移民局换领导了!不知道政策变不变 Diane FinleyMinister of Citizenship and ImmigrationBIOGRAPHYRiding: Haldimand?Norfolk (Ontario) Diane Finley was appointed Minister for Citizenship and Immigration on January 4, 2007.Ms. Finley was first elected to Parliament in 2004 and was then re-elected in 2006. Since her election, she has served as Official Opposition Critic for Agriculture and Agri-Food. On February 6, 2006, Ms. Finley was appointed Minister for Human Resources and Social Development by the Right Honourable Stephen Harper.Ms. Finley’s professional career began as an administrator of The University of Western Ontario’s highly regarded French Immersion School. Prior to her election, she held several senior positions in both the public and private sectors encompassing health care, transportation, agricultural equipment manufacturing, printing and publishing, and aviation. While working with the Laidlaw group of companies, Ms. Finley built Canada’s largest publicly funded ambulance service company.Beyond her work, Ms. Finley has been Board Chair of the Brant Community Care Access Centre, and has been active with a number of other organizations, including the Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships, The National Standards Committee of the Paramedic Association of Canada, the Aurora Club, the Canadian Strategic Leadership Forum, the Ambulance Service Alliance of Ontario, and the Ontario Government Health Policy Advisory Council.Most recently, Ms. Finley has been working with the Thyroid Foundation of Canada to spread awareness of thyroid conditions and urge more Canadians to have their thyroid tested. Ms. Finley was diagnosed with Graves’ Disease, a hyperthyroidism condition, in February 2006―a condition which has led to her wearing tinted lenses at all times.Diane Finley has received many awards for her activism, including the University of Western Ontario's Coupe du président. She was also named “one of Canada’s future leaders” by the prestigious Governor General’s Study Conference 2000.Ms. Finley has a bachelor’s degree in administrative studies and a master’s in business administration from the University of Western Ontario.Ms. Finley was raised in Port Dover and Charlotteville, Ontario, and today resides in Simcoe, Ontario, with her husband Doug.Contact the Ministere-MailYou may send comments to the Honourable Diane Finley at [email protected]. Please note that if you want application status information or to change your address, you may do so using our on-line services. Case status enquiries and change-of-address requests are not handled via the Minister’s e-mail address.MailPlease write to:The Honourable Diane Finley, P.C., M.P.Citizenship and Immigration CanadaOttawa, OntarioK1A 1L1
赏 2007-01-06#3
好好努力,迎接新的开始 赏 2007-01-06#4 M 952 $0.00 怎么突然就换了? 对我们是好事还是坏事?
在加拿大幸福的生活 赏 2007-01-06#6
好好努力,迎接新的开始 赏 2007-01-06#7
欢迎参与加拿大妈妈群---QQ群号(50594691多伦多)(64117530温哥华)欢迎各位准妈妈,新手妈妈,资深妈妈交流讨论 赏 2007-01-06#8
好好努力,迎接新的开始 赏 2007-01-06#9
镜破不改光、兰死不改 香
10,641 $0.00 此人看来面善,具网上说,该部长对华裔情况非常了解,对移民部的工作也非常熟悉,但毕竟是保守党的内阁,政策不会改变的.评论
2005年12月北京递案!2008年5月6日变5(补料)!10月8日变12!10月13日签发ME! 11月1日上海瑞新体检!11月13日变7!09年4月26日瑞新补女儿体检!5月6日变8!5月25日变12!09年6月29日变13!7月6日CIC变DM!7月8日变17!2009年7月9日大信封!!![FONT=宋体][/FONT] 赏 2007-01-06#10
好好努力,迎接新的开始 赏 2007-01-06#11
欢迎参与加拿大妈妈群---QQ群号(50594691多伦多)(64117530温哥华)欢迎各位准妈妈,新手妈妈,资深妈妈交流讨论楼上的嘴可真甜,你在这说没用啊帖子里有联系方式,赶快发个信巴结巴结新部长点击展开... 哈哈哈哈,写就写,但是我英语不是很好啊,要不你写了我肯定敢发的, 西西,其实没有啥的啊,也是人啊,把我们移民的心声讲出来,对加拿大的厚爱 也写出来,所不准有啥大好消息呢 . 谁愿意写呢!!!人家多好,还有个E-MAIL呢,!!!就是让我们发的发吧!!!哈哈.
好好努力,迎接新的开始 赏 2007-01-06#13
好好努力,迎接新的开始 赏 2007-01-06#14
好好努力,迎接新的开始不要好看,好美了,书面写下来,我发封信给他,我们大家签个名,西西点击展开... 好啊!
BJ.FN 2004.3 142007.1.25 122007.11.25 17 赏 2007-01-06#17 A 65 $0.00 新官上任三把火,加快审理速度,让ME雨下得更猛烈些吧!--新年寄语
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