我是7月25号中介说递的,由于时间比较长了,打了n次电话催中介也没有用,我上周写信去香港大使馆问了,人家回信告诉我说现在处理到8月中旬了,除非被拒或者是8月中旬后递的.回信内容我贴上了,我是通过中介递的,请教有类似经历的前辈,我该如何和中介交涉. 谢谢!Subject: GEN-013 No record Dear Sir/Madam,We have conducted a computer search according to your name and date of birth, but didn't find any record of your application. For your information, we have already processed applications received at this office before mid August 2006. If your application was submitted after this date, there would not be any record in our system although payment may have already been processed. Please be patient. We will contact you in due course. If it was submitted before this date, it may have been returned to you by REGULAR mail according to the mailing address on your application form due to incomplete information or incorrect payment. However, we do not keep any record of incoming new applications nor rejected applications. We regret that we are unable to trace your mail should it have gone astray, and provide further information or assistance to you. You may wish to resubmit a new application. You may also want to contact your bank to confirm that we have never cashed your payment. Due to high volume of applications in process, please keep your case enquiries to a minimum. Thank you. Immigration SectionConsulate General of Canada, Hong Kong12/F., Tower 1Exchange Square8 Connaught PlaceHong Kong Web Site: http://www.hongkong.gc.caemail: [email protected] GEN-013E 我写的查询信息是先名字后姓,名字和姓的第一个字母大写,还写上了生日,这样是否可以确认是中介根本没有给我递料,还是可能寄丢了.请各位前辈赐教.
准备出国-2005.9向中介电话了解情况。。。签约-2005.10.9雅思招名-2005.10.17雅思考试-2005.12.17寄材料-2006.1.17FN-2006.3.9收到FN-2006.3.17出现地址栏(不可更改)-2006.7.4地址栏可更改-2006.8.20以后 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――月出皎兮,劳心悄兮;有意变化,君莫笑兮。 赏 2006-12-12#3 D 854 $0.00 千万小心,我也查询一次,回的e-mail是pre-file creation. 不是no record
赏 2006-12-12#4 F 59 $0.00 可我的是 no record, 除非大小写字母,或名字写成中文习惯
You had better ask your agent directly what was going on with your case. If they assured to post it in the past, let them show the mail receipt. If not, you may turn to another one. Of course, please make sure they refund all the fees to you better with some accountable compensation charge.
lz 不要着急,有可能是你的中介告诉你是7月25号递,但实际上不是,大概8月左右,我有跟你一样的经历,得到大使馆一样的回复,no record, 但过了2星期我就有fn 了,原来我的中介说是8月10号递,但实际是8月底。 所以还是问清楚你你中介,到底什么时候递的,在去大使馆查。中介都是满嘴胡话的。
FN : 2006-12-6等ME 赏 反馈:Evergreen Tree 2006-12-12#7 J 1,540 $0.00 中介有花头.
http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1251330883 赏 反馈:Evergreen Tree 2006-12-12#8 F 59 $0.00 多谢各位回复。
-06/10/11 FN -10/06/09 ME -11/02/22mer -11/03/06 PL -11/4/02 VISA-11/05/30 登陆 赏 2006-12-12#10
21,405 $0.00 LZ被中介给忽悠了.....评论
赏 反馈:八年申请路 2006-12-12#11 764 $0.00 呵呵
England - Australia - Canada Manchester - Melbourne - Vancouver Is that my life? 赏 2006-12-12#12 S 652 $0.00 LZ有没有被划款?如果有,那应该没有问题的,这个是自己可以查到的。再有:一定要让中介把快递的底单提供给你,上面一定有HK签收的日期。
06.8.11 递料HK;8.14 签收;2006.11.8 FN签发;漫漫长路...... 赏 2006-12-12#13 1,944 $0.00 中介递的时候说递了,我也有些担心,不过后来扣款了就安心多了。我想扣款应该表示受理而且不会退表了吧?
花香满园庭,庭园满香花。第一次烤鸭很失败只考到1个7,意外得知按1128标准,变成2个“7”!欢迎点击下面链接,参与长登城市统计!http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=98593 赏 2006-12-12#14 Y 372 $0.00 maybe you should provide your id number for enquiry.good luck.
2006-06-12 DHL递档香港 自评分:702006-06-13 签收2006-09-20 签发fn VO:ISK 赏 2006-12-12#15
5,092 $0.00 如果是委托中介买的汇票,那么也根本没办法知道是否已经划款。有可能:1。中介根本是8月才递的。这种情况常有。2。退料了。中介没通知你,然后又再递的。盯着中介,你花了钱的!评论
Welcome to 申请-9/1新程序http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/skilled-simple.html9/1新程序版导读及填表问题索引9/1新程序HK统计贴 赏 2006-12-12#16 S 652 $0.00 我也是拖中介买的汇票,但还是查到解汇时间了,找中介要的银行电话自己打的,交行小姐服务还可以,她发传真到HK确认。
06.8.11 递料HK;8.14 签收;2006.11.8 FN签发;漫漫长路...... 赏 2006-12-13#17 Y 1,783 $0.00 过些日子再查查同时也问问中介
20050110 递件 20060612 ME20060731 DM 20060818 PL20061114 取签 20070609 登陆 赏 2006-12-13#18 F 59 $0.00 我的汇票也是中介买的,请问怎么查有没有被扣钱,能否知道是被谁扣的吗。。。不然是被中介自己扣了,那不等于白给他们钱, 伤心。。。。
2011年3月24日PL 2011年4月18日收到VISA毕业2011年4月19日,一个伟大的日子诞生了MER+DM 道不行,乘桴浮于海。 赏 2006-12-13#20 252 $0.00 我的汇票也是中介买的,请问怎么查有没有被扣钱,能否知道是被谁扣的吗。。。不然是被中介自己扣了,那不等于白给他们钱, 伤心。。。。I am the same with u.
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