加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于雅斯考试与递交申请先后顺序的问题


关于雅斯考试与递交申请先后顺序的问题 通过CIC网站内部搜索,关于雅思IELTS的搜索有五个条目。 引用CIC(加拿大移民局 citizenship and immigration Canada)官方网站的两段标准说明如下。 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/language-testing.asphttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/faq/immigrate/skilled/skilled-faq14.asp 第一段:Skilled workers and professionals: Who can apply―Selection factorsOfficial language testingThe best way to provide proof of language skills is to take a language proficiency test given by an organization that is approved by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). If you do so, you will be able to see exactly how many points you will receive for the language factor according to your test results.You mustMake arrangements for testing by an approved organization. You will have to pay the costs. Include the results of your test with your immigration application. What happens nextYou can use the equivalency charts to see exactly how many points you will earn based on your test results. The test results will be used by CIC as conclusive proof of your language skills. You can use language test results for one year from the time you took the test. -----------------------------------------------------------------------第二段:Frequently asked questions:Skilled workers and professionalsSimplified application processI have just taken a language proficiency test at a designated organization (such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) or the Test d’évaluation de français (TEF)). Can I submit the results now?If you apply under the simplified application process, the visa office will not accept any supporting documents. If you submit documents with your application, they will be returned to you.Submit your language test results with your other supporting documents. The visa office will contact you to request these documents about four months before your application is processed. If you take the language test within one year of submitting your simplified application, the results remain valid and will be accepted as supporting documentation by the visa office.-----------------------------------------------------------------------关于雅斯考试与递交申请先后顺序的问题,网上流传几种观点。一种是先考雅斯取得成绩后在一年内递交递交申请;一种是先寄申请排队,然后在合适的时候考雅斯。 由于新法下还没有出现有代表性的案例支持任何一种观点,所以现在无法判断哪一种说法正确。所有猜测基于CIC网站的少量文字和旧法对于雅思考试时间要求的惯例。 请大家注意以上原文中红色文字部分,第一段中的意思是移民局一贯的说法,即雅思成绩一年内有效。当然,这个句子里没有明确说前后顺序的问题,一年内---可以是前也可以是后。但是,英文与中文语法的区别在这里体现出来,后面用took相信大家都明白,是过去时态,我的理解是,考雅思在前而递交申请在后。You can do it after you arrived there. 第二段中的红字部分,基本上表述的还是同一个意思,即雅思成绩一年内有效。不过这里表述更加模糊,within 这个单词同样没有先后的概念。但是这个句子明确指出了判断材料有效期的关键时间点是在submitting your simplified application的时候,而不是你的申请开始被评审的时候。那就是说,某些人流传的雅思成绩随时可以考,只要最后拿到需要的分数就可以的说法是不正确的。至少在时间上是受递交申请前后一年这个限制的。大部分移民家庭学历结构为两个本科或者一本一专,亲属和教育加分只属于少数幸运儿。这就是说,大部分筒子至少需要一个或者两个七分,这个目标绝对不是可以轻松达到的,尤其是工作多年有家庭的朋友,千万不要抱着也许没问题的心态面对。过去的四六级的水平不能作为雅思成绩预测依据,这是两个不同的系统。 如果VO严格执行移民标准,会造成大批申请者在耗费大量心血和金钱后一无所获。有时候知难而退也是一种明智的选择,先考雅思至少可以给自己一个量化的目标。 大家对于来自中介的信息要抱有警惕的心理。中介作为商家,希望客户the more the better,很多不确定的事中介都会强调好的一面,尤其是某些无良的半吊子水平中介,为了尽早收钱入袋恨不得把胸脯拍肿。如果大家抱有侥幸心理,很容易接受对自己有利的一面而忽视不利的因素而盲目做出决定,这就是人性的弱点啊.扯远了...... 最后小结一下,虽然分析了很多,但总感觉移民局自己在这个问题上也不是很明确,所以在文字上留下了模糊的表述,和商场宣传单上保留最终解释权差不多,大家看着办吧。

求购北京市内总价10万之100平米全新高层楼宇,QQ群:375328762006年10月9日递香港,2007年5月25日FN......回复: 关于雅斯考试与递交申请先后顺序的问题sounds reasonable!

回复: 关于雅斯考试与递交申请先后顺序的问题只要在递表前一年内考的就有效,在递表后考的就更有效了

back to school...回复: 关于雅斯考试与递交申请先后顺序的问题学习了

生活若不是现在,又在何时?回复: 关于雅斯考试与递交申请先后顺序的问题楼主的说法不太正确。楼主没有注意到,官方的解释文件中还有一段明确写到:如果未来(指在第二阶段开始审查你的申请时),如果语言水平比交表时有提高(即提供的最终成绩比交表时的要好),一定是以最新成绩为准(反之亦然)(好象学历也是这么注解的)。但工作时间是以交表为准,新增加的工作时间只是作为参考因素,算不算分,由移民官自由裁决。具体见:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/op/op06e.pdf第17页。10。4的NOTE以后的内容。Points for the applicant's language proficiency are generally awarded according to evidence provided at the time the application is made. However, if further study, training, or testing is completed and documentation submitted between the time of application and the time of assessment, officers will use the most current results to determine point allocations. In terms of designated language test results, officers will NOT select the highest score for each language ability from a variety of test score submissions. It is always the most recent group of tests that will be considered by officer as it is the most current assessment of the applicant's four language abilities. 对于大家所经常谈论的什么语言、工作时间、学历变动后的评分,该文基本都有明确的解释。

