Welcome to 申请-9/1新程序http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/skilled-simple.html9/1新程序版导读及填表问题索引9/1新程序HK统计贴 赏 2007-01-07#3
5,092 $0.00 是谁家的马甲呢???评论
Welcome to 申请-9/1新程序http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/skilled-simple.html9/1新程序版导读及填表问题索引9/1新程序HK统计贴不要做成绩单的认证。 清华认证只要认证最高学历的学位认证就可以。成绩单只要学校开出的密封件即可。点击展开...1、是不需要成绩单的认证还是针对我的情况,不做成绩单认证最好?2、成绩单的密封件我现在手里就有,不过都是2004年开的了,还能用吗 ?是交给大使馆用的吗?
linear 说:是谁家的马甲呢???点击展开...不好意思说,才用的马甲,惭愧!
Welcome to 申请-9/1新程序http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/skilled-simple.html9/1新程序版导读及填表问题索引9/1新程序HK统计贴 赏 2007-01-07#7
13,437 $0.00 也只有先不交成绩单认证试试看了。好象没有一定非交,虽然大部分人都交了。难怪现在要清华认证了,学校确实是不可靠D。评论
2010.6.17 TORONTOhttp://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=434791基本上都不需要做成绩单的认证。并不是特别针对你的CASE。2004年的密封件可以用。等STAGE2的时候跟其他资料一起递交使馆。 看来冬天到了,马甲比较暖和?点击展开...斑竹能告诉我STAGE 2 都需要准备什么不?不是我不去查,是看不到论坛里的相关内容。PS,斑竹还真是幽默。
偏偏 说:也只有先不交成绩单认证试试看了。好象没有一定非交,虽然大部分人都交了。 难怪现在要清华认证了,学校确实是不可靠D。点击展开... 我真成了反动典型了!
canadamiss 说:斑竹能告诉我STAGE 2 都需要准备什么不?不是我不去查,是看不到论坛里的相关内容。PS,斑竹还真是幽默。点击展开...供参考:Until we request your supporting documents, we will not accept, respond to, or attach to your file any interim correspondence, except:- Change of address or contact information, including change of e-mail address;- Change of immigration representative;- Request for withdrawal of your application and refund of fees;- Submission of an Arranged Employment Opinion approved by Human Resources Development Canada.Document Checklist[mission specific, based on application kits]This list gives you general information about the type of documentation you will have to provide at a later date. Do not send any documents now. We will request documents later, and provide you with four months to send them to us.Immigration Forms- An updated application form (IMM008) for yourself, your spouse, and each of your children over age 22- Schedule 1 for each person- Additional Family Information form (IMM5406)These forms are available at: http://www.cic.gc.ca.english/applications/skilled.htmlCivil DocumentsThe following documents will be required, if applicable, for yourself, your spouse, and for each of your dependent children/- Birth certificates- Marriage certificates- Divorce certificates- Child custody orders- Adoption decrees- Death certificatesEducationThe following documents are required, as applicable, for your self, your spouse, and for each of your dependent children over age 22.- Official transcript(s) for secondary and post-secondary courses.- Diploma(s) for secondary and post-secondary courses.Work History- Appointment/confirmation letters.- Pay slips issued from your present employer.- Detailed description of your job responsibilities (past and present).If you are self-employed, you must provide:- Copies of business registration.- Proof of business conducted with clients, such as invoices/bills.- Balance sheets.- Income tax returns.- Proof of your license to practice (if you are a private practitioner)Proof of Funds- Bank statements and passbooks.- Fixed deposit receipts.- Securities (shares, debentures, bonds)Other Documents- Authorized language test results (IELTS, TEF, etc) or a written submission providing evidence of your language ability.- Passport photocopies.- Proof of relationship to your relative in Canada. (Self-sworn affidavits do not constitute satisfactory proof of relationship.)- Recent original Police Clearance Certificates for you or your dependents aged 18 years and above, issued by the police authorities for each country in which you or your dependants have resided for six months or more since you turned 18 years, except for Canada.- Photographs as per attached specifications, height and eye colour information for principal applicant and all dependents.
Welcome to 申请-9/1新程序http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/skilled-simple.html9/1新程序版导读及填表问题索引9/1新程序HK统计贴 赏 2007-01-07#11 C 8 $0.00 EducationThe following documents are required, as applicable, for your self, your spouse, and for each of your dependent children over age 22.- Official transcript(s) for secondary and post-secondary courses.- Diploma(s) for secondary and post-secondary courses.除了英文的说明,我也找到了北京的说明如下,中文的不是英文的准确翻译,可能有其地区特殊要求,但还是不太明白:1、所获得所有学位/文凭及相应的成绩单学位/文凭 及相应的成绩单 ? 什么是学位/文凭?2、职业资格证书没有,不考虑了3、在中国取得的最高教育学历,需递交教育部学位与研究生发展中心学位认证报告原件。这部分指的就是清华认证吧?仅指需要认证学位证书,而不需要毕业证书吧?
