加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民咨询最佳的申请时机


在加拿大读研。今年中就要毕业。 已经拿到一个加拿大的本科学位。也有一年半以上的工作经验(图书馆)。一个学期的Teaching Assistant position 。现在是research assistant. 另外,还有在中文学校教书。因为所读专业是传播。跟这些工作经验都无关。不知道是否能算作是工作经验的一部分。也想问问是否应该在毕业后申请还是现在?谢谢各位的关心和指教!

我个人感觉TA, RA都算的,即使在读书的时候我觉得问题也不大。但是很多大侠好像都不同意我的观点。

┌∩┐(-_-)┌∩┐ 2007-01-01#3 S 12 $0.00 谢谢你的回复!我也听说是可以算的。但是,没有什么确实的根据。因为在国内没有太可靠的证明证明工作经历,所以一直都很担心

Main dutiesPost-secondary teaching assistants perform some or all of the following duties:Organize reference materials, visual aids and other materials as required by university professors or college teachers for lecturesConduct seminars, discussion groups and laboratory sessions to supplement lecturesAssist in preparation and administration of examinationsGrade examinations, term papers and laboratory reports.Research assistants perform some or all of the following duties:Conduct literature reviews, surveys, laboratory experiments and other research for use in scholarly publicationsCompile research results and assist professor in analysis of results and preparation of journal articles or papers.Post-secondary teaching and research assistants specialize in a subject matter based on their field of study.Employment requirementsEnrolment in a university, college or CEGEP program is required.我在noc的说明里面找TA和RA的说明,这里雇用要求的里面就说Enrolment在大学里面,enrolment就是入学的意思吧。而且这里讲的职责里面都是TA和RA干的事情。不过TA和RA要把自己的research area说清楚,然后到时候还要让导师写信的时候把工作的时间和酬劳写清楚。另外我看到一个网上的关于这个问题的回答(英文)贴出来Q. Can anybody tell me what the definition of a research assistant is and would my years as a postgraduate researcher working towards a PhD count as work experience?R. Research assistant is no longer contained on the General Occupations List. Work experience gained during positions of research during post-graduate research has been repeatedly been presented to immigration officers with success by our office. The work experience gained during such research most often fits the NOC or CCDO designations in question very well (more so than in most cases when the person has been employed elsewhere). The critical factor regarding whether or not our office would feel that post-graduate research experience is valid would be whether or not the level of education during which the research was conducted was in excess of that required to qualify for that position according to the CCDO (Canadian Classifications and Dictionary of Occupations) and the NOC (National Occupational Classification) manual.我感觉也是同样的意思。

┌∩┐(-_-)┌∩┐在加拿大读研。今年中就要毕业。 已经拿到一个加拿大的本科学位。也有一年半以上的工作经验(图书馆)。一个学期的Teaching Assistant position 。现在是research assistant. 另外,还有在中文学校教书。因为所读专业是传播。跟这些工作经验都无关。不知道是否能算作是工作经验的一部分。也想问问是否应该在毕业后申请还是现在?谢谢各位的关心和指教!点击展开... 图书馆的工作经验应该可以计工作分, 你试试看在NOC列表上的“5111”, “5211”, 和 “0511”? NOC列表网址:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/skilled/qual-2-1.html 你其他的问题, 都可以在我签名栏的专帖找到答案。

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