http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/rpp/0607/ci-ci/ci-ci_e.aspWho research this link and make a simple report for us?Skilled worker immigrants are selected on the basis of their potential to contribute to the economy soon after arrival in Canada. CIC’s challenge is to maintain flexibility in the selection of skilled immigrants in order to respond to changesin Canada’s labour market.
靓丽网店出售, 包括很有意义的域名, 网站链接: http://beautiful4less.com提供培训,一定时间维护,帮您熟悉上手。商品也可以包括。欢迎联系 [email protected]。 赏 2006-09-28#2

21,405 $0.00 关注中!评论
赏 2006-09-28#3

Software Developer
5,429 $0.00 研究了半天, 没看到说解决积压, 不过今年的数字出来啦, Immigration Levels for 2006 Target Ranges*Skilled workers 105,000 116,000 据说比去年少了9800个, 这么慢,这个数字他们打算怎么完成啊.评论
靓丽网店出售, 包括很有意义的域名, 网站链接: http://beautiful4less.com提供培训,一定时间维护,帮您熟悉上手。商品也可以包括。欢迎联系 [email protected]。 赏 2006-09-28#4

06-09-01 新政第一天UPS寄出;06-09-04 9:48 Mr. CHEN签收;06-10-17 15:15 招行信用卡划款;07-02-14 北京收到FN信,VO:SKM;08-05-07 通过Email修改邮政地址,08-05-30在线查阅到传说中的地址栏。09-03-21收到确认信。12-02补料信。http://weibo.com/golftrip 赏 2006-09-28#5

Software Developer
5,429 $0.00 还是提了一下的, 总算找到了点:These long processing times and large inventories of applications must be addressed. The current approach to selecting skilled workers was designed to select immigrants with sufficient human capital to be adaptable in the face of changing labour market needs. However, there is a growing demand to complement this approach with immigrants who have a greater capacity to fill specific labour market and employer needs. CIC, in consultation with partners and stakeholders, will launch public consultations on improving the responsiveness of the system, considering new proactive recruitment (both temporary workers and permanent residents), prioritized selection and new approaches to processing that would help ensure that Canada can welcome immigrants more quickly.评论
靓丽网店出售, 包括很有意义的域名, 网站链接: http://beautiful4less.com提供培训,一定时间维护,帮您熟悉上手。商品也可以包括。欢迎联系 [email protected]。 赏 2006-09-28#6

靓丽网店出售, 包括很有意义的域名, 网站链接: http://beautiful4less.com提供培训,一定时间维护,帮您熟悉上手。商品也可以包括。欢迎联系 [email protected]。 赏 2006-10-04#8

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