加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民划款授权书
今天我发现了新的划款授权书,是Appendix F 中的最后一页,相比老的ESAP7019.pdf 的最后一页,内容几乎一样,但版式不同.现在我到底用哪一个?
I should be happy every day. Work hard and enjoy the life! 回复: 划款授权书有吗?在哪里,我怎么没有找到?
8/29/2007签收.9/20/2007划款,2/20/2008FN,VO:ISK有吗?在哪里,我怎么没有找到?点击展开...http://geo.international.gc.ca/asia/hongkong/immigration/p11528-en.aspplease look at 'fee schedule and payment form' at the bottom of this website
I should be happy every day. Work hard and enjoy the life! http://geo.international.gc.ca/asia/hongkong/immigration/p11528-en.aspplease look at 'fee schedule and payment form' at the bottom of this website点击展开...Yup. This is also an official form for payment authorisation.Please use either this form or the EASP7019. It's just the format a little bit difference. Nothing to be worry! Good luck.
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