加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民因为13被退料,还望各位指点迷津!下一步应该如
13 填写了不是自己的收信人,和别人的地址,结果被高亮标示,并且得到如下一封回复,好像是让我提交 imm5476表 Although the form "Use of Representative "(IMM5476) was not submitted with your application, we have determined that you have an unauthorized immigration representative based on the mailing address that your have provided on your application. Therefroe, we regret that we will not able to process your application. Failure to disclose the use of a paid representative may be considered misrepresentation. The consequence of misrepresnetation under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act coud be a two-year period of inadmissibility. Please review the matter carefully. If you choose to resubmit your application using a paid representative,please review the Instruction - use of a representative(IMM5561) form and complete a use of a Representative(IMM5476)form and resubimt your application. To verify if a representtative is a authorized to conduct business with Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the Canadian Border Services Agency and to obtain the IMM5476 form, please visit the website of the Citizenship and Immigration Canada at Http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/consultants/index.html You are not obliged to hire a representative for immigration matters. The goverment of Canada treates everyone equally, whether they use the services of a representative or not. If you choose tho hire a representative , your application will not be given special attention nor can you expect faster processing or a more favourable outcome.
回复: 因为13被退料,还望各位指点迷津!下一步应该如何做?因为不是你的地址,所以移民局认为你有代理人,而你有没添授权表。
回复: 因为13被退料,还望各位指点迷津!下一步应该如何做?你倒底有没用中介啊?
所谓命运,就是你什么也没做..仍是错...直到看见这世间闪烁万千灯火,超越梦里所有想象.... 13 填写了不是自己的收信人,和别人的地址,结果被高亮标示,并且得到如下一封回复,好像是让我提交 imm5476表 Although the form "Use of Representative "(IMM5476) was not submitted with your application, we have determined that you have an unauthorized immigration representative based on the mailing address that your have provided on your application. Therefroe, we regret that we will not able to process your application. Failure to disclose the use of a paid representative may be considered misrepresentation. The consequence of misrepresnetation under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act coud be a two-year period of inadmissibility. Please review the matter carefully. If you choose to resubmit your application using a paid representative,please review the Instruction - use of a representative(IMM5561) form and complete a use of a Representative(IMM5476)form and resubimt your application. To verify if a representtative is a authorized to conduct business with Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the Canadian Border Services Agency and to obtain the IMM5476 form, please visit the website of the Citizenship and Immigration Canada at Http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/consultants/index.htmlYou are not obliged to hire a representative for immigration matters. The goverment of Canada treates everyone equally, whether they use the services of a representative or not. If you choose tho hire a representative , your application will not be given special attention nor can you expect faster processing or a more favourable outcome.点击展开...使用不被认可的中介会导致两年加拿大禁入?
回复: 因为13被退料,还望各位指点迷津!下一步应该如何做?冤枉,没有用中介
回复: 因为13被退料,还望各位指点迷津!下一步应该如何做?去办理一个邮政信箱吧。
Welcome to 申请-9/1新程序http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/skilled-simple.html9/1新程序版导读及填表问题索引9/1新程序HK统计贴回复: 因为13被退料,还望各位指点迷津!下一步应该如何做?晕,到底什么才叫自己的地址呢? 问题12要填的是 户籍所在地 吗? 13填的自己的家但不是现居住地行不行,邮政编码 和 名字 也要写吗? 那不干胶地址条是怎么回事? 另外,地址同时写上中文和英文有必要吗? 如果这么写会不会被退? thanks,同志们啊,你们递表的时候填几遍,检查几遍啊?
回复: 因为13被退料,还望各位指点迷津!下一步应该如何做?关注......
回复: 因为13被退料,还望各位指点迷津!下一步应该如何做?顶起
回复: 因为13被退料,还望各位指点迷津!下一步应该如何做?名字不用写吧?
我一个人住在你心里 --刀刀晕,到底什么才叫自己的地址呢? 问题12要填的是 户籍所在地 吗? 13填的自己的家但不是现居住地行不行,邮政编码 和 名字 也要写吗? 那不干胶地址条是怎么回事? 另外,地址同时写上中文和英文有必要吗? 如果这么写会不会被退? thanks,同志们啊,你们递表的时候填几遍,检查几遍啊?点击展开...12。填你现在居住的地址,中英文和邮政编码,名字不用写13。填使馆可以寄信给你的地址,中英文和邮政编码,名字不用写 填一遍,我检查一遍,LP检查一遍.
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: 因为13被退料,还望各位指点迷津!下一步应该如何做?嘿嘿,知道了benkok简直是亲兄弟啊,总在我哀叹没人理的时候解答我的问题,而且这么地详细这么地耐心。
回复: 因为13被退料,还望各位指点迷津!下一步应该如何做?移民局误会你请了不合格的中介,现在处理的方法是赶快写一封信去解释,你没有请中介,只是地址写的别人代为收信两年内不准申请只是用"could",是给予你的警告,不用担心------------------------------叫Joanna Huang,在南京和中投资咨询移民公司工作,看看有什么可以帮到大家的,请各位不必客气。无论您是签约或是将要与别的公司签约的客户,本人会诚意地做到有问必答,如是我无法解答的问题,我会直接咨询加澳的移民律师。分享大家的喜悦,随着您的问题提高自己的业务水准,这是我注册的原因!MSN:[email protected]:10337823 TEL:13813970306地址:南京市汉中路金鹰国际商城19层B2B3座
回复: 因为13被退料,还望各位指点迷津!下一步应该如何做?使用不被认可的中介会导致两年加拿大禁入?点击展开...不是。Failure to disclose the use of a paid representative may be considered misrepresentation. The consequence of misrepresnetation under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act coud be a two-year period of inadmissibility.如果使用了收费的中介而没有披露会构成'misrepresentation'(虚报、虚假陈述)Misrepresnetation会导致两年加拿大禁入。
2006-08-03 Thur DHL递香港,次日签收。2006-08-17 Thur 信用卡扣款 2006-10-18 Wed FN等待中...晕,到底什么才叫自己的地址呢? 问题12要填的是 户籍所在地 吗? 13填的自己的家但不是现居住地行不行,邮政编码 和 名字 也要写吗? 那不干胶地址条是怎么回事? 另外,地址同时写上中文和英文有必要吗? 如果这么写会不会被退? thanks,同志们啊,你们递表的时候填几遍,检查几遍啊?点击展开...看benkok的回答就好。当时这个问题也困扰的我不行。
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