加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民移民局来信了!!!(急)


[FONT=宋体][FONT=宋体]没人理啊。。。没天理啊!!![/FONT][/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体]谢谢各位了,有时间来北京舞蹈学院看我跳舞北京舞蹈学院网址[/FONT][FONT=宋体]http://www.bda.edu.cn/[/FONT][FONT=宋体]每周三我们都会在小礼堂汇演,不要门票的。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]还有个问题,就是移民协议看不懂,帮帮我吧,麻烦准确翻译哦[/FONT][FONT=宋体]ESCROW AGREEMENT[/FONT]​[FONT=宋体]BETWEEN: (Hereinafter referred to as the “Applicant”) OF THE FIRST PART; AND: ISLAND INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENT INC[FONT=宋体],[/FONT](Hereinafter referred to as “IIDI”) OF THE SECOND PART[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]WHEREAS: 1 The Applicant has carried out an exploratory visit to Prince Edward Island, and has participated in a preliminary interview with the Manager or Program Officer of IIDI; 2 As a result of the preliminary interview, the Applicant and IIDI have jointly agreed that the Applicant may apply for permanent residency status in Canada pursuant to the Provincial Nominee Program agreed upon by the Government of Canada and the Government of Prince Edward Island; 3 The Applicant and IIDI have agreed on the terms hereinafter set forth with respect to the Applicant’s application for permanent residency in Canada pursuant to the Provincial Nominee Program; NOW THEREFORE THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1 The Applicant shall pay IIDI a $2,500 non-refundable processing fee in connection with the application of the Applicant under the Provincial Nominee Program of the Province of Prince Edward Island[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]2 The Applicant acknowledges that such fee is exclusive of any fees payable by the Applicant to the Government of Canada in connection with the formal application required by the Government of Canada once the Province of Prince Edward Island has nominated the Applicant[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]3 At the time the Applicant completes the application under the Provincial Nominee Program, the Applicant shall also pay to IIDI the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) (Canadian), to be held by IIDI in escrow on the terms set forth herein, and the Applicant shall also, prior to nomination by the Province of Prince Edward Island, provide evidence to IIDI of the availability of an additional $100,000 Canadian available to initiate a new Prince Edward Island based business[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]4 At the time of submission of the application under the Provincial Nominee Program, the Applicant shall submit a formal business plan or business capacity document in the format approved by IIDI[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]5 IIDI shall repay the $100,000 held by it in escrow without interest and less expenses incurred by IIDI in processing the Applicant’s application, if the Applicant has fulfilled the Applicant’s obligations to submit a formal business plan and has initiated and maintained, in the reasonable opinion of the Manager of IIDI, operation of a business based in Prince Edward Island[FONT=宋体],[/FONT] When the escrow funds are released by IIDI to the Applicant, such funds shall be used in the operation of the business established by the Applicant (unless the full $200,000 has been invested previously) and in no event shall the Applicant be permitted to receive the return of the capital invested in the business for a period of 24 months from the date of the release, it being the intention of IIDI that such funds shall be used for the operation of the business[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]9[FONT=宋体],[/FONT] The Applicant shall forfeit the $100,000 held in escrow by IIDI should any of the following occur: 1 The Applicant fails to initiate operation of a Prince Edward Island based business within one (1) year of receiving a visa for permanent residency status in Canada; or 2 IIDI is of the reasonable opinion that the business plan submitted by the Applicant is not being followed[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]10. IIDI agrees that the escrow fund shall be deposited by it in securities of the Government of Canada or equivalent investment grade securities, and shall not form any part of the assets of IIDI until such time as the Applicant may have forfeited the Applicant’s right to payment of the escrow funds as set forth in this Agreement[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]11.The Applicant shall not be entitled to repayment of the escrow funds except pursuant to the terms of this Agreement[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]12.This Agreement is governed by the laws of the Province of Prince Edward Island and the Applicant and IIDI agree that the courts of the Province of Prince Edward Island shall be the sole and exclusive forum for resolution of any dispute arising by virtue of the terms of this Agreement[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]13.This Agreement enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed on the day of , 2004[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]SIGNED, SEALED and DELIVERED )in the presence of: [APPLICANT]SIGNED, SEALED and DELIVERED ) ISLAND INVESTMENT in the presence of: DEVELOPMENT INC[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]DATED BETWEEN: OF THE FIRST PART; AND: ISLAND INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENT INC[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]OF THE SECOND PART[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]ESCROW AGREEMENTStewart McKelvey Stirling ScalesJCT/smw[/FONT]

回复: 移民局来信了!!!(急)划款确认函。不干胶的条形码是将来如果你要补材料到领事馆时贴到信封上去的,便于领事馆的信息输入。 您是学舞蹈的,那您的身材一定很棒

回复: 移民局来信了!!!(急)楼主,你先把你的档案号,你的个人地址,都给删除了吧,保护好你自己的私人信息。然后大家再回答你的问题。这封信是受理你的申请后,移民局通知你的信件。

回复: 移民局来信了!!!(急)很好,很强大!

回复: 移民局来信了!!!(急)就是接受了材料,排上队了,条形码以后补材料的时候贴材料上一起寄去,还有是审理费用收据,估计英语还要练,以后考鸭怎么办

回复: 移民局来信了!!!(急)LS的提醒是对的。

回复: 移民局来信了!!!(急)您是学舞蹈的,那您的身材一定很棒点击展开...

回复: 移民局来信了!!!(急)还有你上传的附件,也赶紧删除了吧。

回复: 移民局来信了!!!(急)第一次见这么直接的,既然内容已经清楚,就赶紧删除不该有的文字吧!・

回复: 移民局来信了!!!(急)赶紧删除啊,妹妹

回复: 移民局来信了!!!(急)呵呵呵,小妹妹不用紧张,现在你什么都不用做,这是一个你申请费收到的收据说明,你扫描上传的是你档案号码,以后如果要补料的时候,要贴一张这个档案号在补的材料上,这说明移民局已经受理了你的申请,并给你了档案号(B051653XXX),你目前的状态是材料完整,暂时不需要补充新的材料,你的移民官是WCY,你现在要做的是把你的名字和档案号,还有你上传的附件从这个帖子里面删除,以保护你的隐私,恭喜你拿到档案号。

回复: 移民局来信了!!!(急)呵呵,真是单纯的MM,愿老天保佑你啊!!

http://blog.sina.com.cn/riyawang回复: 移民局来信了!!!(急)宝贝儿一个

回复: 移民局来信了!!!(急)北京舞蹈学院怎么走啊?

回复: 移民局来信了!!!(急)来晚了,嘛也没看着,等着看跳舞好咯

Tree New Bee​​赞反馈:Evergreen Tree 2007-10-22#16 jasonbai80 259 $0.00 回复: 移民局来信了!!!(急)对啊,我知道音乐学院在复兴门,舞蹈学院在哪儿啊?

2006.3.28 FN VO: KHW Bxxxxxxxxx(CAU) 希望十一以前能有ME,上帝保佑啊!(更新) 今年有信儿就知足!挖哈哈! 回复: 移民局来信了!!!(急)档案号(B051653XXX)我不知这些号码分别代表什么意思啊>???有哪位大侠知道每个数字的含义吗


现在的我比较有闲,希望有一天可以比较有钱!对啊,我知道音乐学院在复兴门,舞蹈学院在哪儿啊?点击展开... 此帖已严重跑题,建议古狗一下就知道了!

赞反馈:弄花香满衫 2007-10-22#20 大胃贝克汉姆
21,405 $0.00 回复: 移民局来信了!!!(急)好运!

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