加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民去美国? 还是留在加拿大? 听听大家意见


如题, 不知如何是好, 我把自己的情况写下来, 希望大家帮忙出出主意:confused: 我从2005年开始在现在的这家公司工作, 这是一家美国公司, 在中国和加拿大都有分公司 我在中国的公司工作了两年以后 调到了加拿大公司 现在来了快5个月了 我和LG到了以后一两个月就申请了移民, 找的律师因为我自己图省心, 递的水牛城, 当时的想法是先申请PR, 然后是公民, 过几年拿到加国护照以后, 申请去美国工作 可是美国总部有一些人事变动, 现在希望我能尽快去美国公司上班, 公司咨询了移民律师, 象我这种情况是同一公司内部调动, 估计4个月美国工作签证就能办下来 我很困惑的是工作签证是短期的, 申请绿卡还不知道要到猴年马月才能下来, 而且心里没谱, 不知道能不能拿绿卡; 我感觉不想放弃在加拿大拿PR 和公民的机会,害怕一旦办了美国工作签证, 08年去了美国, 到时候就算加拿大PR批下来了, 我也满足不了移民监的条件, 等同于花钱办了PR却白白浪费了 我现在不知道是否接受公司给办工作签证, 几个月以后去美国呢?还是坚持让公司直接给办绿卡, 等绿卡的工夫, 我相信CANADA 的PR和护照都能拿下来? 在家园里面看到很多人从美国来加拿大, 也有人从加拿大去美国, 我不知道哪边好一些, 我也想知道象我这样的情况, 在哪边比较好 希望大家告诉我你们的看法, 谢谢谢谢!!!!!!!!!!!

回复: 去美国? 还是留在加拿大? 听听大家意见If I were you, I will go to the states for now.You can evaluate the situation again when the time you get the Canada PR. Personally, I like the life in Canada.

回复: 去美国? 还是留在加拿大? 听听大家意见If I were you, I will go to the states for now.You can evaluate the situation again when the time you get the Canada PR. Personally, I like the life in Canada.点击展开... Thank you very much! I think you're right, I will get the Canada PR in 18-24months hopefully & I can go to US during this period. In this year, I have got the Australia PR visa and I think I have to give it up because I have a job here. Life is kidding me sometimes, my plan never catch the changes of life.

回复: 去美国? 还是留在加拿大? 听听大家意见Thank you very much! I think you're right, I will get the Canada PR in 18-24months hopefully & I can go to US during this period. In this year, I have got the Australia PR visa and I think I have to give it up because I have a job here. Life is kidding me sometimes, my plan never catch the changes of life.点击展开...OMG, three PRs? Life is not kidding you but just too nice to you! Make up your mind and settle down somewhere, otherwise, you will move around for your whole life.

回复: 去美国? 还是留在加拿大? 听听大家意见OMG, three PRs? Life is not kidding you but just too nice to you! Make up your mind and settle down somewhere, otherwise, you will move around for your whole life.点击展开... I'm very lucky there're too much choices, I'm not greedy but...I wanna to work in US when I'm young, and spend my retire life at CanadaI wanna to help my family to come to Canda in the not-too-far futureI wish I can keep my Canda PR while I'm working in US, wait a minute, maybe the days I spend in US can be counted toward my residency - my Canda employer send me to US to work for them?!

回复: 去美国? 还是留在加拿大? 听听大家意见楼主看来已经先行一步了, 我们都是在这里讨论的是如何从中国到加国, 而你却已经是为从加国到美国而烦忧.

2007-07 递简表(HK)2007-11 收到FN等待S2。。。。。。 I'm very lucky there're too much choices, I'm not greedy but...I wanna to work in US when I'm young, and spend my retire life at CanadaI wanna to help my family to come to Canda in the not-too-far futureI wish I can keep my Canda PR while I'm working in US, wait a minute, maybe the days I spend in US can be counted toward my residency - my Canda employer send me to US to work for them?! 点击展开...不明白你为何要发到这个版面里?似乎不太合适。也许你技术方面很强,所以你的美国公司对你很重视。但从你想澳洲,又想加拿大,还想去美国来看。。即使不算贪婪,也是摇摆不定,或者说内心极度缺乏安全感?但从你职业方面来看,似乎属于相对平稳成功的类型,不太能理解。似乎。。某些方面有点问题呢。。你知道澳洲离加拿大多远吗?

