加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民提供一封能帮助有关人士的英文自荐信


Resume of language proficiencyXX. XX, 2006Dear Sir or Madam,I started to learn the English language 21 years ago when I entered secondary school. I have also had the experience of studying in England for 2 years and have much working experience using the language. Enclosed you will find documents and recommendation letters, which provides evidence of how efficient my English is. English wasmy favorite subject and gave me a lot of confidence and this enabled me toachieve high marks. This inspired me to choose English as my major when I entered XXXX Institute of XXXX XXXX. I studied very hard and received an honorary scholarship every semester for my academic achievements, and was ranked as one of the top students when I graduated in XXXX.Instead of presenting an IELTS result, I took part in a language test arranged by the university language center of University XXXXXX. I received a high mark 82% which I was informedby the examiner was equivalent to 7.0 in IELTS. This result enabled me to acquire an unconditional offer from the university.I also worked for an import and export company as a tradesperson and later became a secondary school teacher teaching English as a second language. All of the above mentioned involved skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing.During my stay in England I tried every means to improve my English to a higher degree.Listening: Listen to the radio and watch English television everyday.Speaking: Participate verbally during lectures, communicate with local people and have made many English friends.Reading: Academic reading, leisure reading of newspaper, magazines, etc, and Bible reading. Writing: Academic writing with assignments and dissertation, emails in English with friends both English and Chinese.I am confident that my English should fall in the high proficiency category which means that I am entitled to receive 16 points in language ability.Yours sincerely,XXXXXEnclosed supporting documents1. One certified copy of graduation certificate issued by XXX2. One original copy of transcript from XXX (in university-sealed envelope with the certificate) 3. One unconditional offer issued by XXX4 One confirming letter from XXX international office5 One letter of recommendation from my tutor6 Two letters of recommendation from my English friends

06年03月14日 EMS递料(1600克)香港16日收29日中信汇票解付 06年04月10日 WCY 签发FN(补3E表)19日收到20日寄出该补表08年02月04日 WCY签发要求提交雅思信21日收到4月12日考鸭08年05月16日 WCY签发体检表25日收6月5日寄补料6月6日北京体检09年06月10日 香港安面7月4日二次体检9月25日签证10月21日长登赞反馈:chenqq 2007-11-04#2 C 472 $0.00 回复: 提供一封能帮助有关人士的英文自荐信xx

2007年7月FN\2009年6月3日S22009年7月30-12、2009年11月16-ME、2009年12月6日体检\2009年12月15日-8、2010年1月13日-122010年10月11日-13、10月19-DM、VISA回复: 提供一封能帮助有关人士的英文自荐信ha,ha,沙发

2007年7月FN\2009年6月3日S22009年7月30-12、2009年11月16-ME、2009年12月6日体检\2009年12月15日-8、2010年1月13日-122010年10月11日-13、10月19-DM、VISA回复: 提供一封能帮助有关人士的英文自荐信写得不错...

回复: 提供一封能帮助有关人士的英文自荐信谢谢分享

http://blog.sina.com.cn/riyawang回复: 提供一封能帮助有关人士的英文自荐信shafa

2007年7月FN\2009年6月3日S22009年7月30-12、2009年11月16-ME、2009年12月6日体检\2009年12月15日-8、2010年1月13日-122010年10月11日-13、10月19-DM、VISA回复: 提供一封能帮助有关人士的英文自荐信Everyone has his/her own experience of English language leaning. I'm afraid that the thread owner's experience is quite unique, which means it's of limited help to those who have totally different lives.Anyway, thank you for your sharing.

回复: 提供一封能帮助有关人士的英文自荐信Well, I finished it, ......what do others think?

  ·生活百科 Engie太阳能优势试验。
·生活百科 Esy Sunhome电池



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