关于不同职业的累加问题CIC网站上的最新说法与手册(OP6)上不同CIC网站上的内容(2007年3月更新)Determining Your NOC CategoryTo determine how many points you can earn for your work experience, go to the Descriptions of Occupations page on the NOC website. You will find a link to the NOC site in the Related Links section at the bottom of this page. Follow the instructions to find the NOC category that matches your work experience.If the initial description and list of main duties match what you did at your last job(s), you can use this experience to earn points under the selection factors when you apply as a skilled worker.If the description does not match your work experience, then you might not have the experience you need to apply as a skilled worker. Look through the NOC list to see if another occupation matches your experience. Check all the jobs you had in the past 10 years to see if you have at least one continuous year of work experience in a job that will qualify you as a skilled worker.OP6上的内容(2006年7月更新)Once the qualifying year has been established, further experience in one or more occupations can be calculated by adding up the number of months spent in full-time and/or part-time work in one or more of the NOC categories.
回复: 大家注意工作经历只算最近的不同的经历不可以累计那我工作10年,每年换一个不同的工作的话,我的工作年限是多少啊?
万事互相效力 叫爱神的人得益处2005年12月10日 IELTS 2006年03月10日 FN 2007年09月10日 ME 2007年12月10日 PL 2008年05月26日 北京――多伦多 赏
13,420 $0.00 回复: 大家注意工作经历只算最近的不同的经历不可以累计一年,哈哈评论
Tree New Bee回复: 大家注意工作经历只算最近的不同的经历不可以累计晕! 楼上的楼上的打一枪换个地方啊?
回复: 大家注意工作经历只算最近的不同的经历不可以累计昏
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=107227回复: 大家注意工作经历只算最近的不同的经历不可以累计LZ理解错了。
回复: 大家注意工作经历只算最近的不同的经历不可以累计俺认为可以累计!如果俺目前暂时下岗的话,是不是工作经验为0呢?
06-03-17 FN(HK),VO:ISK,自怎68,?尤?(20+10+16+1+21)07-09-17 ME?办 07-10-30 篦?07-09-05 申?澳洲移民,07-12-20 傥?!08-03-30 登?澳洲。08-01-28 DM到,08-03-25 PL,傥?。08-10-21登?CANADA。回复: 大家注意工作经历只算最近的不同的经历不可以累计应该是可以累加的吧
回复: 大家注意工作经历只算最近的不同的经历不可以累计我认为LZ错了
Tangerine Orange Key 46787251S1回复: 大家注意工作经历只算最近的不同的经历不可以累计那就不知怎么算了?
2011年3月24日PL 2011年4月18日收到VISA毕业2011年4月19日,一个伟大的日子诞生了MER+DM 道不行,乘桴浮于海。关于不同职业的累加问题CIC网站上的最新说法与手册(OP6)上不同 CIC网站上的内容(2007年3月更新)Determining Your NOC Category To determine how many points you can earn for your work experience, go to the Descriptions of Occupations page on the NOC website. You will find a link to the NOC site in the Related Links section at the bottom of this page. Follow the instructions to find the NOC category that matches your work experience. If the initial description and list of main duties match what you did at your last job(s), you can use this experience to earn points under the selection factors when you apply as a skilled worker. If the description does not match your work experience, then you might not have the experience you need to apply as a skilled worker. Look through the NOC list to see if another occupation matches your experience. Check all the jobs you had in the past 10 years to see if you have at least one continuous year of work experience in a job that will qualify you as a skilled worker. OP6上的内容(2006年7月更新) Once the qualifying year has been established, further experience in one or more occupations can be calculated by adding up the number of months spent in full-time and/or part-time work in one or more of the NOC categories.点击展开...天那!
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