加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民现在申请时间到底有多长?
本人是上海市一家颇具知名度出入境公司专业做加拿大移民材料的翻译,先后为数百名客户编译了材料(有据可查); 愿以实惠合理的价格为客户提供高质量的服务。欢迎真心想移民加拿大的朋友加我咨询,期待与你的合作。我的QQ是601792275; MSN是[email protected]此外,如现在的申请时间到底有多长等问题,可以向本人咨询.
回复: 现在申请时间到底有多长?以前差不多每天刪你帖子~今天就不刪~~因爲今天沪深股跌幅均超过6%~TZ們~~省2万~~DIY吧~~有多餘錢,就找中介~~沒多餘錢,就找家園~~
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: 现在申请时间到底有多长?幸好現在DJI平槃~~不然很多人會傷到很重~上午九點一刻收到股市分析報告~我暈了,也沒感覺了~~報道如下:-Around midnight HK time the Chinese govt announced that stamp tax would increase from 10bps per trade to 30bps. This is the authorities' most serious effort to date to deflate A-shares. When rumours of a Cap Gains Tax were making rounds last week, we did think that a stamp hike like this would be more likely, since Taiwan crashed 80% in the early 90's after they introduced a CGTAlso a stamp hike is preferable for being less extreme and more flexible - in the past stamp in China has ranged between 10 and 60bps. Looking back to 12 May 1997 when China raised stamp from 30 to 50bps, the market proceeded to correct 30% in the following 4 months. We don't think the effect will be as large this time as liquidity and sentiment are both much stronger now than they were then. The gov't's purpose is to hit market speculation and not the broader economy. Using the 9% 1-day correction we had in Feb this year, we would expect commodity and insurance names to be hit hard today. Also exposed more will be small cap, high p/e stocks that have a bigger retail following. Large caps should outperform. Three scenarios on how this could play out: 1) We get a 15-20% correction and subsequently an orderly market that doesn't rise 2% per day. This is what the gov't is aiming for, and if this happens, no further policy action required. 2) If the market completely ignores this move (quite possible in my mind) and the mkt continues to rise 10-20% per month then harsher actions will be used. We wouldn't even rule out a CGT. 3) If we get a 40-50% correction which is more than the gov't is hoping for, they could immediately come in to rescue the market by reversing today's stamp hike or taking more aggressive measuresTZ......國内股票如賭場~~care your own risk~
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: 现在申请时间到底有多长?呵呵
回复: 现在申请时间到底有多长?Why you do not buy the stocks at HK stocks exchange.The stocks in HK market is cheaper than domestic market.Lower P/E ,less fluctuation, it is far more safe and mature than the domestic.
回复: 现在申请时间到底有多长?灌水
回复: 现在申请时间到底有多长?挂羊头卖狗肉
齐二爷回复: 现在申请时间到底有多长?楼主估计已经习惯了被人鄙视不要X的
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