加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民有人用Professional engineer n.e.c.(others)做职业定位么


我是汽车发动机标定工程师,但是发现在NOC列表里面没有合适的类别,可以用Professional engineer n.e.c.(others)来做职业定位么?有这样做的么?多谢了

可以啊。。。Automative Engine Calibration Engineer.....wow.....好专业啊。。。。羡慕ing.......

个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。―――――――――――――――――――――――――― 2006-10-21#3 T 31 $0.00 Main duties怎么填阿?NOC里面对这个大类没有具体的规定阿,自己根据实际情况来写么?

I really do not know how you advise you in avoiding the rejection of your application.I do agree that "Calibration Engineer" may group in the NOC - Professional Engineer n.e.c (others). This group of Engineers is specialist and have limited mobility throught their profession. Thus, I am worry the Visa Officer may use the reason "in doubt of your skilled ability for you to economically established in Canada". Please be reminded you are appllied in the catageryof the Independent Economic Group - Skilled Worker Class.The CIC overseas processing operation manual OP6e, also requested the VO to assess the applicant Work Experience in accordance to NOC list and shall be saisfied to the most of the selected NOC occupation main duties.If you use the NOC - Professional Engineer n.e.c (others), you have none of the main duties to be satisfied. This is not your mistake, but this engineering group is really specific.I would suggest you, besides to consider the Professional Engoneer n.e.c (others), could you view the NOC 2141 Industrial Engineer or Quality Control Engineer to match your job description.I do not know what is your current job description. May the Calibration Engineer is conducted a Industrial or QA/QC Engineer scope of work?To share with you with my experience, I am a Chemical Engineer by profession. I have joined few foreign Chemical Engineer Society and Enginnering Association, and also having a CCPE assesment. I understand this is not mandotory in the Immigration Application. I just want to provide an evident to the Visa Officer that I could be "economical established in Canada".Sorry for writing this reply in English. I faced some mirror problem in the chinese character software.All the best.

个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。―――――――――――――――――――――――――― 2006-10-22#5 T 31 $0.00 Thanks for your advice. I would consider it carefully. And from what you said I guess you have made full preparation for your immigration application. I admire your enthusiasm to help others and wide knowledge. I am a engine calibration engineer who is responsible for acquiring the parameters needed to control the engine. These parameters must ensure the vehicle can pass the Euro3 emission regulations and other codes published by the government. Meanwhile you must accomplish what the vehicle manufactures think you should do. Now I am also do the job of designing the algorithms and testing whether it works. This job is really hard to be classified. What is your NOC code? Chemical engineer 2134?

Yup. I put NOC Code 2134 Chemical Engineer in my early employment historyand 0711 Construction Manager as my current.If I were you, I would rather include NOC 2141 for the occupation code.The main duties in NOC 2141 is suit to the work scope of calibration engineer.Please tell me if my guess is wrong. I thought that an experienced and competent Engine Calibration Engineer shall be work in a high tech and challenging automotive environment. He/She may work closely with the electronic engineer and software engineer. A minumim requirement shall be a Degree qualified and having extensive experience in the automotive transmission / EMS calibration environment.In NOC 2141, its indicated:-1. Plan and design plant layouts and facilitiesYou may/shall paln and design the engine manufacturing facilities to ensure the end product is met to the Euro3 emission reguirement or other mandatory code. I think you are require to identify the hardware/software requirements, and perform mapping on engine dynamometer, and calibrate drivability/emissions in vehicle. This is an involvement in the plan and design layout and facilities for your "engine calibration test" plan2. Study new machinery and facilities and recommend or select efficient combinationsIts you. You shall perform the calibration of EMS in order to meet the vehicle performance, fuel economy, On-Board Diagnostic System and the drive-ability objectives. The critical objection is to meet the satisfaction of the requirements for the control of exhaust emissions. You are definatelly required to study new machinery and facilities and make neccessary recommendations.3. Develop flexible or integrated manufacturing systems and proceduresIts you again. You shall require to develop new approaches to the engineering problems. You shall ensure that new improved simulation and analytical techniques are continually integrated into the working environment. A simple example would be the new version of the calibration tools which to be used by your company to replace the previous version such as CANalyser, CANape, ATI etc....4. Analyze costs of productionIts you again - as a competent engine calibartion engineer, you are require to study the fuel economy, which contributes to the costs of production. There is also remaining main duties for the NOC 2141, which is prefectly suit to your current work scope (I think - may be I am wrong)...Just spend some times, having a clear mind and to write down the link between the NOC 2141 main duties to your current work duties. You will know what you shall write and what you shall not.......

个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。―――――――――――――――――――――――――― 2006-10-23#7 T 31 $0.00 In this class, it seems that the thing you are working on should ba a plant or a streamline. But mine is an EMS system which is composed of a controller, some sensors and actuators. Maybe it is not that suitable.Sigh, it is so difficult. I have no method. 大侠支着阿?

LZ。。。我有时也很彷徨。。不知道应不应该给你意见,毕竟我们不同行。对你的专业也没你本身这么深厚的了解。To my opinion, in this class, the engineer shall be working in a plant or a facilities. It seems that you are working in an EMS - Engine Management Systems. As you said there is composed of a controller, some sensors and actuators.This is a system. This is also a facility for you to carry out your daily works. If this facility shall be upgraded or modified. I trust that an Engine Calibration Engineer shall plan, design and modify these EMS facilities. This is suit to the NOC main duties. I hope that I am in the right direction. As we well know, the fuel cost is rising and the emission restictions are tighter especially in the developed countries. Thus, I would consider you may require to study the new machinery and facilities and recommend or select efficient combinations. The automative world is competitive, engine engineer always required to comply the tight emission requirement, and also not in the direction to sacrifice the engine performance. Thus, you may required to study the technologies such as cylinder deactivation, direct injection and may be the variable valve timing that could be simultaneously boost power and fuel efficiency. This input could be contributed by the engine calibration engineer.To me, an engineer could not work indepently. They shall work with multi-engineering disciplines. To classify the Engine Calibration Engineer in NOC Code is a difficult task. Its combination of mechanical, electricals and electronic engineering. You also require to understand the PLC programming language to perform your task.Immigration is a life decision. Thus, I would suggest yourself to decide by your own which NOC Code is suit to your current work task.Sorry! Its really difficult for me to help you further. Thank you.

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