加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民PL来了,在线急等,请高人翻译


PL上有这么一段话,请高人翻译一下:You must report to this office in writing any changes in your travel documents, family configuration and marital status before collecting your visas. This includes all births, deaths, marriages, divorces, new custody arrangements and adoption involving you and/or your dependants. Should you not do so, a document-replacement or other appropriate fee will be required. In any case, do not attempt to pick up your visas with this pick-up letter as it will be deemed invalid. When your visas are ready again after the changes have been made, a new visa pick-up letter will be issued.

回复: PL来了,在线急等,请高人翻译说有变化, 比如生孩子, 死亡, 结婚,离婚, 新的监护权, 就通知使馆, 不要取签啦. 等再给你发PL.BTW, 不是高人, just FYI. :)

靓丽网店出售, 包括很有意义的域名, 网站链接: http://beautiful4less.com提供培训,一定时间维护,帮您熟悉上手。商品也可以包括。欢迎联系 [email protected]。说有变化, 比如生孩子, 死亡, 结婚,离婚, 新的监护权, 就通知使馆, 不要取签啦. 等再给你发PL.点击展开...以书面通知形式通知,然后等新的取签信,如果护照有换新的也要通知

回复: PL来了,在线急等,请高人翻译LS两位说得对...

回复: PL来了,在线急等,请高人翻译如果没有change, 那要做什么? 每个PL 前都要发一个这样的letter 大家?

回复: PL来了,在线急等,请高人翻译PL上有这么一段话,请高人翻译一下:You must report to this office in writing any changes in your travel documents, family configuration and marital status before collecting your visas. This includes all births, deaths, marriages, divorces, new custody arrangements and adoption involving you and/or your dependants. Should you not do so, a document-replacement or other appropriate fee will be required. In any case, do not attempt to pick up your visas with this pick-up letter as it will be deemed invalid. When your visas are ready again after the changes have been made, a new visa pick-up letter will be issued.点击展开...在取签证前,你必须以书面形式向使馆就旅行文件、家庭构成及婚姻状况的变更情况进行说明。这包括涉及到你及你家属的出生、死亡、结婚、离婚、新的监护安排以及收养等。如果不这样做,就会要求你重新提供文件或者收取其他适当费用。无论如何,你不要试图拿着这封取签信来取签证,因为这封信被视为无效。在你补充了更改信息之后,签证准备就绪之时,会重新发给你新的取签信。

回复: PL来了,在线急等,请高人翻译我的取签信没写这些呀?就是让在120天之内取,过期作废.

回复: PL来了,在线急等,请高人翻译我的取签信没写这些呀?就是让在120天之内取,过期作废.点击展开...我怎么听说取签是60日内?

回复: PL来了,在线急等,请高人翻译PL上有这么一段话,请高人翻译一下:You must report to this office in writing any changes in your travel documents, family configuration and marital status before collecting your visas. This includes all births, deaths, marriages, divorces, new custody arrangements and adoption involving you and/or your dependants. Should you not do so, a document-replacement or other appropriate fee will be required. In any case, do not attempt to pick up your visas with this pick-up letter as it will be deemed invalid. When your visas are ready again after the changes have been made, a new visa pick-up letter will be issued.点击展开...油 墨斯特 瑞抛特 土 贼斯 奥菲斯 因 来听 安妮 铅几丝 因 哟 湍窝 刀哭蒙慈, 发米利 肯飞古瑞生 安德 马利头 斯呆特斯 比佛 克来克厅 哟 维萨斯. 翻译的不好, 请多指教.

回复: PL来了,在线急等,请高人翻译高手高手,高高手.

回复: PL来了,在线急等,请高人翻译我怎么听说取签是60日内?点击展开...我的就要求60日,收到信的时候时间就过去了半月,等机会回去办通行证又过去了半月。通行证要等半个月才能拿到,算来只有半月的机动时间,还包括圣诞和元旦在内,时间很紧。所以建议体检了的TX没事先把通行证办了吧。特别是没开通自由行的城市。

闲得好累油 墨斯特 瑞抛特 土 贼斯 奥菲斯 因 来听 安妮 铅几丝 因 哟 湍窝 刀哭蒙慈, 发米利 肯飞古瑞生 安德 马利头 斯呆特斯 比佛 克来克厅 哟 维萨斯. 翻译的不好, 请多指教.点击展开...

回复: PL来了,在线急等,请高人翻译PL上有这么一段话,请高人翻译一下:You must report to this office in writing any changes in your travel documents, family configuration and marital status before collecting your visas. This includes all births, deaths, marriages, divorces, new custody arrangements and adoption involving you and/or your dependants. Should you not do so, a document-replacement or other appropriate fee will be required. In any case, do not attempt to pick up your visas with this pick-up letter as it will be deemed invalid. When your visas are ready again after the changes have been made, a new visa pick-up letter will be issued.点击展开...现在的PL信是这样的,如果没有变化,就直接去取签就行了,60天的有效期,快行动吧。

家在温哥华回复: PL来了,在线急等,请高人翻译请问:如不想等中介寄来"正本PL信"让其给FXA过来可以去取签否

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