加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民没明白"arranged employment" 到底什么意思..
下面这句的意思是不是如果现在加国内一家公司对我有雇佣意向,我就不能走简化流程了呢?那该如何走? You cannot use the simplified application if: you have arranged employment in Canada 这种情况最快能多久申请下来?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]忐忐...忑忑回复: 没明白"arranged employment" 到底什么意思...是的, 如果那样的话, 你要得走工作签证. 如果你的工作属于在加拿大比较奇缺技术而你的雇主又主动帮你搞定, 那这步是非常快而简单的.
Life is ours to be spent, not to be saved.是的, 如果那样的话, 你要得走工作签证. 如果你的工作属于在加拿大比较奇缺技术而你的雇主又主动帮你搞定, 那这步是非常快而简单的.点击展开...I don't think so!If you have arranged employment you still apply by yourself, but you get some benefits.First, you can jump the queue, that means you can get your visa realy fast.Second, you can get additional 10-15 points rather than whom without arranged employment.Third, you don't need to prepare financial(deposit) proof.As long as the get you application, visa officer start to process your application, so you don't need apply through the simplified way.
欣逢中华盛世!http://cn.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/caresslyz/回复: 没明白"arranged employment" 到底什么意思...你说的是技术移民类有安排工作的. 而我说的是另外一种情况. 如果有大公司肯录用, 我想公司可以主动提出申请申办工作签证. 详细见http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/work/apply-who-eligible.asp#outside
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