加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民加拿大明年欲“进口”移民


Citizenship and Immigration Minister tables the 2006 Annual Report to Parliament on ImmigrationOTTAWA, Oct. 31 /CNW Telbec/ - The Honourable Monte Solberg, Minister ofCitizenship and Immigration Canada, today tabled the 2006 Annual Report toParliament on Immigration. The report outlines Canada's initiatives over thepast year to attract and welcome newcomers, and provides a projection of thenumber of people expected to become permanent residents in 2007."Canada's new government believes that immigration should play animportant role in building our country and helping our economy grow," saidMinister Solberg.Canada plans to accept between 240,000 and 265,000 newcomers as permanentresidents in 2007. This is an increase from the planned range of 225,000 to255,000 set out in last year's Annual Report.In tabling the Annual Report, Minister Solberg emphasized that it is alsoimportant to make sure that services and supports are in place to giveimmigrants every opportunity to succeed in their new home. In Budget 2006, thegovernment committed $307 million in additional funding for language trainingand other services that help newcomers settle in their communities. As well,$18 million was allocated towards establishing an agency for the assessmentand recognition of foreign credentials. These measures support the long-termsuccess of newcomers to Canada.The Annual Report to Parliament on Immigration, which must be tabled byNovember 1 each year, is a requirement under the Immigration and RefugeeProtection Act. The report includes the linguistic profiles of the permanentresidents who came to Canada last year, the number of temporary residentpermits issued, and the immigration plan for 2007. Key provincial andterritorial considerations are also included in the report, along with acomplete list of federal-provincial-territorial agreements.Internet: www.cic.gc.ca/english/pub/annual-report2006/index.html

昨天,加拿大移民部公布年度移民报告时宣布,2007年加拿大将大幅提升吸纳移民的数量。  这份提交联邦国会的政府报告称,明年加国移民目标锁定在24万人到26.5万人之间。和今年相比,经济类移民增加约1.5万人;在家庭团聚方面,移民部也将配偶和子女的类别增加了5000人;难民数量将会减少,政府工作重点会转移到通过私人资助帮助安置已经在加国的难民。  此间专家分析,移民部要达到上述目标“轻而易举”。以目前积压的移民申请数量预计,2007年很有可能超越这个目标。  加联邦移民部部长索尔伯格在接受媒体访问时表示,目前劳工短缺是计划增加移民数量的重要因素。他强调,加拿大政府相信移民在国家建设和经济发展中发挥了重要作用。  索尔伯格还说,加政府很重视做好移民落地后的服务工作,帮助移民在新环境下找到新的出路,也能有效帮助缓解加国劳工短缺的问题。据悉,2006年预算案中,政府已拨款3亿多元用于移民语言培训、安置服务以及外国学历认证。来源:华夏时报


2005.8.29 bj fn 10.24 补雅思14 11.01 变成8 11.15 变回14 2007.03.09 offer下变到12...未必明天就有以后[SIGPIC]http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/signaturepics/sigpic12089_2.gif[/SIGPIC] 2006-11-02#4 yhb2001_74 2,044 $0.00 这段时间好消息也太多了呵.

good luck to us all

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