加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民加元兑美元涨至0.9988比1!!!


数据显示,加元周四升至与美元平价,为1976年以来首见。 受初级商品价格高涨、加拿大经济表现强劲和有关美国经济放缓的担忧支撑, 加元在2007年迄今大部分时间内都接近与美元平价,但多项因素近期一起发力,终於推动加元升至等值这一关键水准,美国本周大幅降息也是其中一项因素。 Canadian dollar regains parity with U.S. greenback Last Updated: Thursday, September 20, 2007 | 8:55 AM ET CBC News The Canadian dollar reached parity with the U.S. greenback on Thursday for the first time since November 1976. The loonie briefly reached $1.0003 US on foreign exchange markets, the Bank of Canada confirmed. The loonie's stint at parity was brief, however, as it slipped back to trade at 99.88 cents US. The dollar's latest rise comes as the U.S. dollar falters against major currencies and commodity prices continue to gain strength. The U.S. dollar hit a new record low against the euro earlier Thursday, two days after the Federal Reserve made a surprise cut of one-half of a percentage point to a key U.S. interest rate. Economists had been expecting a quarter-point rate cut.Also giving energy to the loonie's flight has been the rising price of oil. In global commodity trading, the price of a barrel of oil was at $82.10 US, up 17 cents from Wednesday. With the loonie quickly approaching parity with the U.S. buck, questions are arising about where the Canadian dollar goes once it passes $1 US. "We've come a long way. It wasn't that long ago that the Canadian dollar was trading around 60 cents and people were thinking the end was near," said Steve Butler, director of foreign exchange at Scotia Capital. "And now, seeing it close to parity with this much strength and this much momentum, I don't think parity is going to be the number that stops it," he told CBC News. Butler said he wouldn't be surprised if the loonie passes parity shortly and then possibly retreats below par before resuming its rise. "I still think the fundamentals are so strong right now that we will see Canada continue to climb," he added.

谋既果决,行且坚毅。赞反馈:占戈木仓, 李元霸, 张无忌 和另外1个人 2007-09-20#2 rosesknight 2,876 $0.00 回复: 加元兑美元涨至0.9988比1!!!嘎嘎!沙发!

企鹅GG和企鹅MM去约会,企鹅MM还没有到约会的地点,企鹅GG就一直在左看看,右看看...左看看,右看看...企鹅MM来了后看见企鹅GG这个样子,怒了! 一巴掌呼了过去骂道:“你以为你TMD在登陆QQ啊!” 回复: 加元兑美元涨至0.9988比1!!!so what?

存在问题:好吃饭、好泡妞、好抽烟、好喝酒。 分析原因:饭好吃、妞好泡、烟好抽、酒好喝。 总结经验:吃饭好、泡妞好、抽烟好、喝酒好。 整改措施:饭吃好、妞泡好、烟抽好、酒喝好。 努力方向:吃好饭、泡好妞、抽好烟、喝好酒。回复: 加元兑美元涨至0.9988比1!!!???!!!!

东北农家小笨鸡,不喜欢长头发的男生!我的国歌so what?点击展开...No what. Only post the information for reference.

谋既果决,行且坚毅。回复: 加元兑美元涨至0.9988比1!!!It's not a good news to us earning RMB here in China.

回复: 加元兑美元涨至0.9988比1!!!It's not a good news to us earning RMB here in China.点击展开...多买点东西海运过去吧。

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