linear 说:供参考: Until we request your supporting documents, we will not accept, respond to, or attach to your file any interim correspondence, except:- Change of address or contact information, including change of e-mail address;- Change of immigration representative;- Request for withdrawal of your application and refund of fees;- Submission of an Arranged Employment Opinion approved by Human Resources Development Canada. Document Checklist[mission specific, based on application kits]This list gives you general information about the type of documentation you will have to provide at a later date. Do not send any documents now. We will request documents later, and provide you with four months to send them to us. Immigration Forms- An updated application form (IMM008) for yourself, your spouse, and each of your children over age 22- Schedule 1 for each person- Additional Family Information form (IMM5406) These forms are available at: http://www.cic.gc.ca.english/applications/skilled.html Civil DocumentsThe following documents will be required, if applicable, for yourself, your spouse, and for each of your dependent children/- Birth certificates- Marriage certificates- Divorce certificates- Child custody orders- Adoption decrees- Death certificates EducationThe following documents are required, as applicable, for your self, your spouse, and for each of your dependent children over age 22.- Official transcript(s) for secondary and post-secondary courses.- Diploma(s) for secondary and post-secondary courses. Work History- Appointment/confirmation letters.- Pay slips issued from your present employer.- Detailed description of your job responsibilities (past and present). If you are self-employed, you must provide:- Copies of business registration.- Proof of business conducted with clients, such as invoices/bills.- Balance sheets.- Income tax returns.- Proof of your license to practice (if you are a private practitioner)Proof of Funds- Bank statements and passbooks.- Fixed deposit receipts.- Securities (shares, debentures, bonds) Other Documents- Authorized language test results (IELTS, TEF, etc) or a written submission providing evidence of your language ability.- Passport photocopies.- Proof of relationship to your relative in Canada. (Self-sworn affidavits do not constitute satisfactory proof of relationship.)- Recent original Police Clearance Certificates for you or your dependents aged 18 years and above, issued by the police authorities for each country in which you or your dependants have resided for six months or more since you turned 18 years, except for Canada.- Photographs as per attached specifications, height and eye colour information for principal applicant and all dependents.点击展开...请问斑竹,上述这段文字的出处在哪里?我在北京的SPECIAL INSTRUCTION里面怎么没有看到啊?其中有些地方跟我看到的要求有些不一样。比如,关于工作经历部分有提到工资单,可是我在SPECIAL INSTRUCTION 里面没有看到这个要求啊。还有对自己工作职责的详细描述,INSTRUCTION里面也没有这个要求啊。只是说必须要有合同及推荐信。唉,本以为这段时间对申请资料方面的要求有了大致的了解,可是今天看到斑竹的这段文字,不仅又开始迷惑起来。希望斑竹大人能给明确一下,到底应该以哪里的要求为准来准备申请材料啊?
独 立 之 精 神111[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]自 由 之 思 想请问斑竹,上述这段文字的出处在哪里?我在北京的SPECIAL INSTRUCTION里面怎么没有看到啊?其中有些地方跟我看到的要求有些不一样。比如,关于工作经历部分有提到工资单,可是我在SPECIAL INSTRUCTION 里面没有看到这个要求啊。还有对自己工作职责的详细描述,INSTRUCTION里面也没有这个要求啊。只是说必须要有合同及推荐信。唉,本以为这段时间对申请资料方面的要求有了大致的了解,可是今天看到斑竹的这段文字,不仅又开始迷惑起来。希望斑竹大人能给明确一下,到底应该以哪里的要求为准来准备申请材料啊?点击展开...这是9。1后 FN信的内容,在家园网站里,多找找下就有了
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――是谁家的马甲呢???点击展开...我家的马甲
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――我家的马甲点击展开...
benkok 说:这是9。1后 FN信的内容,在家园网站里,多找找下就有了点击展开...多谢!看来,新程序下的申请材料的要求还是有些变化的啊。不知道什么时候能够看到新程序下的官方文件,关于递北京的详细申请资料清单及要求(比如,合同或推荐信的内容及要求,学历学位的认证要求等等)。 对了,关于TRANSCRIPT FOR SECONDARY AND POST-SECONDARY...,难道还需要提供中学的成绩单吗(SECONDARY)?
独 立 之 精 神111[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]自 由 之 思 想多谢!看来,新程序下的申请材料的要求还是有些变化的啊。不知道什么时候能够看到新程序下的官方文件,关于递北京的详细申请资料清单及要求(比如,合同或推荐信的内容及要求,学历学位的认证要求等等)。 对了,关于TRANSCRIPT FOR SECONDARY AND POST-SECONDARY...,难道还需要提供中学的成绩单吗(SECONDARY)?点击展开...信里是这样子要求的~~TRANSCRIPT FOR SECONDARY AND POST-SECONDARY~~
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。―――――――――――――――――――――――――― 赏 2007-01-08#20
1,963 $0.00 不知道是不是要先按照这样的要求进行准备?我想可能目前还没有实例证明到底需不需要中学成绩单吧,毕竟这是9月1日后的新程序下的要求啊。真希望这只是签证处的随便说说而已。 ·中文新闻 悉尼至霍巴特悲剧:被风帆击中后两人死亡
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