收到FN后,上网查询没见地址栏,只看到: 请问是什么意思? 2006.10.26FN,11.3日查询结果:
e-Client Application Status[FONT=宋体]Logout [/FONT]
You have exceeded the number of login attempts allowed. At this time you may: verify your personal information and try again; or contact us. Before using this service, please be sure to have a copy of all the documents you have received relating to your application(s). These may include
one or more of the following: a copy of your application your financial receipt(s) (IMM 5401) any letter or official document issued to you by Citizenship and Immigration Canada
FN:2006-10-26 澳洲475:2010-05-12登陆 ME:2010-07-29,主申请体检:2010-08-13,副申请体检:2010-09-10,主申请二次体检:2010-11-03 地址栏消失:2次 电子PL :2011-04-08 寄出护照:2011-04-08 MER:2011-04-19 DM:2011-05-03 VISA收到,毕业了。
赏 2006-11-02#2

494 $0.00 阿?LZ看看说明阿,它你登录的尝试的次数太多了,是不是把密码输错了好几次了?我查询的页面结果是:Permanent Residence Application(s) Applicant Permanent Residence Application Status XXXXX In Process
一辈子,一个人,一件事,足矣!QQ: 715262565
反馈:Szclw 2006-11-02#3 S 132 $0.00 谢谢你,不过怎么还用输入密码吗?我出现的页面是: e-Client Application Status You may have one or more identification numbers, depending on your type of application(s). Use the help button to get a detailed description of where you can find each identification number. To view your application status, please select only one of the following: identification Number
Immigration Client # Receipt no. (IMM 5401) File No. Record of Landing (IMM ... Permanent Residence (IMM 5292 or 5509) Permanent Resident Card number
Citizenship File No. Receipt no. (IMM 5401) Receipt Number Record of Landing (IMM 1000) or Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292 or 5509) Permanent Resident Card number 然后我填了红色的,就出现下面的: File No. B0000000 Surname/Family Name : Ying/Wang Date of Birth : 1976-09-10 Country of Birth : 对吗?可出来的是: e-Client Application Status We were not able to identify you using the information you provided. There could be three possible reasons:Please be sure the information you entered is correct and then try again.This service is only available to clients with applications in process. We may have received your application but not yet begun processing it. The following link may help you determine if your application is being processed: Application Processing TimesAt this time, you may use this on-line service to view the status of your application ONLY if you have:sponsored a member of the family class;applied for permanent residence from within or outside Canada;applied for a permanent resident card (initial, replacement or renewal);applied for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship);applied for a citizenship certificate (proof of Canadian citizenship);applied to register and retain Canadian citizenship;applied to renounce Canadian citizenship; orapplied to resume Canadian citizenship.The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) may help you to access the status of your application through e-CAS.
FN:2006-10-26 澳洲475:2010-05-12登陆 ME:2010-07-29,主申请体检:2010-08-13,副申请体检:2010-09-10,主申请二次体检:2010-11-03 地址栏消失:2次 电子PL :2011-04-08 寄出护照:2011-04-08 MER:2011-04-19 DM:2011-05-03 VISA收到,毕业了。
赏 2006-11-02#4

2,202 $0.00 那么简单后咋弄的这么复杂啊?
反馈:Szclw 2006-11-02#7 S 132 $0.00 哈,谢谢各位,我知道了,已经看到了,是IP.谢谢各位好心的移友,希望大家早日毕业.
FN:2006-10-26 澳洲475:2010-05-12登陆 ME:2010-07-29,主申请体检:2010-08-13,副申请体检:2010-09-10,主申请二次体检:2010-11-03 地址栏消失:2次 电子PL :2011-04-08 寄出护照:2011-04-08 MER:2011-04-19 DM:2011-05-03 VISA收到,毕业了。
反馈:Szclw 2006-11-03#8
21,405 $0.00 路过.....
赏 哈,谢谢各位,我知道了,已经看到了,是IP.谢谢各位好心的移友,希望大家早日毕业.点击展开... 终成正果:)阿弥陀佛!!!
2006 年8 月 10 日 早9:00 由新加坡投递吉隆坡加拿大使馆8 月 11 日 下午递到8 月 15 日 签发FN 8 月 18 日 由吉隆坡寄出 8 月 22 日 收到FN
赏 2006-11-03#10

494 $0.00 搂主,怎么把自己的这些私人信息给贴出来了?
一辈子,一个人,一件事,足矣!QQ: 715262565
赏 2006-11-03#11 S 132 $0.00
FN:2006-10-26 澳洲475:2010-05-12登陆 ME:2010-07-29,主申请体检:2010-08-13,副申请体检:2010-09-10,主申请二次体检:2010-11-03 地址栏消失:2次 电子PL :2011-04-08 寄出护照:2011-04-08 MER:2011-04-19 DM:2011-05-03 VISA收到,毕业了。
赏 2006-11-03#12 C 371 $0.00 hehe good news
Surname/Family Name : Ying/Wang 整错了吧?奇怪!!! lz 太粗心了吧!
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