8. Discriminatory and Dishonest Immigration System.Immigration to Canada is based on a point system, obtained with your education, qualifications and job experience. Points are good enough for immigration, but in Canada, they are not good enough to get a job in your field. Amazing, how the credentials that qualify you to come to Canada are the same credentials that don't qualify you for your profession in Canada. The reason is, Canada only wants immigrants to do the labor jobs - pizza delivery, driving taxis, factory work etc.
7. Out Of Control Cost Of Living. From rent, to utility bills, to shopping, to phone, internet and cable bills, to gas, to car insurance, to eating out, to basically anything you have to pay for or buy, the cost of living in Canada has become astronomical. Recent immigrants are astonished as to how expensive everything is. It is estimated that compared to most countries around the world, the cost of living in Canada is on average five times greater.
6. Health Care Crisis. Practicing physicians in Canada are in a shortage, 1 in 4 Canadians cannot get a family doctor. Canadian doctors are leaving to move permanently to the United States. Statistics Canada and the Canadian Medical Association both have identified that for every 1 American doctor that moves to Canada, 19 (nineteen) Canadian doctors move to the United States! Doctors in Canada are overworked and underpaid, and there is a cap on their salaries.
5. Very High Taxes. Yes, you have the GST, the PST, totaling 15%, on practically everything you purchase and many other taxes taken out of our weekly paycheck. You have to pay a whopping amount to the government, out of your hard earned salary, so that the government can turn around and give it to beer drinking, hockey watching welfare bums. Fair? It does not matter, it's Canada.
4. Money Hungry Government. Canadian Embassies around the world lie to foreigners, painting this picture that Canada is Utopia, because they want them to come to Canada. Why? Because foreigners bring money! So after being deceived, these foreigners come. They must bring with them at least $10,000. Canada has an immigration quota of 250,000 per year. So please do the math, 250,000 multiplied by $10,000 each equals a whopping 2.5 Billion dollars that Canada gains from immigrants every year.
3. No Culture. Unlike almost every other country in the world, Canada has no culture. Actually American culture is what dominates Canada. When was the last time you had some 'Canadian' food? There are no Canadian traditions and there is no national identity. What does it even mean to call yourself a 'Canadian'. . .nothing really. People living in Canada, still identify themselves with the country they 'originally' came from.
2. Worst Weather. Yes, Canada has the worst weather conditions of any country in the world. Freezing cold temperatures, snow, ice, hail, winds, storms etc. From the Prairie provinces to the Maritimes, from the Territories to southern Ontario, the weather is so horrific and disgusting that many Canadians leave Canada simply because of this reason alone.
1. No Jobs. Yes, coast to coast, there are no jobs. Immigrants are highly qualified (MD's, PhD's, Lawyers, Engineers etc.) but they are driving taxi cabs, delivering pizza's or working in factories. Even people with bachelors degrees from Canadian Universities cannot find jobs after graduation. This is the tragedy associated with immigration to Canada. I feel sorry for those immigrants who are stuck in Canada for the rest of their lives. It is indeed a very sad and hopeless future. Please do not believe the fancy websites made by the Government of Canada or by the Canadian immigration laywers. They are not telling you the truth. Do your own research!
06-03-06, started my case,08-04-08, 体检 . 08-05-10,收到登陆费发票,09-01-05,DM。 09-01-14 PL耶和华怜恤,体谅我,有恩典慈爱!感恩!
反馈:luckcat 和 .. 2007-12-02#2 我
9,430 $0.00
回复: 8大不移民加拿大的理由!转贴还是翻译成中文看着大家舒服点
回复: 8大不移民加拿大的理由!转贴很简单,找不到工作
回复: 8大不移民加拿大的理由!转贴1. No Jobs. 这条最重要!!!
回复: 8大不移民加拿大的理由!转贴我想用用我微薄的英语力量,借助辞典给大家翻译一下。大家喜欢就给加点分,认为翻得不好的,静听您的指正。声明:此文章不代表本人观点 [FONT=宋体]8、带有歧视的,不诚实的移民体系[/FONT][FONT=宋体]移民加拿大是基于你达到一定分数的基础上,要获得教育、资格和工作的相关经验。分数够了可以移民,但不说明你可以在加拿大找到专业工作。不可思议,能证明你有资格移民加拿大的,却不能证明你在加拿大有资格获得专业工作。原因就是,加拿大只想让移民做体力活——[/FONT][FONT=宋体]送送披萨饼,开开出租车,在工厂做做工。。。。。。[/FONT]
07年5月FN啦...... 我给你加,说明我喜欢你!你再给我加,说明.......说明你懂得礼尚往来的道理!
回复: 8大不移民加拿大的理由!转贴[FONT=宋体]7、入不敷出[/FONT][FONT=宋体]房租、购物、电话费、网络费、汽油费、汽车保险、饭钱,你不得不付的和买的,在加拿大的生活费简直就是天文数字。近来,移民们都惊异于物价的昂贵。据估计,对比大多数国家,在加拿大的生活费用,平均要高出五倍之多。[/FONT]
07年5月FN啦...... 我给你加,说明我喜欢你!你再给我加,说明.......说明你懂得礼尚往来的道理!
回复: 8大不移民加拿大的理由!转贴6、医疗危机加拿大内科医生短缺,四分之一的加拿大人找不到家庭医生。加拿大的医生都去了美国。统计数字和加拿大医药协会证实,每一个医生从美国来加拿大,就有十九个加拿大医生搬去美国!加拿大医生工作强度大但报酬少。
07年5月FN啦...... 我给你加,说明我喜欢你!你再给我加,说明.......说明你懂得礼尚往来的道理!
反馈:hlingzhi 2007-12-03#8

