加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民加拿大有大批富人不缴个人所得税,还领福利


Hundreds of rich pay no tax: Study Wealthy also collecting EI, welfare paymentsDean BeebyCANADIAN PRESSHALIFAX ?Hundreds of Canada's richest residents pay no income tax ? and some of them collect welfare, says a new federal study.And the number of rich Canadians who pay no income tax is growing rapidly, almost doubling between 1997 and 1999.The findings appear in a Canada Customs and Revenue Agency portrait of Canada's wealthiest income-earners, based on data from 1997-99 tax returns and released under the Access to Information Act.The study identified 78,230 people in Canada who reported annual incomes in excess of $250,000 in 1999, up about a third from 1997 as the burgeoning economy made more Canadians rich.The agency chose the $250,000 threshold because it's the same cut-off used by Statistics Canada when studying the country's wealthy elite.Of those high-income earners, 579 paid no income taxes in 1999 ? a big jump from the 318 high-income earners who paid no taxes in 1997.That increase ? 82 per cent over three years ? was far larger than the 35 per cent over-all rise in high-income earners in the same period.The findings suggest wealthy Canadians are becoming more adept at finding ways to avoid income taxes.The report, heavily censored in parts, was written to help tax auditors by listing the likely characteristics of tax cheats, based on such factors as geography, sex and marital status.Information about the high-risk groups has been carefully deleted.The study, dated March, 2001 and marked "draft," also found more than 600 of Canada's wealthiest collected employment insurance, welfare or workers' compensation payments in 1999. That's half again as many as those who collected such payments in 1997.Forty-five people listed welfare payments as part of their income on their 1999 tax returns, though the study does not indicate their provinces or cities.Another 308 collected workers' compensation payments, while 290 received employment insurance.Federal officials noted that workers' compensation and employment insurance benefits are paid without regard to the recipients' income.Welfare payments administered by the provinces and municipalities, on the other hand, are normally restricted to those with low incomes.However, an agency official said information from individual returns is treated as confidential and is not shared with police or other authorities even if fraud is suspected."It's a confidential matter between us and the client," said Collette Gentes-Hawn, though tax auditors do have access.She also said business and investment losses can sometimes be high enough that no income tax need be paid even for high earners."You might have earned $250,000 worth of salary but you may also have had a business that had a loss of $250,000 or more," she said from Ottawa. The business loss can then be deducted from income.Word of the wealthy tax-avoiders comes as the Federal Court of Canada hears a challenge in Winnipeg of a federal tax loophole that allowed a $2.2 billion family trust to leave Canada tax free in 1991.The hearing continues today.The wealthy family benefiting from the loophole has never been officially identified, though speculation has pointed to the Bronfmans of Montreal. They have refused to comment on the case.

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