请教下面Desperate Housewives 的几句台词You're a month behind in your payments.这句只能当口语吗? lashback to Danny tossing a newspaper directly into a rose bush with yellow flowers bending the blooms. 能不能解释一下 flowers 、blooms, 并翻译一下Do you know how long it takes me to schlep out here to this hellhole?已经"out here" 啦,怎么后面还to this hellhole呢 Gabrielle: "Be careful, Carlos. Up until now, I've been really lonely in that big bed of ours, but when you're rude to me, it makes me wanna be not so lonely." Carlos: "Comments like that are exactly why you'll never again have access to my money." Carlos这句只能当口语吗? 这句完整的怎么说?Gabrielle: "Why are all rich men jerks?" Carlos: "Same reason all beautiful women are bitches. So, same time tomorrow?" Carlos这句只能当口语吗?这句完整的怎么说?Gabrielle: "Be careful, Carlos. Up until now, I've been really lonely in that big bed of ours, but when you're rude to me, it makes me wanna be not so lonely." Carlos: "Comments likethat are exactly why you'll never again have access to my money." Carlos这句只能当口语吗?这句完整的怎么说?Thanks in advance.
靓丽网店出售, 包括很有意义的域名, 网站链接: http://beautiful4less.com提供培训,一定时间维护,帮您熟悉上手。商品也可以包括。欢迎联系 [email protected]。 赏 2006-10-18#2 A 108 $0.00 这么久没人应?作为Desperate housewives' fan,随便说两句。Thumbelina的问题都是问这些是口语吗?这个好像有点难以回答,书面语和口语的区别到现代语言的发展阶段,不知道是不是严格的语法专家才能回答。比如第一句,语法应该是完整的,或者顶多还原成:You're a month behind in terms of your payments。第二句第三句回答不到。第四句第六句重。完整一点,可能可以说,Since/As you have comments like that, it explains the reason why you'll never again have access to my money.第五句完整一点是:It is as same as the reason why all beautiful women are bitches.以上是个人的理解,请其他高手拍砖头。HOHO。
请教下面Desperate Housewives 的几句台词You're a month behind in your payments.这句只能当口语吗? 写信应该也可以用,不过感觉有点突兀。I'd like to remind you that You're a month behind in your payments. 可能会更好些。lashback to Danny tossing a newspaper directly into a rose bush with yellow flowers bending the blooms. 能不能解释一下 flowers 、blooms, 并翻译一下不解。 Do you know how long it takes me to schlep out here to this hellhole?已经"out here" 啦,怎么后面还to this hellhole呢 说schlep out to this hellhole就可以了,加here我理解只是为了强调一下。Gabrielle: "Be careful, Carlos. Up until now, I've been really lonely in that big bed of ours, but when you're rude to me, it makes me wanna be not so lonely." Carlos: "Comments like that are exactly why you'll never again have access to my money." Carlos这句只能当口语吗? 这句完整的怎么说?看你怎么理解口语了。这句话语法上用在书面中没问题,但comments like that需要有context,如果是在小说中,用在人物对话中,完全没有问题。如果用在一般的文章中,恐怕要加一点,例如 Comments like what Mr. Blah made last week are exactly why ..... Gabrielle: "Why are all rich men jerks?" Carlos: "Same reason all beautiful women are bitches. So, same time tomorrow?" Carlos这句只能当口语吗?这句完整的怎么说?只可以用在有context的对话中。一定要完整的说,The reason why all rich men are jerks is the same as why all beautiful women are bitches.
2006-08-03 Thur DHL递香港,次日签收。2006-08-17 Thur 信用卡扣款 2006-10-18 Wed FN等待中... 赏

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