While we're all waiting here with little news from CIC about the Process, why don't we just share some exciting news/stories or sweet/fun/cool moments from our daily lives? Maybe I'm just getting bored, but I'll start first. I bought a pair of sports pants from Carrefour yesterday, at RMB 19.9!!! They are the cheapest pants that I've ever had, and they are my first red pants! I'm still excited about it! I alreay washed them and seeing them dancing in my balcony would put a big smile on my face.
good article!
That's definitely a bargain! I wouldn't believe it if you tell me the material is of 100% cotton.
Thanks - yes it is a great bargain!FYI they were the last "good-looking" red pants there
Alright. Here is mine today:1. had a great lunch with colleagues, bathing in the warm sunshine. 2. paid advance money for the Yoga class which will be start from this Sat. Hope there are a few happy things happened in my life everyday....at least one.... Let's share it!
Here is what happened to me last night. One of my 'long-time-no-see' friends invited me out for midnight beer. And it turned out that this Big Brother of his, whom I 've never met before, was indeed the Big Bro at the dinner table. And after all those hustle-bustle and fuss over nothing, this guy insisted on paying our taxi fare home. I did not know until later it was MY fare home, and it was way too much. And of course my self-esteem, my dignity, my face, or whatever you might call it would not let me accept this kind of generosity. And yet I couldn't just tell the driver to speed away. It would be a big face issue for that Big Bro, and I couldn't get the chance anyway with him reaching right into the window, his police badge 'glittering' in front of the poor driver's eyes, 'making sure' that I was sent home safe and sound! And then, before I could respond to the sudden powerful grip on my hand, he slammed shut the taxi door, a gesture demonstrating his determination -- at least that's the way I would rather see it at that time, although I couldn't help feeling some other way when recalling that scene. I, with a hundred dollar bill in hand, was left rooted in the seat startled and embarassed. My friend was eyeing me to just leave!And then,...What the heck! We drove off! I told the driver to pull over a few hundred yards away, waiting for my friend to catch up after he had, hopefully, got rid of the Big Bro in a few more seconds. I then got a sayonara call from my friend. He had managed to get into another taxi and decided to head right home! Apparently, it would be stupid of me to assume that we could still crack some old time jokes together the rest of the night. Well, not with that tanked head anyway, but the bill...I wonder if I would miss days like this after I land in Canada.
What then happend to me so far today? two guys were to apply for new jobs in a joint venture and they had to bug me with some translation works of their resumes. I did nothing related to my job this morning and just got things completely wrapped up and now as you can see, lunchtime is almost there.
2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- Montreal 赏 2007-01-10#8 K 695 $0.00 It looks like many of the people here actually visit and post on this site at work! How lucky they are - I never dare to visit any immigration-related websites at work.Anyway. catherine2001, hope you'll enjoy your Yoga class. Someone is going to get herself even busier and enjoy life even more!剑走川锋, is that "Big Bro" a Dongbei Ren? Hahah. It sounds like a lovely evening with friends. yes I think company of family and friends will be something we'd miss when we move to a foreign country.
angelonduty 说:What then happend to me so far today? two guys were to apply for new jobs in a joint venture and they had to bug me with some translation works of their resumes. I did nothing related to my job this morning and just got things completely wrapped up and now as you can see, lunchtime is almost there.点击展开...Again, you've got a nice job, huh? a job where you could spend "working hours" working for friends.. Poor me busy like a bee (hahah) in the office working hard for laoban. I'm still going to find something fun to share though... Today I chatted with a "long-time-no-see" friend on MSN; I also ate some very nice chocolate: some from US (brought by a visitor), and some Ferrero Rocher (a colleague brought to a meeting!). Hmmm, yummy. Hope you all have a nice Thursday!
I can't well remember when and where I boasted the environment where I work in everyday. It was not the salary that attracted me, it is, in fact, much poorer than one can imagine. But I enjoy a relatively flexible working hours and no need to meet deadlines as many people do. A typical working day can be spent this way, one to two hours at most spent on handling work-related things, and rest is totally for learning English. All the preparations I did for taking the ielts test, I asked NO time off from work. I really gained much more than what I have been paided. I, therefore, very much cherish the position I current possess since it ensures me a best chance to improve my language ability and I have amply reason to believe that I will be proficient with the English language before I am granted VISA requirement.
2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- Montreal 赏 2007-01-11#11 K 695 $0.00 It's very nice to have some free time at work. And you can use it to improve English and maybe also collect info about living in Canada - wow ! I'm sure you'll be fluent in English then and be well prepared for moving to Canada. My current job is like what you described: many deadlines to meet. I used to work for a state-owned company, where I had lots of free time at work. Those "happy" days are all gone now..Today, where I live the weather was lovely and sunny in the morning and afternoon, but rained in the evening. very strange but interesting.
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