加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民有没有人知道炮局胡同的指纹鉴定中心搬到哪里
回复: 有没有人知道炮局胡同的指纹鉴定中心搬到哪里去了friend, you need offical fingre prints? if so you may go to any of notary public for that. no problem I did before for FBI. good luck!
回复: 有没有人知道炮局胡同的指纹鉴定中心搬到哪里去了friend, you need offical fingre prints? if so you may go to any of notary public for that. no problem I did before for FBI. good luck!点击展开...是北京的啊,谢谢.我去问问.
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