加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民两位美国兄弟谈美国与“民主”
起因是一位看来属于台湾独派的兄弟在那里抱怨,说你们丫的美国佬既然口口声声说支持民主自由,还为了这个打了伊拉克。为啥俺们搞个公投,大民主,你们那么激烈地反对?这不是明显的双重标准吗.... 刚开始美国人还想解释,后来让他们抱怨烦了,就把心里话给说出来了:1.America does not advance democracy in the world. America looks out for America. Iraq is about our needs-- plainly put, oil. We got involved in Vietnam, which was already in conflict before our involvement, because of the fear of the spread of communisim, which was about us-- not the Vietnamese. Furthermore, it wasn't "against all odds." The U.S. went into these places with the idea that they would be a more powerful force. So while America may give the illusion that it "advances democracy in the world," it doesn't. In fact, it's interfered in democracies when the leaders haven't met with our approval (ie: our interests). 俺们美国并不是在世界上推广民主。俺们美国只关心美国。伊拉克关乎俺们的利益---明摆着,油嘛!俺们当年去越南,在俺们介入之前那里就打上了,是因为害怕共产主义扩散---这可关乎俺们的利益,不是越南的利益。反正俺们不是为了纠正天道不公才去的。俺们美国去的那些地方是因为俺们认为这种地方都是可能具有重大影响的地区。虽然美国可能给你们幻觉俺们是推广民主,其实不是。事实上,当那些民选的领导人不和俺们的意(即:俺们的利益)时俺们还会妨碍民主。 2.Democracy is the cover story for economic interests, and it is not just the United States using it. Canada does the exact same thing on a smaller scale for its own interests (e.g Haiti, East Timor, UN/NATO interventions, mining, First Nations, etc.), favoring the "human rights" angle, every bit as misleading. There is no need to be naive about such things, and I have not been shy about not only admitting this reality, but demonstrating the consistency throughout American history. Those who maintain the fantasy of "Democracy's Champion" should disabuse themselves of any such notion, or at least recognize that any gains in democracy, real or imagined", are directly related to economic and geopolitical interests. 民主不过是经济利益的一个幌子,而且不仅仅是俺们美国用民主做幌子。加拿大也在干着同样的事,在它那个小圈子里(如:海地,东帝汶,联合国,北约,采矿,土著...等等),打着人权的幌子,其实每一处都是骗人的。俺们没有必要在这些事上太天真,俺也不害羞承认这些事,这就是俺们的历史。那些幻想俺们是“民主斗士”的兄弟们该醒醒喽,至少你们应该意识到如果你们想靠民主获利,无论是真能还是幻想,至少都要符合俺们的经济或地缘政治利益。Technically, the US is not a "democracy"....it is a constitutional republic with democratic principles (in theory). America has no obligation to live up to the false expectations of others, and every obligation to act in self interest. 从技术角度讲,俺们美国不是信奉什么民主主义。俺们只是在民主原则(理论上的)组建的共和国。美国没有义务做那些别人误认为美国会为他们做的,只对他们自己有利的事。3Methinks you are ignoring the fact that the country was founded by booting your king in the ass (old standard) for "freedom" and "liberty" while maintaining slave labor for almost the next 90 years (new standard). "Respectability" (e.g. "being loved") is a far more cherished notion in Canada, where I might add that government falls way short of the "advertised standard", domestically and internationally as well. If you want to talk about reality based cyncism, that is closer to the mark and far more relevant to current circumstances as well as American history. "Standards" change to suit such circumstances. 俺认为你忽略了俺们这个靠踢你们(加拿大)国王pp起家的国家一面标榜自由一面蓄奴90年的事实。“受尊敬”(如:被爱)这种概念,只有加拿大才把它当回事,加拿大是个政府为了国内或国际政治需要整天忙于干这种广告差事别的事都不干的地方。如果你们想用愤青理论来谈论现实的话,就好比用现在的标准去评判美国历史。“标准”是根据情况不断变化的。 俺英语水平有限。有些句子不知翻的对不对? 不过这点上我倒是同意美国人的观点:这年头谁也不欠谁的,谁也没权利强迫别人非要为你做什么。或者说,你既然指望别人为你做什么,就别抱怨他对你要求这要求那的。
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