回复: 关于雅斯考试与递交申请先后顺序的问题当然了,到了stage2的时候,任何情况有了update,都应该补充材料,比如语言、学历、工作、婚姻、生小孩

back to school...楼主的说法不太正确。楼主没有注意到,官方的解释文件中还有一段明确写到:如果未来(指在第二阶段开始审查你的申请时),如果语言水平比交表时有提高(即提供的最终成绩比交表时的要好),一定是以最新成绩为准(反之亦然)(好象学历也是这么注解的)。但工作时间是以交表为准,新增加的工作时间只是作为参考因素,算不算分,由移民官自由裁决。具体见:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/op/op06e.pdf第17页。10。4的NOTE以后的内容。Points for the applicant's language proficiency are generally awarded according to evidence provided at the time the application is made. However, if further study, training, or testing is completed and documentation submitted between the time of application and the time of assessment, officers will use the most current results to determine point allocations. In terms of designated language test results, officers will NOT select the highest score for each language ability from a variety of test score submissions. It is always the most recent group of tests that will be considered by officer as it is the most current assessment of the applicant's four language abilities. 对于大家所经常谈论的什么语言、工作时间、学历变动后的评分,该文基本都有明确的解释。点击展开...新增加的工作时间签证官也是必须要计算的, 原文是: Take into account any years of experience that occur between application and assessment, and for which the applicant has submitted the necessary documentation. “take into account”是肯定的意思, 没有考虑的余地, 如果是由签证官自由裁决, 便要写成“take into consideration”。

回复: 关于雅斯考试与递交申请先后顺序的问题我是新程序下递简表到收到FN之间的时间考的,也很担心自己的雅思成绩过期。

回复: 关于雅斯考试与递交申请先后顺序的问题抱歉,对工作时间问题。以前的官方文件好象是说的可加可不加。但最新这个版本,就没有具体说了。我没有仔细看这个最新版本,以为应该没有变动。最新的确是说的是:Take into account any years of experience that occur between application and assessment, and for which the applicant has submitted the necessary documentation.本人英语不太强,所以不清楚Take into account 究竟是必须考虑还是可以考虑。

回复: 关于雅斯考试与递交申请先后顺序的问题抱歉,对工作时间问题。以前的官方文件好象是说的可加可不加。但最新这个版本,就没有具体说了。我没有仔细看这个最新版本,以为应该没有变动。最新的确是说的是:Take into account any years of experience that occur between application and assessment, and for which the applicant has submitted the necessary documentation.本人英语不太强,所以不清楚Take into account 究竟是必须考虑还是可以考虑。点击展开...take into account应该是必须考虑吧.

回复: 关于雅斯考试与递交申请先后顺序的问题“take into account” 如果翻译成中文最接近的意思是“计算在内”。

回复: 关于雅斯考试与递交申请先后顺序的问题九月一号以后新流程下雅思考试时间的的最新规定-------------------------------------------------------------------关于9月1号新流程中,雅思考试的最新、最准确规定!!! 从加拿大官方移民网站上抄录的最新规定:If you apply after September 1, 2006, (under the simplified application process) no supporting documents are accepted at the outset. Please only submit your language test results once you have been asked by the visa office to submit supporting documentation. Any documents submitted prior to this will be returned. If you take the language test within one year of submitting your simplified application, those results remain valid and will be accepted as supporting documentation by the visa office.这段说明意味着,只要submit递交了申请,甚至不用等到 FN 就可以考试!即使移民官2 年以后要求你递交雅思成绩,你现在考的雅思成绩还是有效的!

回复: 关于雅斯考试与递交申请先后顺序的问题新增加的工作时间签证官也是必须要计算的, 原文是: Take into account any years of experience that occur between application and assessment, and for which the applicant has submitted the necessary documentation. “take into account”是肯定的意思, 没有考虑的余地, 如果是由签证官自由裁决, 便要写成“take into consideration”。点击展开...?!英文一流!

个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: 关于雅斯考试与递交申请先后顺序的问题UP!

回复: 关于雅斯考试与递交申请先后顺序的问题“take into account” 如果翻译成中文最接近的意思是“计算在内”。点击展开...

back to school...九月一号以后新流程下雅思考试时间的的最新规定-------------------------------------------------------------------关于9月1号新流程中,雅思考试的最新、最准确规定!!! 从加拿大官方移民网站上抄录的最新规定:If you apply after September 1, 2006, (under the simplified application process) no supporting documents are accepted at the outset. Please only submit your language test results once you have been asked by the visa office to submit supporting documentation. Any documents submitted prior to this will be returned. If you take the language test within one year of submitting your simplified application, those results remain valid and will be accepted as supporting documentation by the visa office.这段说明意味着,只要submit递交了申请,甚至不用等到 FN 就可以考试!即使移民官2 年以后要求你递交雅思成绩,你现在考的雅思成绩还是有效的![/quote] 可是雅思成绩超过两年,雅思考试机构就不会再给你提供雅思成绩单了。到时候如何向移民官提供雅思成绩证明?把自己手中的原件寄过去移民官承认吗?点击展开...

回复: 关于雅斯考试与递交申请先后顺序的问题可是雅思成绩超过两年,雅思考试机构就不会再给你提供雅思成绩单了。到时候如何向移民官提供雅思成绩证明?把自己手中的原件寄过去移民官承认吗?点击展开...把自己手中的原件寄过去移民官承认的~

个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――赞反馈:tommyzou 2007-07-08#18 indianyan 1,292 $0.00 回复: 关于雅斯考试与递交申请先后顺序的问题Benkok说的对。

回复: 关于雅斯考试与递交申请先后顺序的问题把自己手中的原件寄过去移民官承认的~点击展开...

back to school...把自己手中的原件寄过去移民官承认的~点击展开...有没有可能寄公证件啊?万一原件寄丢了

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