加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Do you think I need to write one explanation letter to my VO


Since I am working in Singapore now ,but I can not tell my boss I applied for emmigration to Canada and need he write reference letter for me to update my work experience .So now my agent told me to prepare CERTIFICATE OF NO CRIMINAL CONVICTION (CNCC) to mail hongkong embassy in order to collect my visa later .Then Vo will know I have been working in Singapore for almost one year then she/he may wonder why I hever update my work possition changed .So I really want to know what should I do now?By the way ,I need to require to produce the documents to police station in order to get my CNCC,agent told me she will give me the form to get seal from china police station ,is it the same one I can use to show to officer here,Singapore?

回复: Do you think I need to write one explanation letter to my VO?Tomorrow morning I will call my agent first

回复: Do you think I need to write one explanation letter to my VO?补料。。。解释信。。。

孩子他爹,咱这辈子还有很多事要做呢,别耽误功夫和我玩捉迷藏了,赶紧蹦出来吧~~~ 回复: Do you think I need to write one explanation letter to my VO?Since you are already DM, I guess there's no need to update your working status.Correct me if I were wrong....

back to school...回复: Do you think I need to write one explanation letter to my VO?I just got ME this week so I need to submit certificate of no criminal conviction documents in Singapore so I have to update my employment possition in Singapore and explain why i did not inform my new job here

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