加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民直接到大使馆交费需要带什么资料和证件吗?
准备交申请费了,看家园里大家的情况,似乎银行汇票问题比较多,家在唐山,只好直接去大使馆交费,需要带什么资料和证件吗?还是只带加元就可以了。 有没有递北京使用银行汇票的,大部分人都递香港的样子,对银行的事情一窍不通,网站上的说明好像没有要寄到哪里: 国际保付支票,国际银行汇票和国际汇款单必须将准确的钱数汇寄给"the Receiver General for Canada"。所有这些都必须有一年的有效期并能在一个指定的加拿大银行分支机构进行流通。加拿大使馆不能接受汇寄给"加拿大使馆"或"加拿大使馆签证处"的国际保付支票,国际银行汇票或国际汇款单。 上次版主说不是Receiver General for Canada,那应该是哪里?
上次版主说不是Receiver General for Canada,那应该是哪里? 抱歉。上次可能也把北京也写了。我错了~北京的是“the Receiver General for Canada”PAYING IN CANDIAN DOLLARS (CAD) Payment in Canadian dollars may be made by international certified cheque, international bank draft, international postal money order or cash at the Canadian Embassy Cash Counter. International certified cheques, international bank drafts and international postal money orders in Canadian dollars must be in the exact amount and made payable to "the Receiver General for Canada". They must be valid for one year and must be negotiable through a specified Canadian Bank branch. The Canadian Embassy cannot accept cheques, bank drafts, or postal money orders made payable to "the Canadian Embassy" or "the Immigration Section of the Canadian Embassy". Applicants who wish to use a bank check to pay the processing fee MUST submit their applications by mail. Cash payment in Canadian dollars can only be made by at the Canadian Embassy Cash Counter, operated by the Bank of Montreal for opening hours of the Cash Counter click here. The Canadian Embassy Cash Counter is unable to provide change in Canadian dollars. DO NOT SEND CASH BY MAIL. 请参考这里:11. 技术移民递北京的移友,材料准备及递送方式
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