看很多人说拿不准就多做,完全没有必要,按照官方要求准备就行了,可以不花的钱,一分钱也不要多花,就像很多人作了成绩单的清华认证一样,很多人还把毕业证作了清华认证,个人认为,这是钱多得没处花,把这钱留下来,还可以给老婆买一件衣服呢:):)点击展开... 有道理,我也没做,不过最高学历成绩单的清华认证偶还是做了
赏 2006-08-24#20 A 136 $0.00 应该不要,我的退料里没有这项
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