加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民VO 总监:比尔克林顿转发的一封邮件!


转发: Bill:你好,我收到了一封邮件,是关于我入学申请的,你帮我翻译一下吧?你那么忙,打扰你真不好意思!谢谢!! Yours Jack LeeMy name is lucy Adm and I am the Administrative Assistant for the Goodman Institute here in the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University. I was in the process of writing you an email in response to seeing your online application earlier this week. Thank you for your interest shown in our Program. I would like to clarify the difference between our MBA in Investment Management program and the Master of Investment Management (MIM) program. They are both three years in length as our curriculum runs parallel to the requirements of CFA Institute. Within each of our three years of each of these two programs we help prepare you to write each of the three levels of CFA exams. Usually applicants who apply are looking for the MBA/CFA combination as they are the best combination of both academic and professional credentials recognized and looked for in the investment industry. The applicants usually therefore apply for our MBA in Investment Management. Those who already have an MBA and are still interested in our MBA in Investment Management, we suggest to apply for our Master in Investment Management (MIM) program. You take the same courses minus the four non finance courses, ie Organizational Behaviour, Strategic Management, Marketing Management and Management Information Systems, as you would in our MBA in Investment Management. If you already had an MBA, you would have most likely already taken these or similar courses. We still help you to prepare for the three levels of CFA exams and it is still a three year program. The cost of tuition for both programs is the same as well, $16,000 CDN for each year of the program, for an overall cost of $48,000 CDN. My question to you is did you intend on applying for our MBA in Investment Management, but the only program close to it was the Master in Investment Management program which showed up on the list of programs? If so, then could you send me a quick email stating that you intended on applying for the MBA in Investment Management program and would like the program choice to be corrected to have your application be for the MBA in Investment Management and not our MIM (Master in Investment Management).I was forwarded your email below from the Graduate Programs Office and I will respond to your questions below in magenta. 我之所以转发,让同事们看看,你们帮他翻译一下吧? Bill

回复: VO 总监:比尔克林顿转发的一封邮件!如果这个也翻译不了,也不知道你在去拿学位? Bill

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