起因是美国佬要求加拿大人入境都得要护照。加拿大人纷纷办护照,结果发现了上述问题。原因是根据加拿大1977年公民法,非加拿大出生的加拿大公民在加拿大境外生的孩子,如果父母未在出生后28天内给他办理某种手续的话,将会丧失加拿大国籍。即使父母把他们带回加拿大,也成了没有国籍的“黑户”照Finley的说法,似乎某些在加拿大出生的上述人士也遇到了问题。我估计如果他们父母没有给他们保存在加拿大的出生证明的话.....由于年代久远,如果这些人的出生资料不复存在,那麻烦还真大了。CIC网站上加拿大新移民部长Diane Finley女士的声明:Statement from the Honourable Diane Finley,Minister of Citizenship and ImmigrationJanuary 24, 2007* * * * *With the recent need to have a passport to fly to the United States, some people have questions about proving their citizenship, and some erroneous reports in the media have heightened people’s concerns. I wish to address these concerns.In almost all cases, anyone who was born in Canada is a Canadian citizen. Some people are discovering that, having lived in Canada most of their lives, they do not have citizenship. These cases deserve immediate attention and so I am making these individual cases a priority. I will use the powers available to me as Minister under the Citizenship Act to resolve these cases as quickly as possible. I have directed my department to deploy the resources necessary to do so.While these steps are being taken, we will do whatever is necessary to ensure that these individuals will not experience any interruption in government benefits such as health care coverage or OAS payments.While these cases are being reviewed, these individuals can rest assured that they can remain in Canada.If you have any questions on your citizenship status you can find information on our department's website, or you can phone our call centre at 1 888 242-2100.忽然发现咱们中国的“户口”制度还是有它的优越性滴
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]跟着组织部,年年有进步;跟着外贸部,美金大把入;跟着宣传部,稻草吹成树;跟着移民部,越跟越糊涂,不知何时DM... 赏

奕奕爸+娜娜爸 赏 2007-02-09#3

20091018 寄Sydney以后,还会有“做爱许可证”诞生,而且有一次性的,包月的,包年的。点击展开...大胆!没办抚摸证、接吻证你就直接做爱!这是偷税漏税!
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