加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民oh.can u imagine at last I get my ME too
Wow,my computer did not work for almost one week and today i try to get online and check my email,to my surprise,I got an email form my agent and she told me my ME has been issued and is on the way to shanghai.I am so happy and I want to share this news with all of you
回复: oh.can u imagine at last I get my ME toobest wishes! but where is the one for Annieshen?????
万事互相效力 叫爱神的人得益处2005年12月10日 IELTS 2006年03月10日 FN 2007年09月10日 ME 2007年12月10日 PL 2008年05月26日 北京――多伦多 赏 反馈:已在河西 和 annieyu 2007-08-26#3 4,147 $0.00 回复: oh.can u imagine at last I get my ME tooTks for ur congratulations but as for your question I also want to know the answer
回复: oh.can u imagine at last I get my ME tooGX,怎么老轮不到我坐沙发,我这跑的就够快的了。
eli8的世界硬币收藏:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=131759eli8的澳洲之旅:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=202076递国外的朋友请进: 赏 反馈:大胃贝克汉姆, 已在河西 和 annieyu 2007-08-26#5 2,485 $0.00 回复: oh.can u imagine at last I get my ME tooGXGX
孩子他爹,咱这辈子还有很多事要做呢,别耽误功夫和我玩捉迷藏了,赶紧蹦出来吧~~~ 赏 反馈:大胃贝克汉姆, 已在河西 和 annieyu 2007-08-26#6 4,147 $0.00 回复: oh.can u imagine at last I get my ME tooBtw,my address never has been any change
回复: oh.can u imagine at last I get my ME too恭喜, 幸好 半夜睡不着 , 还能抢到 地板 。
烟雨两岸 赏 反馈:eli8 和 annieyu 2007-08-26#8 12,175 $0.00 回复: oh.can u imagine at last I get my ME tooGXGX我唯有到地下室了
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。―――――――――――――――――――――――――― 赏 反馈:annieyu 2007-08-26#9 2,457 $0.00 回复: oh.can u imagine at last I get my ME toogx
齐二爷 赏 反馈:annieyu 和 已在河西 2007-08-26#10 L 1,740 $0.00 回复: oh.can u imagine at last I get my ME too恭喜恭喜!!
回复: oh.can u imagine at last I get my ME too恭喜恭喜!
回复: oh.can u imagine at last I get my ME tooI am so excited and can not help to get online again this morning
回复: oh.can u imagine at last I get my ME too恭喜啦
汶川,我们与你同在!福佑中华! 赏 反馈:annieyu 2007-08-26#14 574 $0.00 回复: oh.can u imagine at last I get my ME too恭喜恭喜
魁省技术移民 04.3FN+排期 06.6.9面试通过 07.2ME 07.3 DM 07.3.31PL 07.6月底登陆 赏 反馈:annieyu 2007-08-26#15 601 $0.00 回复: oh.can u imagine at last I get my ME too恭喜
回复: oh.can u imagine at last I get my ME toogxgx
回复: oh.can u imagine at last I get my ME tooGXGX
回复: oh.can u imagine at last I get my ME too恭喜!
回复: oh.can u imagine at last I get my ME tooCongratulation!!
回复: oh.can u imagine at last I get my ME tooGX
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