加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教高手:如何写询问ME的e-mail
回复: 请教高手:如何写询问ME的e-mail原则上,使馆是不会回答这类信件的。建议一般情况下不要询问,如果与你同期的大部分TZ都在至少一个月前me了的话。你倒可以email去问一下。你可以搜一下之前riya的帖子,上面有她的询问信原件。
06.04.11-FN (HK);07.11.26-补料信;08.11.26-签发ME;09.02.09补料签收;09.02.10划登陆费;09.03.30-DM;09.04.08PL;09.09.30短登温哥华。回复: 请教高手:如何写询问ME的e-mail支持楼上
回复: 请教高手:如何写询问ME的e-mail补件以后,等了很久没有收到体检表,发信去咨询。供大家参考,个人情况不同,所以内容也不同,所以大家根据自己的情况修改补充就是了。咨询信一(适合体检之前的程序):Dear Visa Officer:Hi, thank you for taking the time to read this letter. My name is(名字),I am an educated and skilled individual who has applied for permanent residence in Canada. A file application number was issued for me in (这里写你FN日期:年,月). I received a letter from the Immigration Office in (这里写上一次你收到补件信的日期)that requested me to provide some documentation. In (你补件信寄出的月份) of the same year, we provided all the requested documentations necessary to the Immigration Office before the indicated deadline. We have not yet received a response or any feedback in approximately (你补件后等待的日期)months. We hope you can provide us with any additional information regarding our application status and the next step involved in this process.It would be very gratefully appreciated. Here is my application information:File No: Surname/Family Name: Given Name: Date of Birth: Tel:Fax:Address:E-mail: Again, thank you very much for your time and patience. We hope to hear from you.。 Yours sincerely,(姓名)
回复: 请教高手:如何写询问ME的e-mail原则上,使馆是不会回答这类信件的。建议一般情况下不要询问,如果与你同期的大部分TZ都在至少一个月前me了的话。你倒可以email去问一下。你可以搜一下之前riya的帖子,上面有她的询问信原件。点击展开...http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=128897这是我原来发给使馆询问ME的邮件,LZ可以参考,去粗取精吧。祝你一切顺利。另外谢谢ian记得,呵呵。
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