加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民这封信是什么意思啊?
上周寄了申请表,今天邮箱突然出现这样一封信,这是什么意思?英文已经看懂的状态下,却不明白意味着什么!! Dear HSBC Member,We have reason to suspect that your HSBC account may be in use by an unauthorized party.Your account has recently been accessed from a foreign country, while we understand that you may be on vacation or traveling abroad, HSBC Security has a obligation to protect our user's security. Within 24 hours of this message, your account will be placed on hold to ensure your personal account safety. Verification of your specific account details will enable you to once again have full access to your HSBC account.To ensure that your service is not interrupted, please submit your billing information today:http://hsbc.co.uk/users/renewobligation?start=okOr contact HSBC Member Services Team. We're available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.Julie Wandsworth,Regards,HSBC Team.
┌∩┐(-_-)┌∩┐ 赏 2007-01-02#2 2,202 $0.00 这是香港汇丰的MAIL,不是CIC的
┌∩┐(-_-)┌∩┐上周寄了申请表,今天邮箱突然出现这样一封信,这是什么意思?英文已经看懂的状态下,却不明白意味着什么!! Dear HSBC Member, We have reason to suspect that your HSBC account may be in use by an unauthorized party. Your account has recently been accessed from a foreign country, while we understand that you may be on vacation or traveling abroad, HSBC Security has a obligation to protect our user's security. Within 24 hours of this message, your account will be placed on hold to ensure your personal account safety. Verification of your specific account details will enable you to once again have full access to your HSBC account. To ensure that your service is not interrupted, please submit your billing information today:http://hsbc.co.uk/users/renewobligation?start=okOr contact HSBC Member Services Team. We're available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Julie Wandsworth, Regards,HSBC Team.点击展开... 千万不要理会这封信, 这封信的目的是要吐取你的汇丰网上ID和密码, 你是否汇丰的客户? 那个网址是假的, 不要登入。
http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/index.asphttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-who-instructions.asp#listhttp://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/hong_kong/visas/skilled_worker-travailleurs_qualifies.aspx?lang=eng 赏 2007-01-02#6 534 $0.00 问题的关键就是我们不是汇丰银行的帐户,所以才觉得诡秘至极。恰巧上周寄了钱,现在收到汇丰银行的信,一开始还以为是大使馆提供给他们的邮件地址,现在看来估计是个垃圾邮件。
indianyan 说:骗徒只是渔翁撒网。点击展开...恩。严重同意
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