有朋友查了CAIPS上面显示:在VO收到第一次所有材料的当日就作为 LOCK DATE(缩住日)之后的补充任何有关分数的 学历,IELTS, 工作经验增加 都不会被算做加分,VO只会做参考用 所以我再问大家这个老问题: 1 补料的分数到底会不会算?2 补充新增加的工作经验分数会不会算?
coodinator =coordinator?
求购北京市内总价10万之100平米全新高层楼宇,QQ群:375328762006年10月9日递香港,2007年5月25日FN......coodinator =coordinator?点击展开...你说的对
pelien 说:有朋友查了CAIPS上面显示:在VO收到第一次所有材料的当日就作为 LOCK DATE(缩住日)之后的补充任何有关分数的 学历,IELTS, 工作经验增加 都不会被算做加分,VO只会做参考用所以我再问大家这个老问题: 1 补料的分数到底会不会算?2 补充新增加的工作经验分数会不会算?点击展开...个人意见,这问题有点难度,也借这机会练习英文: Lock-in Date has been defined in the OP1, which you could download and view in the CIC website http://www.cic.gc.ca/manuals-guides/english/op/op01e.pdf. I would strongly suggest most of the DIY TZ to read and understand the CIC OP Manual's contents. It is essential for the skilled workers immigration applicant to read OP1 and OP6, as a minimum. The CIC OP1 gives the following definition of lock-in date: "Lock-in date The lock-in date is a reference point used to freeze certain factors for the purpose of processing applications. Neither the Act nor Regulations define it. It does not overcome any requirements of the Act and Regulations applicants must satisfy when an officer admits them. Regulatiosn in effect on the lock-in date usually apply to the applications subimitted that date. Changes in regulations after the lock-in date do not usually apply to the appliactions submitted on and before the lock-in date. Note: The Act allows the Governor of the Council to apply changes in regulations to applications alraedy submitted. When the Governor in Council does this, it states which the applications are affected by the changes." This means that the lock-in date applies for applications that are complete and in compliance with all statutory requirements. A CIC file number indicates that your file has been locked-in, where the CIC visa office receives a completed application form, with full payment of the processing fees. The Canadian Laws have deemed the lock-in date to be the date on which factors such as age, current immigration laws & regulation's must be assessed. Thus, no points will be lost if the applicant's age changes during the processing of the application, or the regulations/Laws changes. In OP6 Section 10.2 - Education. Its clearly indicated that " Pursuant to R77, these requirements and criteria must be met at the time the application is made, as well as at the time the visa is issued. If further study is completed and documentation submitted between application and assessment, officers MUST award the points for highest educational credential obtained at the time of assessment." This is also applicable to IELTS results. For the IELTS results, this is always for the Visa Officer to use the most recent group of test for the current accessment. (See OP 6 Section 10.4) For the Work Experience, the VO has the right to CONSIDER your additional years of exerinece for assessment, in accordance to R77 (See OP6 Section 10.12). This is NOT MANDATORY for the VO to award you the points based on your latest work experience durations. This is always the case that when the VO start to assess the application (before 1st September SAP), it has been 3-4 years after the lock-in date. Thus, the VO officer may request the applicant to submit the updated work experience records, to reflect the most current assessment of applicant's work experience. I hope I have answered your queries to your satisfactory.
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。―――――――――――――――――――――――――― 赏
LZ... Nothing to be amazing. I just be responsible to my ownself for my own immigration decision making and try to help each other for what I could.If you wish to DIY, an understanding of the immigration act and regulations, and the CIC operation manual is essential.Immigration is a life decision. Suggest the applicant to be responsible on his own decision and do some essential study on the Canadian immigration.I just try to answer your queries to my best understanding, and should the answer is correct and to your satisfactory.
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。―――――――――――――――――――――――――― 赏 2006-11-13#7 Z 636 $0.00 benkok 是个任劳任怨,不断进取的好同志啊。
zhongni 说:benkok 是个任劳任怨,不断进取的好同志啊。点击展开...大家都是好同志~~ HoHo~~在这里是为了减轻linear 的负担~~Linear 是好人。一定要帮的。 TZ们。。记得多多冒泡。。知道回答的。。烦请大家互助回答帖子,这可以避免你我有时回答错误,也可以大家勉励。。一起把这家园搞更好~~
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。―――――――――――――――――――――――――― 赏 2006-11-14#9
2006.9.4申请签收,2007.2.6收到FN B05052****,VO:SKM,2012.2.23收到S2,4.16签收S2补充材料2012.5.17收到ME通知E-Mail,5.26体检,5.29体检报告签收河南郑州,自评分68,非紧缺职业2014.7.1被切。。。benkok的写作怎么看也应该比5高呀点击展开...呵呵~~那天休息不够,上班回来只睡了4个小时,过后就去考试了。刚开始几个小时还能打起精神来,过后就像ZzzzzzzZZZ最重要。。赫赫~~ 写作部分也写文不对题~~有个5自己也蛮安慰了~~ 反正烤鸭只是人生的一部分,以后用英语的机会还多着呢~~
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。―――――――――――――――――――――――――― 赏
benkok 说:HoHo~~在这里是为了减轻linear 的负担~~Linear 是好人。一定要帮的。点击展开...对linear真好
zhongni 说:对linear真好点击展开...这个就叫团队精神.
http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1251330883 赏
准备出国-2005.9向中介电话了解情况。。。签约-2005.10.9雅思招名-2005.10.17雅思考试-2005.12.17寄材料-2006.1.17FN-2006.3.9收到FN-2006.3.17出现地址栏(不可更改)-2006.7.4地址栏可更改-2006.8.20以后 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――月出皎兮,劳心悄兮;有意变化,君莫笑兮。 赏 2006-11-15#20
21,405 $0.00 但实际上增补材料是被算分的呀???!!! ·生活百科 维多利亚州的新喂食法规
·生活百科 是什么导致三相断路器绊倒?