Three Things.......... Three things in life that, once gone, never come back Time Words Opportunity Three things in life that may never be lost Peace Hope Honesty Three things in life that are most valuable Love Self - Confidence Friends Three things in life that are never certain Dreams Success Fortune Three things that make a man/woman Hardwork SincerityCommitment Three things in life that can destroy a man/woman Alcohol Pride Anger Three things in life that, once lost, hard to build-up Respect TrustFriends Three things in life that never fail True Love DeterminationBelief
[FN: 09.28.2006,我所知道查过我资料的VO: ROW, LCY, [TCW])1.7寄IELTS成绩,1.16签发补料信, 3.17交补料; 看来明年春天能走就不错了......作难民以前,have a good time while you can.I'm destined to be his momma, and I'm doing the best as I can. 赏 2006-10-18#2 A 108 $0.00 good post!
The most valuable thing in my life is........I have you在水一芳to advise me what is "three things in life"
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。―――――――――――――――――――――――――― 赏 2006-10-19#4

21,405 $0.00 顶!!!评论
赏 2006-10-19#5

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