加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民决定不考雅思了,要通知签证官吗
回复: 决定不考雅思了,要通知签证官吗北美递buffalo
回复: 决定不考雅思了,要通知签证官吗不用通知.
回复: 决定不考雅思了,要通知签证官吗收到FN后半个月又收到补雅思的信,分基本够了所以不想考了。信上说给四个月时间考雅思,那我要通知签证官我决定不考了,以节省这四个月时间吗?点击展开...我是在更新家庭成员的信里顺带通知不考了,好像他们还是等了120天。我认为是流程决定的。仅供参考。
回复: 决定不考雅思了,要通知签证官吗现在的申请者必须要考雅思.
赏 现在的申请者必须要考雅思.点击展开...结论性陈述最好注明出处。Buffalo的规定如下:(出处:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/E37048.pdf第4页) 8. PROOF OF LANGUAGE PROFICIENCYRefer to instructions in the “Language Assessment Information” section of ourWeb site at www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/skilled.asp. If youare claiming proficiency at any level in English and/or French, submit one of thefollowing:• Test results from an approved language-testing organization: We stronglyrecommend that you submit test results if you are claiming proficiency in alanguage that is not your native language. If you choose to send the reports to usdirectly, you must provide the original. Photocopies are unacceptable. Languagetest results must not be older than one year upon submission.or• Other evidence in writing:• Your written submission detailing your training in, and use of, English and/orFrench;• Official documentation of education in English or French;• Official documentation of work experience in English or French.• Other applicable documentation.Proof of language proficiency is required for your application to beconsidered complete, otherwise it will be returned to you. If your nativelanguage is English or French, you still need to provide a letter attesting tothis fact.
回复: 决定不考雅思了,要通知签证官吗我是在更新家庭成员的信里顺带通知不考了,好像他们还是等了120天。我认为是流程决定的。仅供参考。点击展开...有用信息,我们也考虑这么做。
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