[FONT=宋体]迷惑ing:递香港,清华认证究竟需要认证什么?请高人指点,非常感谢![/FONT][FONT=宋体]为讨论方便,摘录sw-hk-kit.pdf(20060519)原文如下:[/FONT][FONT=宋体]第[/FONT]6[FONT=宋体]页:[/FONT]For you and your spouse or common-law partner:• post-secondary education documents: vocational or technical certificates or diplomas• CADGEDC credentials report(s) for college or university documents (PRC residents):• CADGEDC credentials report(s) to certify completion and authenticity of graduation degree, diploma, or certificate issued by the college or university and the evaluation committee in China (please refer to the instructions for obtaining CADGEDC credentials reports in Appendix E)• notarial certificate of each degree, diploma, or certificate issued by the college or university and the evaluation committee in China• college or university documents (residents of HKSAR, Macao and other countries):notarization/certification of completion and graduation degree, diploma, or certificate issued by the college or university• transcripts: original transcripts of all degrees must be submitted in university-sealed envelopes 上面的清华认证要求中,没有提成绩单。(蓝色那句话是要求degree,diploma or certificate公证吧?但是为什么放到清华认证要求下呢?) [FONT=宋体]第[/FONT]15[FONT=宋体]页(addpedix E):[/FONT]You are only required to have your highest level degree with graduation certificate and transcript verified.这里提到了成绩单认证。那么,清华认证究竟要不要认证成绩单呢?
2006-07-10 递料HK 2006-10-06 中秋 接中介通知 期盼已久的FN终于来了2006-09-27 FN签发 2007-11-03 老公考雅思 加油!AZA~~AZA~~~再次进入漫长的等待中,我的me快快来 赏 2006-07-27#3

有一种鸟是关不住的,因为它的每一片羽毛都闪着自由的光辉。 赏 2006-07-27#4

-06/10/11 FN -10/06/09 ME -11/02/22mer -11/03/06 PL -11/4/02 VISA-11/05/30 登陆 赏 2006-07-27#5 我 215 $0.00 2楼,3楼,4楼的说法不一致啊?到底是怎样的呢?会不会是有的人递香港,有的人递北京而造成的不一致呢?问题是我想知道:递香港时清华认证是degree,dipolma,transcript三种材料的的什么组合呢?有没有办法写信问一下CIC呢?
2006.09.15(周五) 17:51 DHL-HK 万里长征从此开始 2006.09.18(周一) 14:34 HK 签收 2006.10.20(周五) 11:06 HK 招行信用卡划款 HK$ 8750, US$ 1140.73, RMB 9353.98 2007.2.28(周三) FN 050537xxx [SAP]等待通知寄材料。自评分72,无亲属,假设雅思2个7。 赏 2006-09-11#7 L 200 $0.00 ding
2006.09.15(周五) 17:51 DHL-HK 万里长征从此开始 2006.09.18(周一) 14:34 HK 签收 2006.10.20(周五) 11:06 HK 招行信用卡划款 HK$ 8750, US$ 1140.73, RMB 9353.98 2007.2.28(周三) FN 050537xxx [SAP]等待通知寄材料。自评分72,无亲属,假设雅思2个7。 赏 2006-09-13#8

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