来点小乐子:http://www.google.com/ig/adde?moduleurl=http://gadgets.from.googlepages.com/dj.xmlhttp://www.notcanada.com加拿大不是褚?克,而是一堆碎玻璃。五?六色但也很危胝,一不小心就能刺破倪跟。 天安门母亲I'm very lucky there're too much choices, I'm not greedy but...I wanna to work in US when I'm young, and spend my retire life at CanadaI wanna to help my family to come to Canda in the not-too-far futureI wish I can keep my Canda PR while I'm working in US, wait a minute, maybe the days I spend in US can be counted toward my residency - my Canda employer send me to US to work for them?! 点击展开...你的公司是美国公司,不是加拿大公司.

回复: 去美国? 还是留在加拿大? 听听大家意见你的公司是美国公司,不是加拿大公司.点击展开... 是同一个总公司下面, 在加拿大有分公司, 美国也有分公司(跟总公司在不同城市), 我算是从分公司A调到分公司B, 这样有希望把我在美国的时间算上吗?

回复: 去美国? 还是留在加拿大? 听听大家意见不明白你为何要发到这个版面里?似乎不太合适。也许你技术方面很强,所以你的美国公司对你很重视。但从你想澳洲,又想加拿大,还想去美国来看。。即使不算贪婪,也是摇摆不定,或者说内心极度缺乏安全感?但从你职业方面来看,似乎属于相对平稳成功的类型,不太能理解。似乎。。某些方面有点问题呢。。你知道澳洲离加拿大多远吗?点击展开... 我也是发出去, 才发现放错版面了, 菜!!! 开始的时候想法很简单, 就是从中国去澳洲, 可是在等签证的过程中....公司给办了来加拿大的签证, 我本着既来之则安之的态度, 决定放弃澳大利亚签证, 申请加拿大永居, 现在公司打算给办去美国的签证.... 我感觉它来的时间不对, 晚个两三年就好了, 所以不知道接受好还是拒绝好呢.... 我是有些贪婪, 倒不是没有安全感, 可能是对未来发展的变化严重估计不足或者目地性不强 我知道两个国家离的多远, 没打算游泳过去, 就打算旅游一趟, 然后直接放弃!

回复: 去美国? 还是留在加拿大? 听听大家意见楼主看来已经先行一步了, 我们都是在这里讨论的是如何从中国到加国, 而你却已经是为从加国到美国而烦忧.点击展开... 哎, 其实也在等加拿大的FN呢, 就是对结果感觉比较乐观, 所以再往下一个步骤多想想先

回复: 去美国? 还是留在加拿大? 听听大家意见I'm very lucky there're too much choices, I'm not greedy but...I wanna to work in US when I'm young, and spend my retire life at CanadaI wanna to help my family to come to Canda in the not-too-far futureI wish I can keep my Canda PR while I'm working in US, wait a minute, maybe the days I spend in US can be counted toward my residency - my Canda employer send me to US to work for them?! 点击展开... Yes! you are too greedy! But who isn't? What is so good to work in US? more money? higher position?

回复: 去美国? 还是留在加拿大? 听听大家意见Yes! you are too greedy! But who isn't? What is so good to work in US? more money? higher position?点击展开... Yes, that's human nature! Main reason I want to work in the USA - i want to have different experiences & less regrets when I'm old (I know no regret is impossible).... I enjoy the journey to experience everything, I do care the result but not too much ... At the same time more opportunities for me in the US company, I have no doubt that other things such as money and position will come to me naturaly.... I want to say "thank you" to you, talking with you make me more and more clear about what I want & what I'm gonna to do....

回复: 去美国? 还是留在加拿大? 听听大家意见Yes, that's human nature! Main reason I want to work in the USA - i want to have different experiences & less regrets when I'm old (I know no regret is impossible).... I enjoy the journey to experience everything, I do care the result but not too much ... At the same time more opportunities for me in the US company, I have no doubt that other things such as money and position will come to me naturaly.... I want to say "thank you" to you, talking with you make me more and more clear about what I want & what I'm gonna to do....点击展开...Talking about enjoying the journey, I want to go to Australia and live there for a while. There isn't big difference between Canada and US.

回复: 去美国? 还是留在加拿大? 听听大家意见Talking about enjoying the journey, I want to go to Australia and live there for a while. There isn't big difference between Canada and US.点击展开...I'm planning a trip to Australia, maybe some time around Feb 2008 and we'll focus on one city this time - probably Sydney. The visa will be valid for several years & i'm sure i will go to other cities in the future!

回复: 去美国? 还是留在加拿大? 听听大家意见Good luck ! I think you konw what you want...

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