加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民办加拿大移民的一些问题请教
我这种情况能办下加拿大移民吗?我这种情况能办下加拿大移民吗? 我现在人在加拿大,是单身.我是在加拿大读了个硕士学位,现在用学生的WORK PERMIT上班,但是我的工作不是在NOC上,我现在在一家银行的CALL CENTER上班就是接电话,我的工作是只要高中毕业就能够做的,虽然TITLE叫做FINANCIAL SERVICE ADVISOR,工作的内容是responsible for servicing Chase card customers under the Sears Canada Credit Card portfolio provide personalized customer service to meet or exceed clients’ time and quality expectations execute transactions promptly and accurately respond to client requests and inquiries, including the administration of all reward and fee based products perform telemarketing sales activities for various products and services currently offered or being offered in the future. 不知道这种工作算不算是可以移民的工作经验.这种工作可以算做PREARRANGED EMPLOYMENT吗?象我这种自己办技术移民应该怎么办啊?我在加拿大读硕士学位的时候是做TEACHING ASSISTANT的,一个星期20个小时,可以算做移民的工作经验吗,比如说折合成一半的FULL-TIME工作时间,还有在国内做RESEARCH ASSISTANT也是一个星期20个小时,能折合成一半的可以做移民的工作经验吗?办加拿大移民的时候是不是要在银行里一直存一万加币?还是只要有个BANK STATEMENT之后就可以取出来了. 有人给我说开始递加拿大移民申请表的时候就要在银行里放一万加币,而且要一直放在里面直到你最后移民申请被批准拿到加拿大枫叶卡.有没有办过加拿大移民的兄弟姐妹给说说,到底是怎么回事情,帮我指点一下.我先谢谢了!
你的工作在NOC列表上应该属于“0122 Banking, Credit and Other Investment Managers”, 其中有一些职位名称会适合你的,例如: credit area co-ordinator, or consumer credit services manager trainee 只要是在NOC列表上的职业,便有条件向 HRSDC 申请为 arranged employment,你可以试试。 读硕士学位的时候做 teaching assistants 不可以算做移民的工作经验。 办加拿大移民的时候要在银行里有加币$10,168,移民部发ME时可以再一次要求你出具证明,但是如果你已经有 arranged employment,便不需要有这个资金证明。
“0122 Banking, Credit and Other Investment Managers”在NOC列表上的 Employment Requirements 是:A university degree or college diploma in business administration, commerce, economics or a related field is usually required. A master's degree in business administration (M.B.A.) or finance (M.Sc.) may be required for the management of large commercial loans. Completion of company or other management training programs is usually required. Several years of experience within the industry, including supervisory experience, are required.不能算是高中生就可以做的工作,不要听别人怎样说,试试向 HRSDC 申请再说,我觉得是没有问题的。 你的TA和RA经验,可以试试用这个NOC代码: “4122 Post-Secondary Teaching and Research Assistants” 或可以算做移民的工作经验,不过你是每个星期兼职做20个小时, 你需要其中一次兼职连续做满2年才可以折算成1年全日制经验,才可取分。
你说的哪个职业确实不算是高中生就能做的工作,但是我的工作和你的说的工作不是一回事情.我的同事里面就有土生土长的加拿大人只是高中毕业的在做和我同样的事情.你也知道对于外国留学生在加拿大找工作有多难了,虽然我是有硕士学位但是这个工作的QULIFICATIONS里面并没有要求要有大学学位的.Qualifications Demonstrated interpersonal skills; professional, courteous, friendly, empathetic, level-headed and composed Previous customer service and/or call centre experience preferred Demonstrated customer service skills, including telephone etiquetteAbility to analyze multiple sources of information to determine best course of actionDemonstrated problem-solving and analytical skills with the ability to perform basic math functionsDemonstrated computing skills, including mouse usage, keyboard usage, launching programs, and Windows navigation Listening carefully, probing for additional details, asking targeted questions to gather and integrate informationBeing understanding, helpful, cooperative, and sensitive to needs and feelings of others; maintaining composure in difficult situationsAt times, working with valued customers who are upset and not cooperativeMust be very willing to work in an environment that requires heavy phone-based customer interaction Must be able to work flexible shifts during hours of operation: Monday - Sunday from 7:00am - 9:00pm Must be able to attend training for 3 weeks Monday - Friday from 8:00am - 3:00pm This is a permanent part-time position , guaranteeing a minimum of 24 hours per week with the ability to work extra hours.而且我问过公司的HR,他们不会帮我写信的.所以我也不知道倒底这个工作算不算是可以移民的工作经验.如果是的话,那当然最好了.
入职条件不是太重要的,关键是你的公司是否愿意承诺,当你的PR资格获批后继续雇用你, 如果没有公司的承诺,HRSDC是不会批出的,你需要先和公司商议一下。 不过即使你的公司不承诺继续雇用你,只要你在加拿大工作满1年,也可以加5分。
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