371 $0.00
回复: 8大不移民加拿大的理由!转贴5、高额赋税是的,你有GST,PST,总计15%,事实上,你购买任何商品和很多其它的税种用去了你一周的薪水。你不得不付给政府大笔的钱,政府将你辛苦挣来的钱用于beer drinking,hockey watching(本着负责的原则,把拿不准别的方面照搬过来,以免引起误会——译者)社会福利和流浪汉。公平吗?没什么,这就是加拿大。
07年5月FN啦...... 我给你加,说明我喜欢你!你再给我加,说明.......说明你懂得礼尚往来的道理!
反馈:bigtree 2007-12-03#9

371 $0.00
回复: 8大不移民加拿大的理由!转贴呜呜!没有人鼓励鼓励吗??
07年5月FN啦...... 我给你加,说明我喜欢你!你再给我加,说明.......说明你懂得礼尚往来的道理!
反馈:.. 2007-12-03#10

371 $0.00
回复: 8大不移民加拿大的理由!转贴哈哈!!发现有人给我加分了!!是楼主!!吼吼!
07年5月FN啦...... 我给你加,说明我喜欢你!你再给我加,说明.......说明你懂得礼尚往来的道理!
反馈:山清水秀168 和 我是游客 2007-12-03#11
5,066 $0.00
回复: 8大不移民加拿大的理由!转贴没关系,既然来这里的都是想移民的,那就多想想移民的理由。如果患得患失,干脆别移民了,也别浪费自己和他人宝贵的时间了。
回复: 8大不移民加拿大的理由!转贴光盘妹妹真是老实可爱啊,呵呵
反馈:luckcat 2007-12-03#13 我
9,430 $0.00
回复: 8大不移民加拿大的理由!转贴给光盘MM加纷纷拉
回复: 8大不移民加拿大的理由!转贴翻的很好
07年5月FN啦...... 我给你加,说明我喜欢你!你再给我加,说明.......说明你懂得礼尚往来的道理!翻的很好点击展开...你的鼓励真的很让我高兴!!!!!正在学习ing只是有些汗颜!!!
07年5月FN啦...... 我给你加,说明我喜欢你!你再给我加,说明.......说明你懂得礼尚往来的道理!
回复: 8大不移民加拿大的理由!转贴4.贪财的政府 加拿大大使在世界各地谎称加拿大是理想之国,那是因为他们想让人们移民过去。为什么?因为移民会带去金钱!被蒙骗之后,移民们来了。他们至少会带来一万美元。加拿大每年有25万移民,25万乘以一万美元等于………2500,000美元。这是每年加拿大从移民身上的所得。
07年5月FN啦...... 我给你加,说明我喜欢你!你再给我加,说明.......说明你懂得礼尚往来的道理!
回复: 8大不移民加拿大的理由!转贴3.没有文化不像世界上的其他国家,加拿大是没有文化的。你最后一次吃“加拿大”食品是什么时间?加拿大没有传统,没有民族特征。你称呼自己为“加拿大人”,其实,人虽生活在加拿大,特性却是你原本带来的。
07年5月FN啦...... 我给你加,说明我喜欢你!你再给我加,说明.......说明你懂得礼尚往来的道理!
回复: 8大不移民加拿大的理由!转贴2、恶劣的天气是的,加拿大是气候条件最糟糕的国家之一。冰冻的温度,雪、冰、雹、风、风暴等等。从草原到海边,从Territories到南Ontario,气候是如此的令人恐怖和厌烦,以至于许多加拿大人因此而离开家乡。
07年5月FN啦...... 我给你加,说明我喜欢你!你再给我加,说明.......说明你懂得礼尚往来的道理!
反馈:fjzzz 2007-12-03#20

371 $0.00
回复: 8大不移民加拿大的理由!转贴1、没有工作是的,从此岸到彼岸,这里没有工作。移民都拥有高学历(医学博士,哲学博士,律师、工程师等等)。但他们在开出租车,递批萨饼或在工厂劳作。甚至在拿到加拿大学士学位后依旧找不到工作。这是加拿大有关移民的悲剧。我为那些在加拿大度过余生的移民感到难过。那的确是个悲伤的毫无希望的未来。
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